
It started to develop in a bad direction.

The warrior entered the charging range, and the shooter not far away also began to attack.

And as soon as he took action, there were three consecutive arrows, which greatly increased the difficulty of dodging.

at the same time.

Just as Qin Feng expected.

The warrior professional's figure suddenly became illusory at this moment, his speed increased several times, and he slashed towards Qin Feng with a broadsword in his hand.

Charge stage.

It is not interrupted by any control skills.

It will be in a compulsory exemption state.

Apart from skills similar to Blink, it is almost impossible to dodge.

According to common sense, Qin Feng should hand over the water substitute skill at this moment.

But Qin Feng did not do so at this moment.

Because, if you want to avoid this direct skill, there is another way to create terrain.


This requires extremely strong predictability.

Because the charge type skill itself can reach the front almost instantaneously across the distance.

If you don't predict, but react after the opponent releases his skills and starts charging, it will be too late.

The PK competition is also a game that tests this aspect.

The game is correct.

Then you can use a small cost to prevent the opponent's powerful skills.

And Qin Feng has rich combat experience.

In addition, in his previous life, he was also a warrior, and he could control the distance of charge type very accurately.

The first time the opponent entered the range, he simultaneously released the "Rock Technique" to stop him in front of him.


The moment the rock is formed.

The warrior professionals launched a charge.

But the way was blocked by a rock, and finally the knife struck the rock hard, cutting it in half.

This wave of skills game.

Obviously, Qin Feng won completely.

Because rush-type skills like charging have longer CDs among all warrior skills.

Using a small skill like rock magic to complete the interception will naturally make you gain blood.

And the most important thing is.

At the moment when the warrior stopped due to charging.

The Wooden Prison skill was released in anticipation, trapping the entire warrior profession within it.

Then, Qin Feng did not hesitate.

The Flame Dragon Explosion skill is used.

The moment the wooden prison was ignited, the warrior professionals inside were instantly killed.


Qin Feng also paid the price for this.

That is, he withstood three consecutive arrow attacks.

Each arrow took away nearly 1,500 points of Qin Feng's health.

If it were an ordinary elementalist, he would have been instantly killed at this moment.

But the good thing is.

With the blessing of the Flame Dragon's body, Qin Feng withstood this round of attacks.


All this is worth it in Qin Feng's opinion.

Because after getting rid of the warrior professional who poses the greatest threat.

With Xiaoyan temporarily entangled with the other three illusory figures, Qin Feng was fully confident that he could take down the professional shooter without any injuries.

As he watched, the archer attacked again, shooting an arrow with flaming light.

At this time, Qin Feng's body finally turned into a wisp of water and suddenly dissipated in place.

And the reason was not to use skills just now to avoid the attack.

The reason is even simpler.

The opponent's attack is both a threat and a flaw.

When a warrior launches a charge, his path is fixed due to the effect of his skills. As long as he can seize the opportunity, he can intercept and kill him.

And Qin Feng did the same.

Of course, this approach is extremely risky.

If you make a mistake and get charged in the face, you will be in a dazed state, plus the subsequent heavy slashing skills will be connected, as well as the shooter's three consecutive arrows.

Even Qin Feng will be killed instantly.

And to put it bluntly, in fact, only Qin Feng can complete this dangerous operation.


Other elemental masters do not have such a thick blood volume.

Unable to withstand three consecutive arrow attacks.

But correspondingly, with this wave of desperation, we have taken risks.

The situation of the battle also completely favored Qin Feng.

The water double dodged the explosion arrow attack.

In the next moment, Qin Feng's body transformed into four, and multiple Wood Clone were released.


The sickle leaf technique covered the shooter and inspired it.

Covered by four Qin Feng's sickle techniques, it was easy to force out the life-saving skill of the shooter profession: jumping back.

While jumping back, Qin Feng once again predicted and took away the shooter with a burst of dragon flames.

But at this moment, there was no time to rest.


Xiaoyan was already in some danger under the siege of the other three elemental professionals.

After all, it has been transformed into a pet.

He no longer possesses the true power of the Flame Dragon, but because he has become a pet, he also gains the ability to be resurrected just like the player.

At this moment, Xiaoyan's blood volume is thick enough and his defense is high enough.

But it cannot withstand being continuously output.

With the shield guard intercepting him in front, Xiao Yan could not pose a threat to the priests and elementalists in the rear.

However, the shield guard has priests to increase blood.

However, Xiaoyan can only be harmed by eating it raw.

Naturally, he is at a disadvantage.

Seeing that Xiaoyan's blood bar was almost empty.

Qin Feng directly summoned it back to the beast pet space at this time.


Although the pet dies, it will not be destroyed directly like other monsters.

But they will also lose experience, even levels, and fall into a period of weakness.

Just Xiaoyan’s upgrade experience.

Once you drop a level, you will have to gain another six million experience points.

Take killing the Red Flame Wolf as an example.

That's enough to kill three thousand!

Recalling Xiao Yan, Qin Feng looked at the last three enemies at this time.

Then, he grinned.

In Qin Feng's view, these three professions pose no threat to him.

Just for a moment.

Bite of the Wooden Snake is activated.

And it was launched in conjunction with three wood-type clones.

These were four wooden snakes biting towards the three of them.

At the same time, one after another sickle leaf technique also shot out in the gap.

Under such circumstances.

Elementalists and priests do not move that fast, and it is difficult to dodge under a large-scale covering attack.


There is only one way for them to move.

That is, approaching the shield guard.

Relying on the shield guard's shield wall and other skills, you can absorb all the skills.

Even special effects such as elemental fluctuations and explosions cannot penetrate the shield wall and affect the back row.

The copper wall and the iron wall are not in vain!

At this time, Qin Feng raised the corners of his mouth and whispered softly: "This is the moment you have been waiting for!"

between words.

Staff waved.

Skill: Surrounded by Fire Dragon! freed!

A long flame dragon finally roared through the sky.

Then, it suddenly flew forward.

The semicircular shield wall could not hinder the impact of the fire dragon. The fire dragon penetrated the shield guard and took away the two fragile lives with the scorching heat.

And when there is only one shield guard left.

There is no more suspense in the battle.

When the battle ends, the prompt sounds loudly.

Qin Feng wiped his forehead at this time and couldn't help but sigh: "This test is really dangerous!"

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