Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 222 The Strongest Beyond the Strongest

Over Nanzhen, two huge transport planes roared past.

Through the glass window, the young man gazed at the beautiful city: "It's a nice sight, no wonder we chose to hold it here."

The man has white beard and hair, but he also has the face of a young man, which really looks a bit weird.

Shaking the wine glass in his hand, Constantine quietly fell into thinking, his expression was indescribably elegant and noble.

He came to Nanzhen to do only two things.

First, punish the traitor and kill that disgusting white rat with your own hands.

Second, seize the Yata Mirror from Kagura Chizuru.

If you want to seize the power of the Orochi, you must first seal the will of the earth.

To do this, artifacts from the native world must be borrowed.

This operation was of great importance, not only him, but also the people under that guy came with him.

Looking up at the figure not far away, Constantine's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction.

All reincarnations in the first-difficulty world respected him, and even Olson, who was unruly at the time, would not disobey him in person.

However, these so-called experts always ignored him, preferring to fiddle with a bunch of ingredients rather than talk to him.

Constantine is not stupid, he knows that these guys from the second level look down on him, thinking that he has not yet proven his strength.

"A bunch of idiots." The other party looked down on him, so why did he look down on this group of people.

It's just that he entered a few days earlier than him. When he catches up, these guys may not even be qualified to carry his shoes.

As if aware of his gaze, the young man who was cooking beef raised his head and handed the plate over with a smile.

"Are you going to eat or not?"

This plate of beef looks normal, but if you take a closer look, it will instantly make your head tingle.

The constantly beating tendons seemed to be alive, trying to climb upwards, but they were restrained by the whole body of beef.

Constantine even saw a small piece of meat constantly devouring other muscles, while he slowly grew bigger bit by bit.

Weird Steamed Grilled Beef Tenderloin: Dishes, has some unknown effect, please eat with caution.

"No need." He declined the other party's invitation.

He would rather not eat tonight than eat something of unknown origin.

Ji Mu, the main reincarnator in the second difficulty world, returned to the King of Fighters world with Jason this time.

Constantine rarely saw these people and only heard some rumors from inside the orphanage.

Among the many weird and varied legends, this seemingly harmless young man in front of him is absolutely indispensable.

The food he produced has become a nightmare for many people.

Eat it once and you'll never forget it.

"You really don't want to eat it?" Ji Mu sighed with regret, and slowly put the beef into his mouth under the strange looks of the people around him.

The next second, the young man fell to the ground and started convulsing violently.

"." Constantine stood up and decided to stay away from these idiots in the second difficulty world.

This time to hunt Kagura Chizuru, just a few of them are definitely not enough. The real master is resting alone in the back.

Including him, no one dared to disturb the sleep of "Mr.

Looking at the entire Sound Nest organization, this plot character's strength is definitely at the top.


Looking at the town below, Constantine couldn't help but recall the brief meeting in the reincarnation space.

"I'm looking forward to playing against you, Number Seven."

"See if you can disappoint Olson."

[The pursuer is approaching, please be prepared to deal with it! 】

Hearing the prompt from the space, Fang Bo, who was resting, immediately raised his head: "A guest has arrived."

Hearing this, Kagura Chizuru took out the bronze mirror in her arms, and images of two transport planes soon appeared on it.

The icon of Nests clearly indicates the identity of the visitor.

"I actually chased them here." For the first time, she felt the pressure from the enemy.

No wonder he was able to get Jing'an and the two to join forces. It seemed that he lacked communication with the outside world.

Picking up the communicator on the wall, Kagura Chizuru ordered the housekeeper to activate the emergency response procedure. Next, this place will become a battlefield.

She is not afraid, but the other members of the family must be evacuated as soon as possible.


Soon, seven women in training uniforms came into the room. These were the best fighters from the Kagura family.

As a fighting family with a long history, it is naturally impossible to rely on Kagura Chizuru alone to fulfill her mission.

There are even several elderly people in the family who are terrifyingly powerful. It's a pity that they don't like the environment here in South Town, otherwise today's battle would be much easier.

"Let's go and greet our guests."

Everyone came to the yard and looked up at the two transport planes that were gradually approaching.

Seeing this, Fang Bo took out the Fengying puppet to prevent the enemy from bringing justice to them.

"Don't worry." Kagura Chizuru waved her hand, as if she was sensing something: "This is South Town, one of the most prosperous cities in the United States. No one dares to openly use powerful firearms."

Sound Nest has not reached the point where it can cover the sky with one hand, otherwise it would not have to use the name of a drug company to disguise itself.

It doesn't matter how the fighters fight, but launching missiles is another matter entirely.

He understood the truth, but Fang Bo never underestimated the madness of reincarnators.

Let alone a few missiles, if the opportunity is right, these guys can press the nuclear bomb button without changing their expressions.

But even so, it doesn't matter. With the Wind Shadow puppet around, using thermal weapons will only lead to death.

After waiting quietly for a moment, one of the transport planes slowly landed in the courtyard of Kagura's house.

