"After that, what do you need me to do?"

After hearing his mission, Varian did not ask why, but what he needed to do next.

"Occupy the entire planet and collect the planet's unique ores. 35

"But beware, this type of ore contains very strange powers, and everyone can stay in the mine for up to 10 hours a day, not even a minute more," said Lukesy.


Varian nodded.

There are many mines with this kind of rules. As a former king, he also knows that many mines have such a situation.

Especially the magic energy mine, ordinary people may be polluted by magic energy just by looking at it, and degenerate into a soulless walking corpse.

"Next, this ship will take you to that planet."

Luxey began to explain the details: "It will also provide you with force deterrence."

"Hmm. 35

Although he didn't understand it, Varian knew by intuition what kind of terrifying power the steel behemoth under his feet could exert.

With such a deterrent of force, Varian felt his job should be a little easier.

"When can you let us go"~?"

Varian said, "We can't let us give you our lives for the rest of our lives, can we?"

"Three years at most!"

Luxie stretched out three fingers: "According to the efficiency of our mining machines, the entire planet's mines will be mined in at most three years, and you will be released naturally at that time. 99

"Three years?

Varian nodded: "Deal! 99

"um" 9


Lucki stood up, handed everything over to his adjutant, and was ready to go back to his life.

Pluto galaxy, the star of Pluto.

This ancestral star of the once Hades has now become the base camp of the Death Legion.

Under the leadership of Savika, all the underworld people accepted the force of death, and the combat power of the whole race was raised to a large level.

Savika selected the most powerful group after the fusion, and formed the Death Guards around him as the Blade Army of the Death Legion.

Then there is Lukar, the old wolf god of the wolf clan who surrendered.

As Savika's second-in-command, he leads the Army of the Dead - Army of the Hungry Wolf.

Similarly, under the leadership of the ancestors, the wolf clan also accepted the power of death and became a more terrifying existence.

Those wolf gods, even from the upper gods, directly broke through to the peak of the upper gods, only one step away, they can become the main gods!

This is something they never dared to think about, but now it has become a reality.

The main components of the Death Legion are these two parts, and the rest are the most peak people in the civilization under their respective command.

The newly established Death Legion, after defeating the blood clan, handed over the leadership authority to Cebexiu, and then set the target on another race.

It's just that they are not ready yet, so they spend most of their time preparing on Zuxing.

When the teleportation array on Zuxing lighted up, the son of the former wolf king, now the number one of the whole wolf clan's true meaning (Zhao Liaohao) existed, and Luxey came out.


Now the wolf clan is not listening to Lukal's words, but listening to Lukxi's words.

But because Luksi is not very proficient in political wisdom, as a grandfather, Lucar took the position of the second person and exercised part of the power of the first.

Of course, in private, Luksi was very respectful to Lukar, his ancestor.

After all, this is his ancestor.

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