In the novice period, guilds compete for hegemony, and in the national war stage, the three pillars stand against each other, disaster strikes, and the era is shattered.

These are the six stages Qin Feng divided into the past life and the entire myth.

There are six stages in total.

Among them, the novice period is the period from the launch of the game to about half a month.

At this stage, players' levels have generally reached level 30, and their understanding of the game Mythology has gradually become clearer.

During this period, players accordingly focused on dungeon upgrades, and conflicts rarely occurred.

It is also the calmest and most harmonious period in the entire game.


The second period: Guild struggle for hegemony.

As players gradually reach level 30, guilds are established. Big bosses from various games and fields begin to form their own guilds and recruit troops.

And this stage.

The guild copy is the top priority.

For ordinary dungeons, the maximum equipment drop limit is orange.

In guild dungeons, higher-level BOSSs may appear, and the drops include "epic" and "legendary" equipment, as well as special guild buildings, etc.

And some high-quality skill books are also its output channels.

Several pieces of epic equipment owned by Qin Feng in his previous life were obtained from guild copies.

after all.

The guild was established by Liu Moxi.

And he was the man standing behind Liu Moxi.


The guild war has begun. In order to compete for the guild ranking, the battle will be extremely fierce.

Because this is also one of the ways to produce high-end equipment.

At this stage, as players generally reach level 60, they will enter the next stage.

Normally speaking.

At level 30-40, players probably spend 15-20 days.

At level 40-50, players probably spend about 1 month.

At level 50-60, players probably spend more than 2 months.

Right now.

This stage will last about three or four months in total.


The overall rhythm has entered the third stage: national war for hegemony.

Each game country starts a national war to compete for the world BOSS.

The world BOSS will drop items ranging from epic to mythical levels.

It is the infinite path for the strong to rise.

It is also the glory of players in each war zone.

Through the national war, ordinary players can obtain national war points, which can also be redeemed for battlefield suits.

This stage lasted for nearly a year in the previous life.

Finally entered the fourth stage: three pillars.

In other words, in the end, the three kingdoms were left and completely crushed the other regions.

But whether this situation will happen in this life is not certain.

Because if there is enough combat power in the national war, theoretically speaking, it can overwhelm everything, even seize the dynasty and become the common master of the world.

To know.

The plot of the national war is: the old emperor of the dynasty dies, and the kingdom where the players are located begins to have different ideas, and then finally competes for the position of the dynasty leader, which leads to chaos.

In the previous life, there were several national war zones. Eventually, they became three war zones headed by the Chiyan Dynasty. No one could do anything to anyone.

Although the Chiyan Dynasty was the strongest at the time, it would not be able to deal with it if it attacked any of the other two war zones and was kicked out.

Therefore, it entered the stage of three-legged confrontation.

During this stage, players' levels will generally reach level 80 or above.

First-tier players can reach around level 90, and god-tier players can reach around level 95.


This stage will last for almost half a year.

Players in various war zones were resting and recuperating. Although they occasionally started fighting, they did not affect the situation.


Two years later, we entered the fifth stage: disaster strikes.

At this time, the game was opened up by the extraterrestrial demon to complete the invasion.

At the same time, the game and reality are gradually integrated, and players have a limit on the number of resurrections.

In this case, the extraterrestrial demons were so powerful that in the end the players, including the local NPCs in the entire game world, were defeated one after another.

Finally, after persisting for a year, that is, three years, the whole world entered: the era of disillusionment.

In that era, the number of players left was not even one out of ten.

Occupying territory, there are only a few cities.

Qin Feng persisted until that time, but was defeated and died during a demon attack, and was reborn.


While brushing monsters, Qin Feng was also recalling all the things in his past life.

"So, with the establishment of many guilds, we are about to enter the stage of guild hegemony."

"I don't know what the situation of the guild is now."

Thinking in my mind.

At this time, Qin Feng opened the list of guilds.

After the live broadcast ended yesterday, he directly blocked almost all channels including personal chats and guild channel messages.

At this moment, it was the first time since the broadcast that Qin Feng opened the guild list.

As the guild list opens.

For the first time, Qin Feng was slightly startled.


The entire guild chat channel is extremely lively.

"Damn it, is Boss Qingfeng really in this guild?"

"It seems to be here. Look at the vice president. Isn't he the boss?"

"But why hasn't the boss made a single splash until now?"

"Now, I have serious doubts. Is Mr. Nima Qingfeng just collecting money to advertise and may he quit the guild at any time?"

"Withdrawal, will you also withdraw?"

"That's not the case. This guild is quite good. Everyone is very friendly. It's easy to form a team. There are also dungeon guides distributed."

"But I'll still be disappointed."

Watch the content of the chat channel.

At this time, Qin Feng, after thinking about it, decided to say something.

Then a message was edited.

"Ahem, hello everyone, I fainted from playing FJ before..."

Then, he silently deleted this sentence.

If it was in his previous life, he wouldn't be famous, and he would just be a bit of a charlatan.

But in this life, he is number one in the entire server. Qin Feng is sure that the headlines tomorrow will be something like [god-tier Qingfeng is such a person! 】【Can you believe it, Qingfeng actually did this! ] Such news.


Qin Feng sent a very simple and ordinary message.

"Well, hello everyone, I'm Qingfeng. I blocked the chat while doing tasks before, and now I've seen some of your messages. I first of all promise that I will not leave the guild, and at the same time I will try my best to work on some dungeon strategies. Give everyone help so that everyone can obtain the best equipment in the future and become the overlord of the guild!"

Message sent.

In an instant, the chat channel, which was already extremely lively, was filled with excitement.

At this moment, messages are popping up one after another!

"Brother Qingfeng, I am here just for you!"

"Boss, do you need a girlfriend?"

"Boss, can you bring me a copy next time?!"

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