He's crazy.

The order he received was to wipe out the entire civilization of Blue Star in advance while Blue Star had no god-level combat power at this moment.

As for the reason, it was probably that someone on the Blue Star had angered Pluto before, which caused all this to happen.

He used a lot of resources, including many materials that the True God Realm and even the lower Gods were envious of, to make such a limitless secret realm that the Endless Tower could allow in advance.

And at the expense of his own "six seven seven", he became the guard BOSS of this secret realm.

I thought that after the arrival, waiting for the secret realm to be completely stabilized, I would sweep the entire planet with the subordinates of the peak of the king, but encountered such a monster.

"No, there is absolutely something wrong here. 35

Cayenne forced himself to calm down: "If it is really a god-level combat power, just coercion is enough to crush our body and soul into slag. 35

"But the coercion on this person only has the characteristics of the main god level, but not the essence of the main god level, so it only has the ability to deter, but not the ability to really attack."

"Yes, it must be so!"

Cayenne felt relieved that he had found a planet that was less than two and a half years old, and that a main god-level combat power would be born.

Although he is still controlled by the pressure of the main god level and cannot act for the time being, he is confident that with his body of the Ming clan, he can carry it until the time when that guy can no longer release the pressure.

Now, just look... eh eh?

Cayenne looked at Zhang Yang who came with a bone spear, and his heart suddenly jumped.

When Zhang Yang casually stabbed a level 70 King Peak BOSS to death, the corner of his eyes twitched.

Then the second one, the third one.

Cayenne never imagined that he had spent 1/100,000th of the resources of the Ming clan to create a secret realm that could accommodate the peak of a 70-level king or even the peak of a demigod. How could he meet such a terrifying person?

That's the pinnacle of a level 70 king!

As long as you condense your divinity, you can embark on the path of becoming a god!

This kind of existence has been reserved for the gods.

No matter where they are, they are extremely rare and extremely special.

The guy in here, if you let out any one, can easily destroy a planet without a demigod-level existence.

Even against some weaker demigods!

And it is such a group of strong people, under the bone spear, there is no resistance at all.

When Zhang Yang came to Cayenne, the originally distorted black mist had a tendency to disintegrate.

"Is it from the underworld?"

Although seeing the form of this guy, he knew that it should be from the Ming clan, but Zhang Yang still asked.

After getting a positive answer, the bone spear stabbed directly to end his fear.

Because all the monsters that descended died, the secret realm collapsed automatically, and Zhang Yang also received a reward from the Infinity Tower.

A wisp of universal rules!

This thing can be turned into any rule, and after absorbing it, it can improve the comprehension of any rule.

It's a good reward.

The space was shattered, and the surroundings returned to their original appearance.

It's just that Leng Bing's eyes are full of shock and admiration.


Originally, the Secret Service estimated that this time the level 7 secret realm was coming, the ancient city would probably not be able to keep it.

In fact, not only was this place persuaded to leave, but the entire ancient city was relocated.

But Zhang Yang broke through the mystical realm too fast, and the migration activity had only just begun.

After the communication was restored, Lien Bing immediately contacted the Secret Service and stopped the migration.

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