It can be seen how rich this woman's family is, and the yard where a transport plane is parked does not feel crowded at all.

The war is approaching, but Fang Bo's focus has wandered slightly.

Under everyone's gaze, the door of the transport plane opened, and a very familiar figure walked out.

Constantine the Chosen, and his gang of orphanage lackeys.

"The plot points are delivered to your door." Fang Bo licked the corners of his mouth, and the smile on his face could not be suppressed.

If the enemy comes with bad intentions, they will definitely fight, but this does not prevent the bosses from both sides from chatting about the situation.

Taking this opportunity, Fang Bo almost scanned the opponent's main characters, and the final result was very surprising.

[No. 8201 (Food Hunter)]

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: perception, mental, physical constitution]

[Characteristics: Food is heaven]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Food is the Heaven: The gain effect of food is +200%, and the cooking success rate is modified by 20%.

There is no doubt that this is a reincarnation from the second difficulty world.

While being suppressed by space, Fang Bo was able to form a "slightly stressful" threat assessment.

It is impossible for the opponent to add points based on attributes. There is a high probability that it comes from equipment or some kind of amplification effect.

Considering the title of the man's food hunter, he guessed that it probably came from the effect of a certain kind of cooking.

"It's really rude." Ji Mu took out a meat bun from his arms, took a bite and said, "No wonder so many people hate you, No. 7."

Hey, you want to have sex with me before we fight?

"Ha." Fang Bo sneered and responded: "Everyone hates me. It only means that there is something wrong with you bastards. Please reflect on yourselves."

The threat from the reincarnations was great, but with Kagura Chizuru present, these people couldn't make too big a splash at all.

The real threat is actually the mysterious man with long hair behind him.


[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, agility, constitution]

[Feature: x virus (legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Turning on the sense of fighting spirit, the aura exuded by the man was no weaker than the violent Iori.

What does this mean?

Even if he joins forces with Kagura Chizuru, he may not be a match for this person. This is completely beyond the range of his ability to deal with.

"Mr. X, I feel a little familiar."

Before entering the world of The King of Fighters, he compiled as much information as possible and listed all the strong men he could think of.

Including the next two chapters, he did not let go of any famous fighters.

But it didn't include Mr. X, but he really felt that the code name sounded familiar.

"Then there is only one reason. The other party is a short-lived super strong man who only appears briefly in the plot."

Having an "extremely lethal" threat rating means that the opponent has combat power equivalent to that of a big BOSS.

There are very few such people in the first place, and if their appearance is further restricted, the scope will be even smaller.

After looking through the list of members of the Sound Nest Organization, Fang Bo suddenly thought of a very special existence.

In the years since Kyo Kusanagi was captured, Sound Nest used him to create too many clone troopers.

Most of them are rubbish with little strength, but occasionally individuals with extraordinary strength will be born.

For example, Kusanagi Zero, One, and the protagonist of the plot and other people, they all have very strong strength.

However, by chance, an extremely special being was born among these clones.

That is Kusanagi Kyo-3.

This person carries a very special virus that can change the nature of Kusanagi Kyo's red flames, forming a more lethal green flame.

His true strength is said to have three times the combat power of Kusanagi Kyo.

Of course, Fang Bo estimates that the actual situation may not be that exaggerated. When Sound Nest acquired Kusanagi Kyo, it was actually no longer in its peak state.

Even so, Kusanagi Kyo-3 still possesses terrifying power that surpasses other clones.

Unfortunately, he chose to challenge Igniz alone, and ended up being tortured to death.

In Fang Bo's opinion, this is a very irrational behavior.

As the final BOSS of the Sound Nest Chapter, in terms of setting, Igniz has strength that surpasses all fighters.

K', Maxima, Kula, K9999, and a large group of fighters participated in the siege, and finally managed to kill the big BOSS.

It can be seen from this that the defeat of Kusanagi Kyo-3 was not actually due to his lack of strength.

Looking at the long-haired man opposite, Fang Bo doubted that he was the so-called No. 3.

The orphanage has been developed in the King of Fighters world for so long, and it would be foolish not to even know the name of Kagura Chizuru.

If you dare to take the initiative to challenge, you must be sure of winning.

I think this mysterious Mr. X is the source of the self-confidence of these reincarnations.

Seeing that Kagura Chizuru was still circling, Fang Bo launched an attack without warning.

The magnetic escape of the Wind Shadow Puppet was activated, immediately causing the transport plane hovering above to lose control.

Since the Kazekage puppet is in a semi-destroyed state, he cannot control all the steel as easily as Magneto.

But it shouldn't be a problem for the transport plane to simply crash.


As the flames rose into the sky, a cluster of six-pointed stars suddenly appeared around Fang Bo.

The shikigami summons the new bride!

As soon as the ghost mother Yinji appeared, she immediately summoned her sixteen children.

Even if many clones climbed out from the fall, the number of people on both sides remained at the same level.

Who can have the last laugh depends on their respective methods.

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