Online Games: Unlimited Enhancement of SSS Talent at the Beginning

Chapter 604 Blood Shadow Destroying Heaven Seal

In an instant, an unprecedented crisis emerged in Zhou Han's heart.

"Is this a locking skill?"

Just when he was about to use his powerful agility to make dodging movements, Zhou Han instantly sensed that he had been locked by this powerful energy.

[System prompt: You have been attacked by the locking skill Cang Mingshou of the Underworld Emperor clone. This skill is very powerful, please prepare for defense in time! 】

Sure enough, the prompting voice echoed in Zhou Han's mind, which was consistent with his hunch.

"Master, be careful!".

King Hunyuan Jinpeng, who was packing up his equipment in the distance, immediately noticed something was wrong and shouted sternly,

He rushed over at the limit of speed, but what greeted him was a bombardment like a storm.

I saw that the black giant hand, with a black line on it, beat the King Hunyuan Jinpeng.

In a few microseconds, it was beaten hundreds of times.

[Warning: The life of your pet, King Hunyuan Jinpeng, is under great threat, do you want to summon the pet space? 】


"You were defeated so soon?" Zhou Han's expression changed.

You must know that after the strengthening of King Hunyuan Jinpeng, it is already at the level of the emperor.

But under the bombardment of black lines, it was so vulnerable.

It seems that it is also the emperor level, and the gap between them is also very different!

"Summon!" Zhou Han quickly shouted before he could be shocked. If he was shocked for a while, he could directly collect the body of King Hunyuan Jinpeng.

Without the protection of the Blood Emperor Golden Bell Hood, King Hunyuan Jinpeng, as an agile powerhouse, is still too fragile.

In particular, the opponent he faced was still the avatar of the Hades, a super-powerful existence.

"It looks like this kid is going to be planted here today!"

"Even if it's just a clone of Hades, it's full of powerful destruction power!"

"I think I can't resist this move without a powerful imperial weapon!" The monarch Kuangsen had a very dreadful look on his face.

Despite such a long distance, I can still feel the impact of violent violence. As a monarch, how wide my horizons are,

They know better than anyone how strong this Cang Ming Hand is.

"Yes, since he is sure to die, we don't need to delay."

"Quickly find the deity of Underworld Emperor!"

"Yeah, the solution is already doomed and irreversible!"

Although they were amazed at Zhou Han's formidable strength, such a talent of the sky, the future achievements are limitless,

However, even if they wanted to help at this time, in their eyes, they were powerless.

After all, the distance between them is still very far, although they fly extremely fast,

But no matter how fast he can catch up, Cang Mingshou, who is very close,

They are all top-level masters, so this time difference has been pulled very big.

Even if they did, it would be of no avail.

"It's a pity, such a good talent!" The Heavenly Sword Sovereign sighed slightly.

It's too late, it's too fast, in a few microseconds,

Zhou Han only felt a powerful bombardment coming from his body, and a severe pain came out of his body, which seemed to be torn apart.

The mighty force is heavier than ever,

With just one blow, his death-free state was knocked out,

In this way, he was crushed to the ground by the huge black palm, unable to move at all.

It was the first time that Zhou Han had endured such an embarrassing moment. In the depths of his heart, endless anger and violent power surged in his body, trying to suppress the huge palm.

However, under the huge power gap, all this is so futile.

At this time, under the huge palm, many black lines split,

They suddenly turned into sharp long whips, whipping wildly at Zhou Han,

[System prompt: You received the bombardment of Cang Mingshou·Dark Night Whip, and your HP was lower than 30%, which successfully triggered the invincible state of the glazed golden body. This invincible state will last for 60 seconds. 】

[This skill has a certain probability of ignoring the invincible state, please seek your own blessings! 】

"Huh? Can you ignore the invincible state?"

"Good guy, is this the strength of the Underworld Emperor?"

Hearing the sound of the prompt, Zhou Han also felt a sudden shock. Now, he was really frightened.

Sure enough, he still underestimated Hades before,

Never thought that the opponent's skills would have such powerful special effects,

And this skill is a continuous damage skill.

The current Zhou Han is completely suppressed, so it is impossible to avoid this kind of continuous damage.

"Hahaha, arrogant boy, who gave you the courage to come to my Styx?"

"Is this the descendant of the Beginning Great Emperor?"

"But so!"

In the sky, the Underworld clone laughed wildly, like a master who controls all living beings, overlooking the earth, exuding endless majesty.

Looking at Zhou Han who was struggling, his face was full of hatred of understanding.

After all, when he was defeated by the Great Emperor Wubei, this hatred is unforgettable,

If you can't beat the Great Emperor Wushi, you can find his successor to vent your anger, right?

Originally, he didn't want to reveal his strength so quickly, and he wanted to make another wave to show his strength.

Recover to the peak state, then re-enter the Styx, and seize the position of the Lord of the Abyss, so as to dominate the world,

After all, it was because he was too arrogant before that he was seriously injured by provoking the Great Emperor Wubei.

Therefore, Emperor Hades eats a moat to gain wisdom, and naturally wants to be a little more low-key this time,

However, he did not expect that Zhou Han not only killed the five flying generals, but also destroyed the Styx Crystal.

The importance of the Styx Crystal is self-evident. Once it is destroyed, it will be a very heavy loss for the Hades.

Therefore, the Underworld Emperor at this time naturally couldn't sit still.

A clone was dispatched to kill Zhou Han, although this would reveal his strength, it had to be done.

"Enjoy the struggle of death!"

"Coming to the Endless River Styx is your biggest mistake!"

The underworld avatar's face flashed with excitement, while speaking cruel words, he stimulated more violent energy and beat Zhou Han frantically.

"Do you think... you can really kill me?"

"The Beginning Emperor was able to defeat you back then!"

"I, Zhou Han, can beat you too!"

Zhou Han let out a roar, the blood on his body rose to the sky, and a colorful mask was condensed on his body.

The simple and old imprint is also on the surface of the mask, slowly emerging,

At this moment, countless dark night whips slammed on the colorful mask, although there was a huge tremor,

However, the strange thing is that the mask was not broken, and huge ripples appeared on it,

The violent force of the Hades clone was completely absorbed.

"Huh? Is this the breath of the Blood Emperor?"

"I really didn't expect that the mark on the mask turned out to be the blood shadow of the blood emperor!" (suya/64//)

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