Just keep brushing, keep brushing, Zhang Yang spent a full three months brushing, and then he was able to get all the attribute points and skill points of the eighth floor.

During this time, he almost vomited.

Mainly, except for Andariel, no other rules can provide nourishment to the death rules.

For this reason, Zhang Yang simply cultivated several other rules together.

The rules of life, the rules of magic, the rules of the Holy Spirit, the rules of the elements... all the rules are beginning to be conceived, waiting for the time to come.

Now, except for the knight rule that Zhang Yang didn't take into consideration, all of these rules could no longer continue to grow by 660 on the eighth floor.

Simply now that he has completed all the rewards that the eighth floor can get, he can enter the ninth floor without regret.

Rogue Camp.

"Going again?"

Akara looked at Zhang Yang who had returned and knew the purpose of Zhang Yang's trip.

"Hmm. 35

Zhang Yang nodded.


Akara patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder: "The vast future is waiting for you!"

"Goodbye everyone!"

Zhang Yang greeted the elders of the camp, and then set foot on the boat to the ninth floor.

Still need to get through the sea of ​​twins (cjfe), last time, Zhang Yang came to Lu Gaoyin without any risk.

Only this time, there was an accident.

A giant sea monster has grabbed their ship!

"It's an octopus monster!"

Meshif, after all, was a captain with rich experience, and at a glance recognized the culprit who had seized their ship.

"With its tentacles spread out, we need to get out of this area quickly.

Under Meshif's order, all began to act.

The crew held special knives and slashed at these huge tentacles one by one.

There is magic attached to the knife, and it is extremely sharp, but facing the skin of the octopus giant beast, a knife can only make a slit at most.

After many slashes, the first tentacle was finally smashed, followed by the second and third... When all the tentacles were slashed, Meshif immediately activated the magic that solidified on the ship, and a burst of The gust of wind hit, and the boat, like a sharp sword, quickly left this area.

Zhang Yang turned back, he saw a terrifying figure emerging from the deep sea, and the terrifying compound eyes looked at Zhang Yang.

In an instant, a terrifying spiritual force rushed towards Zhang Yang.

But the unexpected happened.

The spiritual power of the octopus giant beast is as majestic as the sea, but under Zhang Yang's spiritual power like a small stream, he shivered.

It wanted to evacuate its spirit, but found that it couldn't.

"Come on, don't go!

A sunny smile appeared on Zhang Yang's face: "I have always been very hospitable.

The octopus giant wants to return to the deep sea, but it has all the spirit on Zhang Yang's side and can't control its body at all.

It can only watch its own mental power being digested bit by bit by Zhang Yang.

In the end, with no spirit left, it became a walking dead and sank to the bottom of the sea.


Zhang Yang hiccupped and went back to the cabin to rest contentedly.

The next trip will be no surprise.

It may be that the previous encounter with the giant octopus frightened the monsters in the Twin Seas, not to mention the sea monsters along the way, and even did not see many sea goods.


After going ashore and saying goodbye to Meshif, Zhang Yang returned to Lu Gaoyin's royal city.

Like Camp Rogge, the people here have also acquired memories of the second layer.

"Welcome back!

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