Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 221 The extended effect of the power of nightmares

Golden ripples rippled, and meteors all over the sky fell crazily towards their target.

Of course, Fang Bo knew better than anyone else that such an attack would not be able to do anything to the violent Iori.

As long as there is a slight block, the Sand Iron Boundary Technique that follows is the ultimate move.

Even if they can't hit the target, they can at least restrict Yagami's movement.

Fang Bo, who had just fought a battle and couldn't even use his imitation skills, could only rely on this method to fight.

Maybe try applying the Deterioration skill to the target?

The sand iron spikes have become a barrier separating the two sides. Under normal circumstances, Iori Yagami's choice must be to first deal with Kagura Chizuru, who is more threatening.

But at this moment, he had already lost his mind, and without saying a word, he started violently attacking the sand iron boundary method.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Fang Bo could only repeat his old tricks, concentrating his mental power to launch an invisible attack on the enemy.

[Your mental shock causes 34 points of damage to Iori Yagami]

After entering the nightmare state, the lethality in this area has been significantly improved, and even the body of the violent Yagami can't help but tremble slightly.

The next second, Kagura Chizuru's attack came as expected.

She saw an afterimage coming at high speed, and she used a special move that only Yata Mirror users could use.

Super sure kill·Basic of zero skills!

A special technique that can seal the energy.

Iori Yagami, who was accidentally hit, could no longer perform any special moves in a short period of time.

He thought he could sit back and relax like this, but he saw Yagami grab Kagura Chizuru's neck with his backhand.

Yi Shi Chuanfeng took action and forced the exchange of positions. The iron wall became a tool to restrict the woman.

"An!" Kagura Chizuru's anger gradually surged, and she once again launched a speedy congratulation to attack.

She had not taken action with all her strength because her companions had already been seriously injured.

I didn't want to take advantage of others' danger, but now it seems that I can't do it if I don't show some real skills.

The showdown was so fast that the two of them launched and exchanged moves so quickly that even Fang Bo, who had activated his sense of fighting spirit, could only get a rough idea.

"This is not the way to go." He couldn't help but frown.

Who would have thought that Kagura Chizuru would be so indecisive.

At this time, there is no need to take into account the past friendship, so it is best to beat Yagami quickly until he is seriously injured and dying.

Otherwise, neither of them would be able to escape being torn apart by those iron claws.

Faced with this level of threat, Fang Bo knew that there was very little he could do, and now he could only find ways to provide support.

After taking a look at the little mental power he had left, he had a firm idea in his mind and decided to try the dark art that sometimes worked but didn't work.

He can't master this skill very well yet. It takes a long time to prepare and there are many restrictions before he can use it.

Fortunately, Kagura Chizuru exists, otherwise he wouldn't even have a chance to try.

After completing the seal according to the established method, the ten points of mental power instantly disappeared into nothing, turning into a black curtain that covered the enemy.

Iori Yagami looked up and saw this horrific scene.

However, he was not immediately controlled by the illusion as he imagined. Instead, he opened his arms and let out waves of angry roars.

Obviously, the Dark Art has not been able to control Iori Yagami who was in a state of rage.

"Is it the effect of the serpent's blood?" Fang Bo's heart sank, and his eyes began to glance at the entrance of the underground training ground frequently.

If things develop to an irreversible point, he certainly can't involve himself in it.

Just as he was about to run away, the aura of nightmare surrounding him suddenly penetrated into the darkness beneath his feet.

[You cast the technique of Darkness on Iori Yagami, and the mental attributes are in the judgment of the characteristics and abilities]

[Judgment passed, Iori Yagami fell into a state of blindness for three seconds]

"It's done!"

Fang Bo wanted to smile after the operation was successful, but the tearing sensation coming from his head kept him from laughing.

The successive battles had already brought him to the point where he was exhausted.

Fortunately, the illusion successfully hit the target, otherwise he would have found a way to escape now.

As for the reason for the final success, it may be related to the newly obtained legendary characteristics.

This nightmare power seems to be very mysterious. If you have the chance, you can try to trace its origin and see if you can unlock its secret.

Staggering to the corner and sitting down, Fang Bo quietly enjoyed Kagura Chizuru's performance.

Three seconds of blindness is not long, it is just a blink of an eye for ordinary people, but it is enough for Kagura Chizuru to use her three divine skills.

When the woman stopped walking, Yagami, who had been wild and violent before, was now as quiet as a good baby.

The serpent's blood was still boiling, but he had lost his ability to move. This was exactly the effect Fang Bo wanted to see.

External forces cannot help Yagami recover. If he wants to make up for the trauma caused by the three-god skill "Wushiki", there is only one solution that is not a solution.

"I hope it can succeed."

With the sealing function of the Yata mirror, Yagami-an can no longer stir up any trouble, and can only choose to stand there alone with bowed head.

Seeing this situation, Kagura Chizuru couldn't help but relax a little.

Glancing at the sluggish man, she asked calmly: "Do you need me to help you treat him?"

"Need not."

What Fang Bo was losing was his mental strength, and ordinary medical methods had no effect at all.

At present, the only thing that can be properly treated is Xiaoxiang Phosphorus, but it is a pity that he cannot bring that little girl out.

"Following Orochimaru may be safer than taking risks with me."

