Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 381, Underground Passage (1/2)

"Special forces!?" Laura asked with a strange face, "Why did the special forces join our infantry regiment? Is there any secret mission?"

"That's right! It's a secret mission, so I can't disclose it to you." Zhang Ze nodded seriously.

It's a good way to use the knife without emotion, otherwise Zhang Ze really doesn't know how to explain this matter to Laura and other npc soldiers.

Laura suddenly became excited and asked, "Can your special forces get in touch with high-level federal officers?"

"Uh...why do you ask this?" Zhang Ze was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise.

"My brother was taken away by the military, so I would like you to find out for me." Laura asked hopefully, "Is my brother still working for the military? He is very smart and will definitely become a high official." !"

"Okay, I can ask for you." Zhang Ze thought for a while, Qiu Yu Mianmian's military rank is not low now, he should be considered a high-ranking officer, maybe he can ask him to help.

"Thank you!" Laura happily hugged Zhang Ze, and Liu Yueying, who was not far away, saw this scene, her two beautiful eyebrows were about to knit together.

Everyone rested in place for a while, and Zhang Ze reported the battle situation to Qiu Yumianmian, and set the coordinates at the same time.

"The hurricane seems to be coming again..." the giant looked at the billowing storm in the distance and reminded Zhang Ze: "We have to find a place to hide quickly."

There are no trenches here, so we must find other places to hide.

Zhang Ze climbed up the boulder, stood on it and looked around, looking for a suitable hiding place.


He saw a huge hole in the ground in the distance, just right for shelter from the hurricane.

"Everyone, follow me! Quick!"

Zhang Ze took the lead and ran wildly, a large group of people followed behind him, and the wounded were handed over to the clown and the vampire count.

At this time, the hurricane was only about 3,000 meters away from them!

The hurricane moved very fast, and the distance of more than 3,000 meters was crossed in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, Zhang Ze and others arrived at the entrance of the cave in time, and they used ropes to descend into the cave one by one, successfully avoiding the hurricane.

"It's so dark here..."

Moonlight Bunny turned on the searchlight above his head to check the situation in the burrow.

The area of ​​this burrow is not large, and there is a deep and long passage on the left and right sides. I don't know how it was formed.

"There is wind blowing from the entrance of the cave. They should be connected to other places." Moved the knife and stood at the entrance of the cave without emotion, feeling it, and then turned to Zhang Ze and said.

"The hurricane on the ground is a big threat, and it's easy to encounter insect swarms. Why don't we use these underground passages to move forward, maybe it's safer." Yiye Zhiqiu suggested.

Zhang Ze thought for a moment and asked Laura: "Laura, you have been here before, do you think it is feasible for us to advance through the underground passage?"

Laura thought for a while, and said, "As long as you don't get lost, it's fine, but we have to be careful, there is a kind of strange insects that move underground, they will spray a kind of high-temperature liquid similar to magma, which can directly melt people Already!"

Little Princess Qian was terrified: "It's so scary!? Then let's go to the ground."

"You don't need to be too nervous. This kind of bug should be relatively rare. I have been in the army for three years, and I have only encountered it once." Laura comforted her: "Our luck should not be so bad."

"But which way should we choose right now?" Sky's melancholy looked around and asked, "If you make a mistake, you will get lost, not to mention the time delay, and it will also affect the mission."

This is indeed a difficult problem, and no one knows where the two roads lead.

Zhang Ze looked at the coordinate device, only to find that it did not show their current positions at all.

Not only that, even the communicator was not working well, and it was impossible to get in touch with Qiu Yumian.

Zhang Ze speculated that there should be a strong magnetic field nearby, which interfered with the normal operation of the equipment.

"I have a solution!" The irritable Dragon King took off the iron plate around his neck and said, "The number side faces left, and the other side faces right!"

After finishing speaking, he threw it into the air, and the iron plate rolled and fell to the ground, and everyone around looked at it curiously.

"It's a number! Go to the left!" The irritable Dragon King laughed, and walked to the left with a stick.

Laura grabbed him: "You idiot, there are numbers on both sides of the iron plate!"

"Ah?" The irritable Dragon King was taken aback for a moment, he hurriedly checked, and sure enough there were numbers on both sides of the iron plate.

He scratched his head in embarrassment and smirked: "Ah... I was careless."

