"Long time no see, Farrah."

Zhang Yang and Farah said hello: "Continue with the process?"

"Hahaha, you already know, let's go!

Fala was also amused by Zhang Yang, patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder, and motioned him to go through the process.

Zhang Yang was not polite, he directly found the tavern owner and took all the tasks.

Just as he was heading to the sewer, in the ancient tomb of Tal Rasha, two god-level beings, Duriel and Tyrael, stared at each other with big eyes.

"By the way, someone came so soon?

Duriel moved his body: "It's only been less than a year and a half this time!

"That guy is very strong."

Tyrael skillfully took out a large amount of food from his backpack: "I guess he can see our body."

"What are you kidding?"

Duriel ate his food without delaying his speech: "How many are qualified to stand in front of our body after so long?"

"Even if the little guy from Hades was whipped by Andariel with a whip, he would not dare to go to the underground prison for thousands of years, and could only abuse those little guys on the upper floor.

Tyrael nodded at Duriel's words.

"Okay, I'm going to bed and see how long it will take him to come to me."

Duriel was full and returned to his room, leaving it to Tyrael.

"I don't know when he will be here. 99

Tyrael looked in the direction of Ru Goin, as if he could see the figure in the sewer.

Lou Goin, Sewer.

"I really don't want to come here again."

Zhang Yang covered his mouth and nose, although the place was clean, the smell was still there.

"Quick fight!

Zhang Yang scattered the undead army directly to see if he could find Rodament on the first floor.

Unlike the second floor, the Rodamente here on the ninth floor is more intelligent and does not look like a mummy at all.

It is no longer limited to the bottom, waiting for the player to kill him.

Here, it can appear anywhere, killing careless players in the shadows and crafting its own new Sand Knight.

This point is very unfriendly to single-swipe people, but to Zhang Yang, it doesn't matter.

As long as he wants, the summons can fill the entire sewer.

In fact, he did the same.

He was at the entrance of the sewer, waiting for his army to bring him good news.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

Not long, about three hours or so, the fastest Death Knights brought good news to Zhang Yang.

Rodamente had been beheaded, and by the way, he rescued the proprietress' husband and children.


Zhang Yang scratched his head: "I didn't expect it, and there is an unexpected harvest. 55

When the two were brought to the boss's side, my dear, it was quite touching.


The proprietress directly hugged the two people and didn't let go, as if letting go, the two of them would disappear in the next second.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang retreated first, summoned Malygos, and went to the next place.

He is flying in the sky, and below is an endless army of undead.

Wherever they passed, all the monsters vanished into ashes, and there was no one enemy.

The herdsmen who lived in Lu Gaoyin saw this scene and knelt down one after another, thanking Zhang Yang for his shot.

A large amount of the power of belief was passed on to Zhang Yang, and he collected it and put it aside.

Those regular monsters are parasitized by divine power seeds and become qualified nourishment.

The monsters here contain more rules and better quality, which can make the seeds of divine power more full.

It's very comfortable.

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