[Ding, the difficulty of the assessment is determined]

[Assessment tasks are being formulated based on assessors]

[Ding, the mission was successfully formulated]

Under a series of sounds, Qin Feng found that he felt an extremely huge and irresistible force that instantly enveloped him.

next moment.

Wait until you come to your senses.

Qin Feng found that he was already on a huge arena.

And in the task list, a brand new task suddenly appeared.

[Mission: Lord of the Five Spirits]

[Task description: Defeat the five elemental masters who are about to appear to complete the assessment]

[Task duration: 10 minutes]

After reading the mission, Qin Feng raised his eyebrows.

At this time, I discovered that there were five figures appearing on the opposite side of the ring.

At this time, the countdown sounded loudly.

[Battle countdown: 30]

[Battle countdown: 29]

After retreating for a second, Qin Feng suddenly woke up and quickly looked at the other five people.

The five people on the opposite side are all a little unreal.

And their equipment and weapons are different.

According to the color of its equipment and its unique fog.

Qin Feng made a corresponding judgment instantly.

A guy wearing earth-brown armor and holding a large shield should be a representative of the earth element and his profession is a shield guard.

A guy holding a two-handed sword, his armor shining like gold, and full of majestic fighting spirit is the template of a warrior.

The third person was holding a staff, his eyes were dark, and his robes were as red as fire. He was obviously an elemental master.

The fourth person is holding a long bow, his eyes are as sharp as an eagle, and the guy wearing green light armor is a shooter.

The last person holds a staff, but the off-hand weapon is a crystal ball. He is wearing a blue robe and is obviously a priest.

Recognize the profession at a glance.

At the same time, he threw out the detection technique and checked the attributes. He found that the attributes of these opponents were not as high as the BOSS.

Even the shield guard with the most health only has 60,000 health.

The elementalist's HP is only over 4,000.

This is basically equivalent to a player of the same level wearing a set of orange equipment.

simply speaking.

This assessment is actually a PK.

As for PK, it is not like fighting a BOSS, which requires a long and fierce battle.

But correspondingly, the entire rhythm will be much more dangerous.

Because BOSS's skills are generally more group-type, and they don't have too many control types.

The entire attack rhythm generally follows certain rules.

But PK is the other extreme. The opponent will be more agile and have more diverse skills.

The skills of the five people in front of them are unclear, and if they are not careful, it will be the price of overturning.

But compared to facing the five bosses, this kind of PK is still acceptable to Qin Feng.

Otherwise, if there are five level 30 BOSSs of the same level, then you can really clear the level first.

And the most important thing is that although the opponent is a team of five, their professional matching is not the best in Qin Feng's opinion.

This also made Qin Feng feel a little more at ease.

He even couldn't help but murmur: "Fortunately there are no assassins."

The elementalist profession, among many professions, is the one I fear the most.

There is no doubt that he is definitely an assassin.

The assassin's stealth approach and high burst of skills can easily take away the life of a crispy elementalist.

Looking at five opponents.

Qin Feng also quickly had a countermeasure in his heart.

"Five careers."

"The shield guard poses the least threat to me, followed by the priest, so I can ignore it for now."

"On the contrary, warriors, elemental masters, and shooters, all of them are a huge threat."

Qin Feng had an analysis in his heart based on his profession.

He is an elementalist.

That is, the owner has high enough explosive power.

If you switch to other professions, it would definitely be best to kill the priest first.

But Qin Feng doesn't have to.

As long as the damage is high enough, it can instantly kill anyone on the opponent except the shield guard.

"Kill the warrior first."

Qin Feng's thinking became clearer at this time.

The warrior's rush and charge skills pose a greater threat to the elementalist.

And when you are close, it is easier to reveal flaws.

On the contrary, for long-range enemies, you can rely on Xiaoyan to temporarily intercept and resist damage.

Time, there are still about ten seconds left at this moment.

At this time, Qin Feng had already begun to simulate his next operation in his mind.


The moment the countdown ends.

Just as Qin Feng guessed.

The formation of the five opponents suddenly changed at this moment.

The warrior professional took long strides and ran towards Qin Feng.

The shooter profession runs in an arc toward the right.

The shield guard followed the warrior from the front, in a straight line with the two legal professions at the rear, preventing Qin Feng from instantly killing the back row.


At this moment, Qin Feng's reaction was not slow.

Raising his hand, Xiao Yan summoned him and jumped into the air.

Under Qin Feng's command, he instantly rushed in the direction of the priest and elementalist.

In mid-air, it turned into flames.

It is the newly acquired skill, Flame Blast.

Facing Xiaoyan's impact.

The water priest instantly turned into a ball of water and slid several meters away.

As for the fire elemental master, a ring of fire spread from his body, directly canceling out Xiaoyan's impact.

Resist Fire Ring, a fire defense skill that can resolve almost most impact skills.

under impact failure.

Xiaoyan's dragon claws were burning with flames at this time, and he was preparing to use the flame claw attack to continue the attack.

But at this time, the shield guard who turned back to protect the back row suddenly slapped his shield with a one-handed ax, making a clanging sound.

Under such a voice, Xiao Yan's eyes suddenly turned scarlet and he roared.

But he turned around and charged towards the shield guard.

Shield Guard Skill: Provoke.

Can forcefully attract hatred.

The side was retreating, and Qin Feng also saw the result of the battle in the back row at this time.

"These condensed dummies..."

"Every operation is extraordinary, and the cooperation is quite tacit."

Qin Feng sighed in his heart.

But the movements in his hands are not slow.

In the process of retreating, two summons, "Elf Archer" and "Elemental Queen", were summoned one after another.


Attacks from these summons.

However, he was directly twisted away by the warrior who was charging forward by relying on his position.

But during a gap in the opponent's position, Qin Feng finally found an opportunity and released a wooden snake's bite.

This is a regular PK skill for elemental masters.

Use small skills to block movement, and finally use control or powerful killing moves to predict the opponent's avoidance direction.


What Qin Feng didn't expect was that the bite of the wooden snake was about to complete control.

At this time, the soldier suddenly jumped into the air.

"Use jumping and slashing skills to move and forcibly dodge the skills."

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and his expression became much more solemn.

Because his own movement speed was inferior to that of the warrior, he was now using jump chop to close the distance.

At this moment, Qin Feng was already within the range of his charging skills.

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