Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

236: The Great Migration...Aborted!

Secret Service.

Lao Zhang is directing this big project of migration, but the speed of the arrival of the secret realm is a bit beyond their expectations.

It took less than 30 minutes to detect the signs of the arrival of the secret realm and to the complete arrival of the secret realm.

At this time, there is no way to complete the entire evacuation.

For this reason, Lao Zhang can only send Ningbing Bing, hoping that she can persist in the secret realm for a while, and don't let the monsters appear so fast.

In fact, this mission is almost a mortal mission.

One person, blocking a level 7 secret realm is completely impossible in theory.

A level 7 secret realm can accommodate creatures up to level 70, and the highest level can reach half-29 god level.

Although it is extremely unlikely that a demigod-level monster will appear, it cannot be avoided.

He even called on the forum to find the current Blue Star's first person, Yong Ye, hoping that he could take action and save the ancient city.

But Lao Zhang also knew that even if Yong Ye saw the news, he would not be able to rush over immediately.

Unless the teleportation array is used.

However, due to the arrival of the secret realm, the spatial coordinates of the entire ancient city have been chaotic, and the teleportation array cannot be accurately positioned, and naturally it has no effect.

This is a desperate situation.

In the end, Lao Zhang decided to give up the ancient city and began to implement the big migration plan.

But now that the secret realm has only arrived in 5 minutes, the big migration plan has only begun, and the phone call from Leng Bing has come?

He felt cold.

The condensate communication is not cut off, there are only two possibilities.

First, the secret realm is opened up, and the space isolation function disappears.

Second, the secret realm did not come to the position they calculated, thus missing the opportunity to enter the secret realm to drag time.

The first one is almost impossible.

Although Ningbing's combat power is strong, it is completely impossible for Ningbing to break through a secret realm by himself.

So, there is only the second possibility.


Lao Zhang answered the phone and said in a low voice, "Is it..."

"The Great Migration Program can end.

Leng Bing directly interrupted Lao Zhang's words: "The secret realm has been opened up.


Old Zhang was stunned, suspecting that he had auditory hallucinations.

The secret realm has been opened up?

Cold ice has such a strong fighting power?

Why didn't I find out before?

His mind was full of doubts, when Lao Zhang was about to continue asking, Leng Bing had already explained the matter like a bean.

Of course, the protagonist was transformed into Vivian at Zhang Yang's request.

"That girl, actually has such a strong fighting power?"

After Lao Zhang hung up the phone and called off the Great Migration, he muttered to himself: "Looks like, we have to find a chance to keep that girl in the Secret Service. 95

"Even if it doesn't work, we must maintain a good relationship. Otherwise, a powerhouse who can instantly kill a demigod can instantly destroy the entire ancient city."

"You can only win over, not offend!

Lao Zhang finally determined his new attitude towards Vivian.

Business 677 games.

Condensed Bing looked at Zhang Yang with a complicated expression.

She once suspected that Zhang Yang was the Great God of Eternal Night in the Tower of Infinity, but there was no evidence to prove it.

Later, it appeared that Zhang Yang was in reality and Yong Ye was in the game, which made her give up this idea.

Now, despite Vivian's leak, Zhang Yang did not deny his identity as Yong Ye, which caused a huge wave in Ning Bing's heart.

A boy I have always liked turned out to be an idol I admired... This kind of feeling is simply not too cool.

Therefore, Leng Bing would hide the secret from the Secret Service, and according to Zhang Yang, put the credit on Vivian.

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