Behind the crowd, Zhang Ze looked at the sky speechlessly, while the man next to him moved his knife and said in a low voice, "Why does this idiot still stay in the team?"

Zhang Ze shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'd better send some bugs to explore the way."

In the previous battle, Zhang Ze subdued more than a dozen bugs, and he could just use these bugs to explore the terrain.


Following Zhang Ze's order, the two worms appeared in front of everyone, immediately startling Laura and the others. Some of them shot directly and were held down by the giant god.

"Don't be nervous, these bugs are under my control!" Zhang Ze explained to dispel everyone's panic.

Laura looked at Zhang Ze in amazement, and asked, "My God! You special forces can still control bugs? Why didn't you control them when we were fighting bugs just now?"

"I can only control the bugs that I kill." Zhang Ze explained casually.

When the fifty-odd adventurers next to him heard this, they immediately reacted: "Fuck! The captain is really the Rakshasa god? I thought someone else had the same name and pretended to be it on purpose."

"We are so lucky that we are together with God Rakshasa. This time we will definitely be able to pass the level alive!"

"Just now I was thinking, who summoned these powerful monsters, it really is the Rakshasa God!"


After the two bugs went out, Zhang Ze has been waiting for their news.

But half an hour passed, and not a single worm came back.

Surprised, Zhang Ze found a line of warning appeared in his field of vision: "Your summoned follower, the scythe reptile, has been killed."

"It's all dead? It's too big! I still don't believe it!" Zhang Ze was a little depressed, and immediately summoned all the bugs, a total of 14, and he sent them all out.

Not only that, he also decided to go and see it himself.

"Count Vampire, stay here to protect the soldiers, clown, come with me!" Zhang Ze led the clown, and followed the bug to the cave on the right.

"I'll go as well!"

"And I!"

Liu Yueying and Laura spoke at the same time, and the two women looked at each other, and they both saw worry in each other's eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't want to rob you of a man." Laura curled her lips and explained, "I just want to protect our captain."

Liu Yueying didn't say anything, but quickly caught up with Zhang Ze.

The three of them and the clown followed the worm to explore this underground passage. After walking about 30 meters, the worm suddenly screamed strangely in front of him, as if he had fought with something!

Zhang Ze immediately rushed up to check, and saw a giant crustacean similar to a dung beetle blocking the passage ahead. Its mouthparts were extremely sharp, and it could easily bite off Zhang Ze's insect!

"It seems that it was the bug that killed me." Zhang Ze bent his bow and set an arrow, and shot at the crustacean, but the bug was very cunning, and shrank into a ball in an instant, hiding itself in it, Zhang Ze's arrow could not break it. Open its hard carapace.

The bugs also attacked the beetle, but to no avail, their sharp forelimbs and teeth had no effect on the beetle.

"5963, call your bug back, let me come!" Laura rushed forward quickly, holding a high-explosive hand/mine in each of her left and right hands, spotted the gap on the carapace, and stuffed it in!

"Lie down!"

As soon as she finished shouting, she heard two loud noises from behind!

The beetle was blown to pieces from the inside, and the remaining limbs and viscera flew everywhere, and the entire passage was filled with a disgusting strange smell.

Laura shook her head. She was a little close to the explosion point just now, and her mind was buzzing from the shock.

At this time, a hand stretched out: "Are you okay?"

It was Liu Yueying.

Laura froze for a moment, then took her hand to stand up, and said with a smile, "It's okay!"

Liu Yueying nodded and returned to Zhang Ze's side.

"Laura, don't do this next time, it's very dangerous." Zhang Ze said seriously: "If the Beetle suddenly attacks, you will die!"

"Yes! Captain!" Laura smiled, not taking Zhang Ze's words seriously at all.

The group continued to explore, and finally walked out of the passage, and a swift underground river appeared in front of them.

"It's an underground river! I thought there wasn't any water here." Laura walked to the river, held the water under her nose and sniffed it, then shook her head and said, "The water quality doesn't seem to be very good, but it smells good. fishy……"

"Generally speaking, as long as you follow the direction of the river flow, you will be able to go out." Liu Yueying said: "But I don't know if the place to go out is the nest of the female insect."

With a thought in his mind, Zhang Ze sent two worms to explore the terrain along the direction of the river. The worms moved very fast and disappeared into the darkness in a short while.

