Although Zhou Han is more inclined to maximize his interests, he has no choice. Ten times of strengthening is already the upper limit, so he can only be forced to accept it.

Afterwards, Zhou Han launched an appraisal. In the current unenhanced state, the source breakthrough stone can unlock the tenth level upper limit.

In other words, if Zhou Han used it now, his upgrade cap would be unlocked from level 120 to level 130.

"I don't know, ten times of strengthening, what kind of improvement does it have!"

"Activate strengthening!" Zhou Han said silently.

[System prompt: You have activated the talent and infinite enhancement, and the source breakthrough stone has been successfully strengthened to the upper limit of ten times. The relevant attribute data has been automatically updated on the virtual panel, please pay attention to check it in time! 】

Ten rays of white light flashed, and the origin breakthrough stone in his hand became more emerald green, and the rich energy surged rapidly.

Zhou Han cast his gaze on the panel, and all the descriptions were unobstructed.

[Origin Breakthrough Stone +10]

【Category: Special props】

[Description: It contains an extremely mysterious source power, and the specific type is too ancient to be traced. This kind of power can break through the shackles and allow you to ascend to a stronger level. An extremely rare item, a treasure that countless top powerhouses dream of. If you get it, it means that you are not only lucky, but also extremely powerful. 】

[Effect: After absorbing the source power, your level will unlock the limit of level 30. The unlocked level cannot exceed 200 levels. 】

[Note: Disposable items will be automatically destroyed after use. The effect of this prop is irreversible, please operate with caution. 】

Wuhu takes off! "

"Being able to unlock the level cap of level 30 is something I didn't expect."

"Sure enough, infinitely strengthen yyds!"

Zhou Han grinned, originally thinking that he could unlock the level cap of level 20, thank God.

After all, ten times of strengthening is not very high.

However, this time it was an unexpected surprise, which made him feel good.

In this case, his level cap has suddenly reached level 150, and he is much closer to level 200.

"Start absorbing now, the source power in it!"

[System prompt: Your request has been accepted, and the source breakthrough stone is being absorbed, please wait! 】

As soon as the prompt sounded, the origin breakthrough stone turned into a green light, flew to the top of Zhou Han's head, and then slowly delivered energy.

Zhou Han:  …

Can't I change the absorption method? It feels good.

Zhou Han complained in his heart,

Fortunately, this situation did not last long, and the entire absorption process ended quickly.

[Congratulations, the absorption is complete, your current level cap has reached one hundred and five! 】

"Alright, this also means that I can upgrade to one hundred and fifty!"

"By the way, the reward for this mission happens to be rewarded with ten experience pills!"

"Just take it without saying anything!" Zhou Han thought about it and did it. Ten experience pills were taken out, and a one-click reinforcement came.

[You took the experience pill +10, congratulations on your successful acquisition of a large amount of experience points, and your level has been successfully raised to one hundred and twenty-sixth level. 】

[You have taken the experience pill +10, congratulations on your success in gaining a lot of experience points, and your level has been successfully raised to one hundred and twenty-nine. 】


Soon, the ten experience pills were taken, and Zhou Han's final level was fixed at level one hundred and thirty-three.

Because the higher the level, the more experience points are required, which is a geometric increase, so it is more difficult to upgrade later.

This is also the reason why the effect is good at the beginning, but the effect is poor later.

However, Zhou Han was still very satisfied with being able to rise to level 133.

At least the improvement of all his attributes is very impressive.

After combining the Great Emperor Jinwen and the Yuanyuan Breakthrough Stone, the remaining items made Zhou Han not very interested.

After picking out a few useful medicinal pills, Zhou Han gave the rest to Xiaopeng and the grey ghost beast.

"Wow! Top-quality medicinal pills! Thank you master for your reward!" The gray ghost phantom wailed excitedly.

"Master, you are really the best master!" Xiaopeng was also very excited,

The quality of these medicinal pills is very high. After ten times of strengthening, the effect is very exaggerated. After taking it, it will bring a lot of improvement, which is why they are so excited.

Of course, these Zhou Han are not eye-catching, because he has taken a lot of the same type of medicinal herbs, resulting in drug resistance, and the improvement is very weak.

Next, a wave of equipment was integrated. After all, in the endless river of Styx, such a terrifying number was killed, and the dropped equipment was already piled up into a mountain.

"Activate the magic weapon fusion skill!" Zhou Han immediately gave an order.

The fusion skill has mutated into a magic weapon fusion,

The new skill has both the effects of equipment fusion and magic weapon fusion.

Zhou Han still set the same plan as the previous fusion equipment,

First merge into the primary pseudo-emperor, and then synthesize the intermediate-level pseudo-emperor quality according to the situation.

"Hey! Stigmata Leggings!"

Seeing the information on the equipment fusion on the panel, Zhou Han checked the stigmata leggings.

"Very good, I actually synthesized another set of parts!"

There was a stigmata helmet before, and now I have a collection of stigmata series, of course Zhou Han is very happy


Because as long as the suits are collected, he can concentrate on the book of the craftsman, which can achieve the effect of one piece of equipment playing multiple suits, which is very powerful.

Then, when the fusion was over, Zhou Han took stock of the income.

There are a total of three intermediate pseudo-emperor quality items, namely the Xuandi bracelet, the storm bracer, and the mad dragon belt.

There are also two set parts, namely stigmata leggings and fire unicorn boots.

After updating the equipment, Zhou Han clicked on the personal attribute panel and looked at it.

[Chaos Sword Master Zhou Han]

[Level: Level 133 (80.3%)]

[HP: 135.58 billion]

[Attack power: 2.67 billion]

[Defense Power: 2.09 billion]

[Soul Power: 980 million]

[Talent: Infinite Strengthening, Heavenly Vault Sword Attendant. 】

[Title: Pose of the Great Emperor, Nightmare]

[Weapon: Longquan Sword, Sub-Weapon Emperor Blood Killing Heaven]

[Horcrux: Jiuyan Qilin Sword]

[Accessories: Dragon Emperor Ring, Tyrant Necklace, Xuandi Bracelet]

[Auxiliary equipment: Taixuan Ling, Thunder Emperor Medal, Extreme Shadow Earrings]

[Equipment: Stigmata Helmet, Kaitian Battle Armor, Storm Bracers, Wild Dragon Belt, Stigmata Leggings, Fire Unicorn Boots]

[Magic weapons: Revered Soul Banner, Immortal Execution Axe, Holy Angel Sword, Holy Trident, Immortal Binding Rope, Basalt Armor, Nirvana Shield, Hidden Array, Sun Fire Treasure Mirror. 】

[Gem: Split Gem, Bloodthirsty Gem, Strong Medium Gem]

[Guild buff: HP increased by 500 million and attack power increased by 20 million. 】

[Fashion: Illusion of Time and Space (click to open, you can view details)]

[Bloodline: Storm Dragon King (click to open, you can view details)]

[Kim Shin: Kongming Kenshin +2 (click to open, you can view the details)]

[Physique: Glazed Golden Body +2 (click to open, you can view details)]

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