When Zhou Han just took out the Emperor Jinwen from the space package,

Then came the system prompt.

[System prompt: It is detected that you have ten unfused inscriptions of the Great Emperor, do you fuse them immediately? 】

"Fusion!" Zhou Han quickly confirmed, and then added another sentence.

"Merge into my body!"

[Your fusion request has been received and is being integrated, please be patient! 】

Accompanied by the sound of prompting, the ten Great Emperor Gold Cultures made an incomparably bright golden light, and instantly poured into Zhou Han's body.


Zhou Han heard a muffled groan. When he first entered his body, he was still in pain.

However, after a few deep breaths, the pain disappeared, replaced by a refreshing feeling, Zhou Han gradually began to enjoy this feeling.

He still remembered the pain that was unforgettable when he first merged with Emperor Jinwen.

Now it can be seen that the body already has resistance, and it is more compatible with the Emperor Jinwen.

The violent power is surging in the body, constantly nourishing Zhou Han's body.

Every time he collided and merged, he could feel the increase in his strength.

"This Beginning Emperor Seal is really useful!"

"My current body is much stronger than an ordinary imperial weapon!" Zhou Han thought excitedly in his heart.

Now the hardness of his body is very terrifying, and it belongs to the level of being able to face the emperor's weapon.

With this kind of discovery, Zhou Han is naturally very happy.

Of course, all of this is due to the mystery of the Originless Emperor Seal,

Because, without the special effects it triggers, it is impossible to integrate the emperor's inscriptions without reaching the emperor level.

The current Zhou Han's real realm is not even at the level of a holy king, so it is impossible to integrate.

Then, Zhou Han thought about it like this, while feeling the baptism of the rich energy brought by the emperor Jinwen.

[System Tip: Congratulations, the ten Great Emperor Jinwen have been successfully integrated, and your physique and Kenshin have undergone some subtle changes, click on the panel to view! 】

"Huh!" Zhou Han let out a long sigh, stood up, and moved his muscles and bones on the back of the vast bird, making a crackling sound.

Being able to perceive the strength of the body has entered a new level.

After hearing the prompt, Zhou Han opened the panel and glanced at it.

【Golden Glass Body +2】

[Description: The luster of colored glass glitters up and down the whole body, and the whole body has been completely transformed, not only the bones, but also the muscles, meridians, etc. have been greatly enhanced, making the body tenacious, firm and flexible, and the overall physical quality , has entered a new realm. 】

[Basic attributes: Increase the health value of 5 billion, and permanently bring 60% damage-free. 】

[Special effect: Unyielding Golden Body (You cannot be instantly killed by the opponent, each time you are attacked, you will consume up to 5% of the upper limit of life, and the value does not exceed one billion! When your life value is lower than 30%, it will trigger invincibility The effect lasts for sixty seconds. The invincible effect will have a three-hour cooldown.)]

[Special effect: Eternal Fate (Powerful Fate, there is a 10% chance to evade any attack from the emperor-level powerhouse.)]

"Well, there is an extra +2 in the suffix?"

"Could it be that this is a physical strengthening?" Zhou Han was suddenly puzzled.

After all, although he has infinite reinforcement, he can only strengthen everything except the body.

It is impossible to strengthen oneself.

However, after seeing the fusion of the Great Emperor Jinwen, the body can actually be strengthened,

This can be said to be a pleasant surprise.

"Yes, the basic attributes have increased by 50 billion HP."

"And there is an extra special effect of eternal life, which can actually dodge any attack from the emperor-level powerhouse."

"Although it's only a 10 percent chance, it's amazing enough."

After reading the relevant attributes, Zhou Han could no longer hold back the joy in his heart.

The majestic power surging out of the body is very pleasing.

Therefore, with the integration of more emperor's inscriptions in the future, the surprises will inevitably be greater.

"I don't know what kind of improvement Jianxin has!" Thinking of this, Zhou Han hurriedly opened the panel.

[Empty Sword Heart +2]

[Description: At this time, Jianxin has been promoted to a very mysterious and empty realm, which can bring a lot of insights, so that he has no distractions, and has more potential and attainments in the way of the sword. 】

[Basic attributes: Attack power increased by 200 million, and critical strike rate increased by 150%. 】

[Special effect: Sword Intent Control (The damage caused to the target by the sword energy is increased by an additional fifteen times.)]

[Special effect: Epiphany (Because your control of sword intent has reached a very high level and has a wealth of accumulation. At the time of epiphany, the whole person enters a state of emptiness, and feels his own exclusive swordsmanship. You can enter every eight days. An epiphany state, every five minutes, whether to enter or not can be decided according to one's own thoughts.)]

"Awesome, Kongming Jianxin has also been strengthened twice!"

"The improvement in all aspects is not small!"

After passing the basic attributes, Zhou Han is most concerned about the special effects.

Sure enough, the effect of epiphany has become stronger, and now I can get epiphany once every eight days.

The time for epiphany has also changed from the previous three minutes to five minutes.

In this case, it will be more convenient to understand the way of kendo in the future.

In addition to the improvement in physique and Kenshin, Zhou Han's full attribute points have also been strengthened accordingly.

After reading it, Zhou Han took out the Origin Breakthrough Stone again.

"Is this the basic source breakthrough stone?"

The starting point is an emerald green stone, like jade, crystal clear and beautiful.

Zhou Han also felt a wonderful energy surging in his hands, extremely mysterious.

Zhou Han had heard about the origin breakthrough stone for a long time. At that time, when he took the enhanced Primordial Experience Pill to raise the level cap to one hundred and twenty,

The system mentioned the concept of the source breakthrough stone for the first time.

To unlock the upper limit of the level, the only way to break through to a higher level is to use the source breakthrough stone to break through.

So the preciousness of this material is self-evident.

Because, if the average person wants to be promoted to the realm of the Great Emperor, the level must reach the 200th level, which is a necessary condition.

Although I have heard of it all the time, it is the first time I have seen it. After watching it for a while,

Zhou Hancai asked, "System, what is the upper limit of how many times the source breakthrough stone can be strengthened?"

[System Tip: Since the Origin Breakthrough Stone is a special material, this item does not have a specific level, and the upper limit that can be strengthened is ten times! 】

"Can you only strengthen it ten times?" Zhou Han was both disappointed and happy.

Disappointingly, the number of reinforcements was too small. In this case, he wanted to upgrade to the 200th level in one wave, but that idea was in vain.

Happily, he currently has no supreme enhancement points in his hands.

Strengthening ten times is free, you can strengthen it on the spot and use it on the spot.

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