Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 382, ​​The Mother Worm Appears (2/2)

The visibility in the black mist was extremely low, and it was already impossible to see things ten meters away. Zhang Ze and others could only move forward at an extremely slow speed to prevent accidents.


The more you go inside, the more and more sounds like a ball deflated, everyone is very puzzled, what is this sound?

Soon, Zhang Ze found a strange-shaped object in front of him on the right. It looked like a flower bone, but it was very tall. It was three or four meters high, and it took two or three people to hug it.

"What is this?" Zhang Ze stood in front of this weird thing, looking up and down curiously.

Suddenly, the "Hua Guduo" shook, and an extremely thick black mist sprayed out from its top, the sound was the "噗嗤" they heard before.

"It turns out that these guys are spraying out black mist, causing the whole area to be covered in black mist." Yiye Zhiqiu came up and said in surprise.

"There should be a lot of these things, otherwise such a large area cannot be completely covered." He walked over without moving the knife, and analyzed: "If these things are destroyed, the black mist should disappear. The protection of the Zerg The barrier is gone, which is very beneficial to the Federation Corps."

Zhang Ze nodded and said, "I'll set a coordinate point here, and wait for the bombers to come and destroy all these things."

After the coordinates were set, everyone continued to explore forward. After walking for more than an hour, they came to a hill.

This hill is about ten meters high, and there are several holes on it. Some Zergs come in and out of the holes, looking very busy.

Zhang Ze immediately hid everyone and carefully observed the Zerg.

"These bugs are different from the bugs we fought with before..." He narrowed his eyes and observed carefully, "They have an extra pair of forelimbs, but they are not sharp, as if they are used to carry objects. And their heads , not pointed, nor sharp teeth, it seems not very aggressive."

"Aren't these insects working like worker ants?"

Later discoveries confirmed Zhang Ze's guess. These Zergs were seen moving pieces of green fluorescent stones into the hill from the outside, just like ants moving.

"These stones are Zerg food." Laura appeared next to Zhang Ze and whispered: "Once we killed the bugs, a soldier cut open the bug's stomach on the spot and found the residue of this kind of stone inside."

Zhang Ze was surprised: "Insects eat rocks? I thought they like to eat people."

"No, they don't like to eat human flesh, but they like to suck human brains..." Laura was lost in memory, her face turned pale: "Anyone who is caught by insects will be sucked out of their brains in the end... It's so miserable!"

Zhang Ze's eyes narrowed immediately: "Like to suck human brains? This is really similar to the devil's lair monster! Could it be that Shang Qiuyu is right, the devil's lair monster actually evolved from this layer of Zerg?"

"But why do the Zerg like to eat people's brains?" Zhang Ze looked at the hill and thought to himself, "Perhaps as long as we unlock the secret of the Zerg, the secret of the monsters in the Demon Cave will be solved."

Moved the knife and said to Zhang Ze in a low voice: "This hill should be the nest of the female insect. Let's withdraw after setting the coordinate points. It's too dangerous here."

Zhang Ze nodded. Just as he was about to set the coordinates, he heard a shrill man screaming from the hole in the hill.

Everyone was stunned for a moment: "Is someone in the lair?"

Liu Yueying said: "Maybe they were the captives of the former B team."

Laura shook her head and said, "Don't meddle in other people's business, our mission has been completed, let's withdraw!"

Zhang Ze also had this intention. This is the core area of ​​the Zerg race. If they are discovered, they will be surrounded and there will be no way to escape.

"Don't! Don't eat my brain! Ah!"

The second scream came again, and everyone felt a chill in their backs when they heard it.

But Zhang Ze's heart moved, and he immediately decided to go in and see the situation.

"Are you crazy? It's too dangerous to enter the lair now!" He pulled Zhang Ze back without emotion, and said in a deep voice, "You can't save those people!"

"I'm not going to save people." Zhang Ze shook his head: "I want to figure out one thing!"

"What's the matter?" Moved the knife and asked in doubt, "Worth your life to risk?"

