Dark Demon Swamp.

Located behind Devil's Forest.

It belongs to the main city area and is already a relatively advanced leveling area.

Like the Red Flame Mountains, the highest monsters are as high as level 60.

Monsters at higher levels.

Basically, you have to leave the territory of the human race, and the risk factor will be even more terrifying.


Riding on Xiao Yan along the way, he headed towards the back of the forest.

About half an hour later, a huge dark swamp appeared in front of us.

There is no place to stay in this swamp.

If you want to level up here, there are very few places you can set foot on.

If you want to move, in addition to using flying skills, you have to climb along some tree vines growing in the swamp, or jump and move with the help of some tree trunks suspended in the swamp.

It can be said that the environment is quite dangerous.

However, the monsters here have an extremely special place.

That's it.

They are all of dark nature.

Light, darkness, wind, thunder.

In mythology, it is a rare attribute.

There are very few monsters with such attributes, and they generally only appear in specific areas.

The skills of these four categories cannot be learned from the Elemental Temple and can only be dropped from the wild.

Light attribute monster.

There are three places that Qin Feng knows. The lowest level area is located at the junction of the kingdoms, the "Black Mang Domain".

It's called "The Temple of Decay".

The monsters inside start at level 60.

Moreover, the Black Mang Territory itself is also a non-human territory and is the main battlefield area for national wars.

Running away now is basically the same as seeking death.

The area where wind and thunder attribute monsters gather is in the Wind and Thunder Canyon, which is a bit far away from Glow City.

As for the water attribute and metal qualifications that have not yet reached 100, it is because it is becoming increasingly difficult to improve, and it is still quite difficult to reach 100 qualifications.

On the contrary, it is better to improve the dark attribute qualifications first.

It would be even better if a few dark attribute skill books could be dropped.

As Xiaoyan got off his back.

Qin Feng landed on a huge rattan.

And that's when.

In the swamp, the sudden thing is that there are black fish-like creatures holding steel forks, which emerge from the swamp and attack Qin Feng.

【Black Demon Mermaid】

【Level: 42】

[Rank: Ordinary]

[HP: 48000]

[Physical attack: 6800]

[Magic Attack: 1000]

[Physical Defense: 1800]

[Magic Defense: 1800]

[Attack speed: 1.2]

[Moving speed: 15 (land) Speed ​​doubled in swamp areas]

[Crit hit: 40%] [Crit resistance: 40%] [Critical damage reduction: 40%]

[Demonized Skin: Gain 30% elemental resistance and 20% damage immunity, but will withstand an additional 50% light damage]

[Spur of Darkness: Condensing the power of darkness, causing mixed damage of 120% of the total of magic attack + physical attack to the enemy]

40+ level common monsters.

They all already have their own talents, passive skills, and even skills.

It also has attributes such as elemental resistance, damage immunity, and even violence resistance.

That's why.

In the later stages of Mythology, the roles of each profession will become more prominent.

For non-tank professions, in the later stages, it may be difficult to withstand attacks from mobs.

after all.

Not every player has attributes like Qin Feng.

Change to an ordinary level 30 player.

For ordinary professions, after advancement, the intelligence growth is about 5 stars, and other physical growth is even lower.

Even at level 40, with a full set of blue equipment, the HP may only be in the early sixties or seven thousand, and the defense is even more difficult to exceed one thousand.

When encountering this kind of monster, if it triggers a critical hit, it is possible to be killed instantly.

This situation also further promotes the necessity for players to join a guild.

Because, in the later stage, except for the god-tier existence of Lone Ranger, the difficulty for ordinary players who want to level up alone is simply explosive.


Seeing monsters emerging from the swamp, Qin Feng naturally did not panic.

With a giant wooden hand, he was released instantly.

The three-headed monster that appeared was smashed to pieces with a slap.

-40162 (Damage calculation, I will put it at the end of the chapter, not counting the number of words in this chapter)


The former is a combination of green and red numbers.

It is wood attribute critical damage.

The latter's 9,600 points of damage is additional real damage.

The damage of the two is added together.

Even monsters with 48,000 HP can be instantly killed!

And at the same time.

The prompt sounded loudly.

[Ding, kill the Black Demon Shark and gain 480 experience points, and your pet will gain 2720 experience points]

[Ding, kill the Black Demon Shark...]


Three consecutive beeps.

Qin Feng quickly calculated that a level 42 monster could provide 3,200 experience points.

And the reason is to obtain the current experience value.

It's because.

Qin Feng roughly divided the experience gained into seven parts based on the experience ratio between Xiaoyan and himself.

In other words, it only accounts for 15% of the experience points.

After looking at the fact that there are still about 900,000 upgrade experience points, it basically takes more than 1,800 Dark Demon Sharks to complete the upgrade.

"If nothing else happens, I should be able to reach level 31 today."

"Then, the next step is to maintain a speed of 1-2 levels a day, which is not too slow."

Qin Feng did some calculations and came to the current conclusion.

Compared with ordinary players who need more than half a month to upgrade, even if I have Xiao Yan, it only takes about a week, which should be enough.

"Then, let's start brushing!"

At this time, Qin Feng still asked Xiao Yan to pull monsters.

Today's Xiao Yan, in terms of attributes, is far behind Qin Feng in terms of attack strength.

after all.

Xiaoyan is a giant dragon, and he prefers to practice both physical and demonic cultivation, and he is still in the growth stage.

When it truly reaches the adult stage, its attributes will be greatly improved.

Therefore, Qin Feng still does not intend to give up Xiaoyan's help.


As Xiao Yan passed by at low altitude.

The dark demon sharks lurking under the swamp were awakened one by one, and immediately chased Xiao Yan in the dark mud.

next moment.

From the sky, a huge flame dragon fireball fell.


In a huge explosion.

The experience started flooding the screen again.

And just as Qin Feng was spawning monsters and upgrading.

World announcements will sound almost every hour or two.


The major guilds finally established guilds one after another with the receipt of the guild establishment order.

And Shinhwa will also completely break away from the novice stage and enter the guild hegemony stage.


[Calculation formula: (Attack - Defense) × (Skill coefficient + Equipment additional coefficient + Talent additional coefficient) × Critical damage × Elemental resistance × Final damage reduction × Additional injury avoidance]

That is: (12940-1800=11140×4.2×1.8×0.75×0.8×0.8)

1: (11140 is the final attack after deducting the opponent's magic defense)

2: (4.2 is the cross attack coefficient of the Giant Wood Hand + the additional 100% coefficient of the Book of Elf + the additional coefficient of 100% of the wood qualification, that is, 220% + 100% + 100%, and finally it is 420%, or 4.2)

3: (1.8 is critical hit damage, originally 220%, but the enemy has 40% critical damage reduction) (0.75 is 30% elemental resistance, of which the protagonist has 5% elemental penetration, which is 25% resistance )

4: (0.8 is 20% final injury avoidance)

5: (The final damage will slightly fluctuate by 10%. Every time the level of suppression exceeds 5, an additional 10%-50% damage reduction will be provided. If the pig's feet are now suppressed at level 12, the damage will be reduced by 20%, which is an additional damage reduction. )

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