"I hope I won't be attacked by other bugs this time." Zhang Ze thought to himself, "We've already wasted too much time here."

Zhang Ze has already heard from Zhuzi about the competition between Qiu Yumianmian and Xuexi Tianxia. The completion of this mission is the key to whether Qiu Yumianmian can win. Of course Zhang Ze also wants to help him win, so this mission must be successfully completed.

"Be sure to set up the coordinates before Team B."

Time passed by, and there was the sound of some kind of creature crawling fast in the distance. Zhang Ze knew that his bug had returned.

"Is there an exit in front? And it's near the mother's nest?"

Zhang Ze and the two worms felt telepathic, and they were overjoyed.

He turned to the clown and said, "Joker, go back and bring the giants here!"

"Okay, boss!" The clown acted immediately, and after more than ten minutes, everyone came to the underground river and joined the three of Zhang Ze.

"The exit is just ahead, and it's very close to the nest of the female worm, everyone hurry up and act now!"

Afterwards, Zhang Ze led the team forward rapidly.

This passage has been explored by two worms before, and there is no accident, so there is no need to worry about encountering danger. The team can use full horsepower and march forward quickly.

There is finally a light at the end, that is the exit!

Everyone was overjoyed, and the speed under their feet was faster. After a few minutes, they rushed out of the passage.

At this time, they were located on the mountainside of a cliff, and the river water at their feet fell from a high place into a large pool below.

Zhang Ze looked into the distance, and saw a thick black fog in front of him, covering the sky and the sun, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

"I remember Qiu Yu Mianmian said that the nest of the female worm was shrouded in a mysterious black mist, which even the detectors could not penetrate. This should be here." Zhang Ze thought to himself.

After leaving the underground passage, all the equipment returned to normal. Zhang Ze used the coordinate device to determine the position of the brood in the black mist.

Laura on the side turned on the binoculars to observe the surrounding situation. Suddenly, she patted Zhang Ze, pointed in a direction with her finger, and said, "There is someone there! It seems to be from Team B!"

Everyone was taken aback, and looked in the direction she pointed, and they saw more than a dozen wounded soldiers, driven by seven or eight bugs, staggering towards the direction of the black mist.

"They were arrested!" Liu Yueying frowned slightly, and asked, "Where are their comrades in arms?"

"They all ran away!" Laura curled her lips and said, "It's impossible to take the lives of the whole team because of these dozen or so people."

Zhang Ze shook his head slightly. It was impossible for him to save these people. Whether it was for the sake of the overall situation or his own team, he could not do so.

"Hey, that's not right!" Zhang Ze noticed that there were many small black spots moving in a further place. He immediately used the binoculars to look over and found that they were soldiers of Team B.

I saw them cautiously following behind the bugs that had escorted the humans before, sneaking towards the black mist area.

"I understand." Zhang Ze's face was gloomy: "In order to find the exact location of the female worm's nest, these guys don't hesitate to use their own people as bait... What a bastard!"

He immediately reported the situation to Qiu Yumianmian, and Qiu Yumianmian was not surprised: "This is very in line with the style of bloodbath, for the purpose, use any means!"

"What shall we do next?" Zhang Ze asked Qiu Yu Mianmian: "Do you need me to go deep into the black mist and find the mother worm's nest to find out?"

Qiu Yu shook her head and said, "No, you are too small in number and not enough firepower, so it's too risky to do so. You just need to set coordinates outside the nest of the female worms, so that our bombers can lock the target and bomb."

"After doing this, you evacuate quickly, find a place that is safe and suitable for the troop carrier to land, and wait patiently for me to pick you up."

"Okay." Zhang Ze ended the call, and said to the soldiers behind him, "Let's go, enter the black mist!"

Everyone descended from the cliff along the rope, approaching the black mist cautiously all the way.

In order to prevent encounters with other Zergs, Zhang Ze released all his bugs and formed a reconnaissance defense line a few hundred meters in front of the team. Once there is a situation, Zhang Ze can immediately lead people to avoid it.

After stopping and going like this, they finally came to the edge of the black mist. Zhang Ze stopped the team, he was worried that the black mist was poisonous.

However, when he saw that the soldiers of Team B who had been captured by the bugs walked into the black mist unharmed, he was relieved to let his own people also enter the black mist.

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