"It's too late to explain. If you don't go, everyone inside will die!" Zhang Ze called the clown and the vampire count to his side, and said, "I have them protecting me, don't worry!"

As he said that, he quickly ran towards the entrance of the cave with the clown and the vampire count.

Liu Yueying and Laura followed closely behind, and Giant God and the others followed suit. They sighed without moving their swords, and told other adventurers and NPC soldiers: "You stay here and wait for the captain and us to come out! Don't Mess!"

Then, he also rushed in.

Zhang Ze got into the hole where the voice came from. Inside was a steep and slanting passage that went deep into the center of the earth, with no end in sight.

"Ah! Help! I don't want to die!"

Another scream came, echoing endlessly in this passage.

"Why are you here too?" Zhang Ze saw that Giant God, Liu Yueying and others also sneaked in, with a helpless expression on his face: "I said, there will be nothing wrong with the protection of the clown and the vampire count."

"Hey, we've all come here, do you want to drive us back?" The irritable Dragon King patted Zhang Ze on the shoulder and said, "It's safer for everyone!"

"You are the captain, if something goes wrong, we will be punished when we go back." Laura shrugged and said: "Maybe, the superior thought we left the captain and ran for our lives alone, and we will all be dealt with by military law! So, we Your safety must be guaranteed."

"In this case, everyone be careful." Zhang Ze had no choice but to agree.

Everyone walked cautiously along the passage to the depths, the scalp-numbing screams were still heard intermittently, and everyone couldn't help but imagine the tragic death of those captives in their minds, feeling like their whole bodies were getting goosebumps pimple.

Especially the girls like Moonlight Bunny, who were too scared to walk, they regretted it, why did they have to follow?

Are dead people good looking? What a fool!

Liu Yueying walked beside Zhang Ze and said in a low voice, "Do you want to know the purpose of bugs eating human brains?"

"Well." Zhang Ze nodded, and said slowly: "Laura said that bugs don't eat human flesh, but why do human brains attract bugs? I think there must be something strange, maybe...they get information by sucking human brains!"

In fact, this idea has been circling in Zhang Ze's mind for a long time, but he has no evidence.

Today is a good opportunity for him to find out.

However, having said that, those captives are pitiful enough. If Zhang Ze had enough strength, he would definitely consider saving them.

Fortunately, those captives were all NPCs, not adventurers, which made Zhang Ze feel less guilty.

The group of people finally walked out of the passage, and there was a huge open space in front of them. In the center of the open space, they saw three or four worms surrounding a young soldier of seventeen or eighteen years old, and the surroundings were full of corpses with their heads broken.

The soldier was the last man, his companions were dead, and it was his turn.

"Look, that bug is so special!" Zhang Feng said in surprise: "It feels more advanced than other bugs!"

Zhang Ze also noticed this worm, which was floating in the air, about three meters long, with eight short limbs, and a huge, bloated abdominal sac at the end.

Compared with other insects, it is not big, but it has four pairs of wings that are as thin as a cicada's wings. When it vibrates and flies, it is invisible to the naked eye, as if it can fly in the air without wings.

The most impressive thing is its head, which is not the face that an insect should have. If you carefully identify it, you will be surprised to find that it has similar facial features to humans!

But those are not real facial features, they are more spliced ​​out, just like the wings of some butterflies in nature. In order to protect themselves and deter enemies, the wings will display terrifying patterns when they unfold, scaring the enemies away.

The strange bug in front of me looks similar to it, but it is not trying to scare the enemy away, but trying to imitate the enemy.

This enemy is human beings.

"Could this bug be a female bug?" Yiye Zhiqiu said in surprise, "It looks very unusual."

Zhang Ze didn't speak, he was observing intently, not wanting to miss any details.

Laura looked around, and she was surprised to find that the people of Team B had also entered the hill, hiding in a corner opposite, and observing the situation below just like them.

"5963, it's from Team B. They also came in." Laura immediately reported the situation to Zhang Ze. Zhang Ze frowned and thought to himself, "What is Team B doing here? After they set the coordinates, they should leave This is the right place..."