Perhaps due to his poor condition, Fang Bo seemed to have more emotions than usual at this moment.

I don't know since when, fighting has become everything in his life.

The feeling of walking on the edge of a knife every day would be overwhelming to ordinary people, but he gradually began to get used to it.

Sometimes Fang Bo wonders if he would be on the same path again if he could choose.

No matter how many times I think about this question, the answer I get is always the same.


Even if the final outcome is not very good, Fang Bo will not regret going through this wonderful journey.

Thoughts were swirling in his mind, and he fell into a deep sleep before he knew it.

It wasn't until the sound of slight footsteps came to his ears that Fang Bo woke up from his sleep.

"The steps are light, it's an ordinary person." Before he opened his eyes, he could see all this through his sensitive hearing.

After a while, the butler whom I had seen before came in pushing a dining cart.

"Guest, this is food prepared for you."

No matter what he thought in his heart, at least the Kagura family's etiquette was very good and they did not deliberately ignore Fang Bo's existence.

"Thank you." He was not polite to the other party. He had to eat to make up for the excessive physical energy consumed.

You can sleep again after eating. Anyway, it looks like Iori Yagami won't be able to complete the treatment for a while.

"The battle in 1997 was indeed tragic." To be honest, he really wanted to see with his own eyes the grand occasion of the three artifacts sealing the serpent.

If we can participate together, I think there will be very good gains.

After the dining car left, Fang Bo came to the lounge alone and used hypnosis to force himself to fall asleep again.

After an unknown amount of time, Fang Bo suddenly "awoke" and silently looked at the strange surroundings.

He soon realized that he was still asleep.

In other words, he is now in a state of "lucid dreaming" and can even control everything in the dream.

As soon as I thought about it, the noble and elegant Kagura Chizuru appeared in front of me, but this time she was wearing black stockings, and the miko robe turned into a sexy cheongsam with slits.

Following his will, Kagura Chizuru began to perform a sexy and hot dance.

After a while, Mai Shiranui also joined in, and the two ladies made some indescribable irritating moves from time to time.

".This thing is good."

After pinching himself lightly, Fang Bo regretfully found that he seemed to be unable to feel the pain, which made him sigh in disappointment.

When he looked up again, there were several familiar women in front of him.

"Big brother~~"


Dispersing Yaoyao's phantom with a slap, Fang Bo rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction, thinking that this little girl should not join in the fun.

This is a game for adults.

After admiring it for a while, Fang Bo suddenly began to wonder about the origin of the dream.

Nothing would appear without reason. This could only mean that it was related to a certain encounter he had recently.

After thinking for a moment, he set his sights on the newly acquired legendary characteristics.

Only it has the ability to create everything in front of you.

I thought it was just an ordinary ability, but now it seems that the effect of the legendary characteristics is far more powerful than imagined.

"Then the question becomes, what can I do with this dream?"

Looking at Kagura Chizuru who was twisting and turning in front of him, Fang Bo wondered if this thing was just for him, right?

Doesn't that sound good?

Looking at the surrounding scene, he suddenly wanted to try to stay away from here.

But not long after "flying", it was stopped by an invisible film.

This thing is not impenetrable, but Fang Bo's current ability seems not enough.

In desperation, he had to retreat to his original position.

After ordering Kagura Chizuru to stop moving, an interesting idea suddenly came to his mind, and then he tried to get the woman to imitate a certain move he had seen before.

Super sure kill·Basic of zero skills!

Following his memory, Kagura Chizuru Phantom perfectly reproduced the movements at that time.

It's a pity that such an attack has no effect at all.

However, something happened that completely surprised him.

[The re-engraving progress of "Basic of Zero Skills" has reached 5%]

"This is?!" Fang Bo couldn't help but his eyes widened.

There is no doubt that it was the prompt from the memory armor just now, and the imitation skill was recording the ability he saw in front of him.

Just because the movement was too fast, only 5% of the completion was recorded at one time.

With excitement, Fang Bo began to toss Kagura Chizuru over and over again, letting her learn the importance of moving on her own.

Soon, the re-engraving progress reached 25%, but at this time, Fang Bo suddenly realized that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't go any further.

After thinking for a moment, he gradually understood that the foundation of zero skills could only be performed with the help of the Yata Mirror.

Without this artifact, even Kagura Chizuru would not be able to perform this special skill, and naturally he would not be able to reproduce it.

After understanding this, Fang Bo immediately changed his goal and transformed Kusanagi Kyo, whom he had been in contact with for the longest time, in front of him.

The scorching flames rose, and the familiar super-kill skills were unleashed.

[The re-engraving progress of "Orochanagi" has reached 36%]

He successfully filled up one-third of the area in one use. It can be seen that the more familiar the skill is, the easier the re-engraving process will be.

Soon after, the imitation skill was filled, and Fang Bo immediately got himself out of the dream state.

The moment he opened his eyes, he immediately looked up the information about the memory armor and found that the icon related to "Orochanagi" was clearly displayed in the list of imitation effects.

"Sure enough, it worked." Fang Bo couldn't help but get excited.

The use of this extended ability allows him to use certain skills repeatedly.

Maybe if he uses it more times, maybe Fang Bo will be able to master the secret of releasing skills, allowing himself to successfully master the corresponding abilities.

Imitation itself is a learning process.

"Maybe I can develop some other uses."

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