When Lukar, who was dealing with government affairs, noticed that someone was approaching, he raised his head and saw the most outstanding one of his children and grandchildren.

"How did you come?"

Looking at his most outstanding junior, Lukar's emotions were actually quite complicated.

Only now did he know that his junior had already taken refuge with his master.

Moreover, it is still with the most outstanding junior of the blood clan.

Now, this younger generation of oneself has a higher status than oneself.

Although he didn't care about it, to be honest, his emotions were quite complicated.

"I have sent their father and son to Resource Star.

"And left them with a fleet as a last resort of force," said Luxey.

"You did very well."

Lukar nodded: "Sure enough, the master chose you to be the leader, which is the right choice.

"Wolf tribe, still have to rely on you!"

Luxie lowered his head: "To be honest, my current strength is too weak, I must have your shock!

"Having a master is enough."

Lukar shook his head: "By the way, what are you going to do next?"

"According to the master's plan, we should start with the nearby gluttonous civilization first.

Lukexi looked aside: "Although I don't know why the master named him to entertain the gluttonous civilization, when we are subordinates, what we need to do most is to share the master's worries and solve problems.

"Then we can start working tomorrow."

Lukar stood up: "Our preparations are enough to deal with the Academy of Dead Songs.

"Then, let's get started!"

Styx Galaxy, Academy of Dead Songs.

As the only force in this galaxy that is not under the command of Pluto, its strength can be imagined.

Its owner Karthus, known as the Death Singer, is a requiem that can shoot at targets across the entire galaxy.

It can be said to be extremely strange, and most people would not dare to provoke him.

Once Hades hit the Dead Song Academy, what happened in the end, except for the parties, no one else knows, but Hades acquiesced to the existence of the Dead Song Academy.

For this reason, some people even regard the Dead Song Academy as a powerful force that exists on the same level as the Underworld.

"Master, I heard about the experimental group of the wolf clan and are ready to take action against us."

(cjfe) Yorick, known as the Shepherd of Souls, came to Karthus and whispered, "Do we need to take action?"


Karthus held a book and said in a low voice, "That group of low-level experimenters is not enough for us to confront Savika head-on.

"I really don't know where that reckless Savika met the rumored god of death and became a death knight!

Speaking of this, Karthus was a little envious: "If possible, I really want to study, what is the difference between the death knights in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and ordinary death knights!"5

Hearing his master's terrifying words, Yorick said it's good to get used to it.

After retreating, Yorick saw the communication from the gluttonous civilization and hung up directly.

Styx galaxy, gluttonous civilization.

"Damn the Academy of Damned Songs! Years

As the king of the gluttonous civilization, the gorilla saw that the Academy of Dead Songs actually hung up his communication, and knew that he had been abandoned.

Facing an attack no less than the Death Song Academy, who now calls themselves the Death Army, Shi Su has no confidence at all.

Before, as a force under the academy of Death Song, most people had to give some face.

But now... ugh!.

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