Zhang Ze looked towards Team B and saw that they were taking photos, as if they were collecting information.

"Could it be that they are also observing that strange bug?"

Zhang Ze asked in a deep voice, "Laura, have you ever seen a female worm before?"

"No." Laura shook her head: "The mother worm hides deeply, and it is very cautious and never shows up."

"I understand..." Zhang Ze thought to himself: "These captives are not only used as bait to let Team B find the female worm's nest, but also have another function, which is to lure the female worm out!"

"And these orders were all issued by Bloodwashing the World! This guy's ambition is not small. His goal is not only to complete the task, but also to find out the information of the mother worm, so he can go back and claim credit from his superiors!"

Just as he was thinking about this question, the strange flying bug landed slowly, its face cracked open, revealing its real face from inside, a weird insect face!

"Don't... help..."

The young soldier was so frightened that he wanted to run away, but there were gnats all around him, as long as he dared to move, he would be torn to pieces in an instant!

Zhang Ze's pupils shrank slightly, and he saw the strange bug sticking out a slender and sharp needle from its mouth, about one meter in length.

Suddenly, it pierced the needle into the young soldier's head!


The soldier let out a terrible cry, and then rolled his eyeballs upwards, and all the snot and saliva flowed down, and he fell into a stupid state.

The bug was riding on the soldier's body, the needles in its mouth were stirring in his brain, as if it was probing for something, but soon it stopped moving, and its body gave off a faint green light.

"What is it doing?" Liu Yueying asked suspiciously, "Tasting the taste of human brain?"

"Ouch! It's so disgusting!" The little princess Qian couldn't help being overwhelmed.

Moved the knife and said in a low voice: "I think it should be searching for intelligence information in the soldiers' brains..."

Sure enough, the soldier suddenly spoke, his voice was emotionless and weak.

"My name is Owen Morris. I belong to the b team of the 39th Corps, a third-class soldier. Our mission this time is to explore the black mist area, find the nest of the mother insect, and set the coordinate points..."

Soldier Owen spoke intermittently, but everyone knew that these words should be said by the strange bug controlling his computer.

"Sure enough, the purpose of these bugs eating human brains is to obtain human information!" Zhang Ze nodded secretly in his heart. This is important information, and Shang Qiuyu should be very happy to know it.

"There are two teams participating in this operation, Team A and Team B. Each team has about 300 people. I don't know where they are now..." Owen was still confessing what he knew, but the bug seemed to be Not satisfied, because the human captives had already said this information.

Zhang Ze set the coordinates and prepared to take everyone to evacuate.

The mission has been completed and important information has been collected. It's time to leave this dangerous place.

Team B on the other side also began to prepare to evacuate. In fact, they also found Zhang Ze and others, but everyone knew it, and no one contacted the other party.

"Let's go, let's go back." Zhang Ze got up and was about to leave, when he suddenly heard a crying voice from behind.

He looked back in surprise, only to see the soldier named Owen, who was crying for his parents.

"Dad, Mom...Dad, Mom...I want to go home...I miss you..."

Although his head was pierced by a strange insect with a needle, he did not die.

Now, the information in his head is useless to the bug, which starts eating Owen's brain.

However, this also allowed Owen to regain his sanity temporarily, saying his last words before he died, but after his brain was eaten up by bugs, he would die soon.

However, listening to Owen's murmur before he died, everyone felt very uncomfortable as if they had been severely grabbed.

"These bugs are too cruel!" The giant god couldn't help but frowned, "If you want to kill them, just kill them, isn't this torturing people!"

Yiye Zhiqiu also shook his head and said: "A bug has no feelings, let alone compassion and compassion."

The worms were still eating into Owen's brain, and he began to feel pain, crying and calling his parents more and more urgently.

"Ah! I can't take it anymore!" Xiao Niao Yiren covered her ears, not wanting to hear any more.

Zhang Ze sighed and said helplessly, "He is hopeless, let's go."


Suddenly a gunshot came from the side, everyone was startled, and they all looked at the person who shot.

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