Chapter 111: 1486 in the sea calendar, the upcoming New Year!.

Things from the outside world! To tell the truth, Haruaki really doesn’t know, for Wano Country, it is still developing steadily step by step, and with the upcoming New Year, the entire Wano Country is also bright.


“Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year!”

“It’s been a very rich year! It’s all about thanking the king, who has brought our entire Wano country upside down, which is really great! ”


Heian-kyo, Nozomi, Rabbit Bowl, Suzugo, White Dance, every area is full of lights, all are ready to welcome the New Year, except for Jiuli! In this short period of two years, hundreds of thousands of slaves have died in the weapons factory of Jiuli and the quarry of the rabbit bowl, after all, such high-intensity work, the death of slaves is really not a strange thing.

Of course!

This is not a problem, for this world, everything may be lacking, but the most important thing is the slave who can die at will, just like Kaido said, above this sea, the number of slaves is simply innumerable, because of this, at this moment in Wano Country, work is still very busy.

“Slow down!”

“Slow down!”


With the sound, the black carbon twilight cicada took the black carbon cicada pill, the demon knife Ji, as well as the beaver, the bride and others slowly rose up from the shallow port, but they couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “It really is!” It is undeniable that the shallow port is really very inconvenient! It is still necessary to find a way to enter Wano Country more quickly. ”

The beaver grinned;

“Lord Twilight, you can rest assured of this! As long as the ghost ship is made, these things are simply easy things, and they are nothing at all. ”


The black carbon twilight cicada smiled and nodded, looking at the ever-changing Wano Country in front of him, he couldn’t help but smile at the corner of his mouth, but! Immediately after, Kanjuro led the group to see that a large number of slaves had been escorted back.

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada said, “Kanjuro, the rest of the matter will be left to you, and the old woman will return to Heianjing to report to the young master.” 46。 ”

Kanjuro nodded and said, “Lord Twilight, don’t worry!” Everything will be taken care of in the next! ”


Black Carbon Twilight Cicada with a smile, still very trusting Kanjuro, just kidding, Kanjuro has grown up more and more excellent over time, and even more and more excellent in all aspects, perhaps because hatred has really taken revenge, Kanjuro is not impatient in all aspects, and even said, he has gradually grown into a general, which is an excellent in leading troops to fight.

For such a result, Black Carbon Twilight Cicada is of course very satisfied, and in addition to Kanjuro, the most satisfied is Black Carbon Humble! This is a child chosen by his own young master and inherited by the owner, such a child, how outstanding is that?

Because of this, the black carbon twilight cicada is very joyful almost every day, for the black carbon twilight cicada, the black carbon family is really developing and growing, such a result, is it not worthy of joy?

—- this moment! Heian-kyo!

Haruaki and Suzuka Gozen sat in the corridor, quietly tasting hot wine, while Hanamaki knelt on their side, looking at the slowly falling snowflakes in front of them with a smile, and said softly: “It’s another year, and such a peaceful and peaceful life is really very comfortable!” ”


Suzuka Gozen knelt on the ground, sipping the wine and said, “This kind of life is really very good!” I just don’t know when I will be able to see such a beautiful scenery again with everyone in Mt. Suzuka! ”

For Suzuka Gozen, Haruaki, Yokaijihime, and Hanatori Maki may all be their companions, but! Only the monsters of Suzuka Mountain are really their own family, they are their most important beauties, which is really the most important family for Suzuka Gozen, Suzuka Gozen is a monster who attaches great importance to his family.

Clear and gentle Dao;

“Will do! In the next time, we will see everything in the future step by step, quietly see, what is the owner of the future, isn’t it? ”



Both women were smiling, and Hana Tori suddenly said teasingly: “Lord Qingming, it’s New Year soon!” Are you ready to accept a concubine this year? ”


Qingming looked at the flower and bird roll, his face was stiff, and then shook his head and said gently: “You girl is really interesting, if you like it, I can accept you anytime and anywhere!” ”


Hanabumaki snorted and didn’t continue to say anything, she knew that she had no way to ridicule Lord Qingming, after all! She is waiting for herself, she thinks that she must become more perfect to be worthy of Lord Qingming, otherwise, she is not worthy of Lord Qingming at all, naturally, it is a meaningless thing.

Qingming shook his head with a smile, shook his head gently, looked very calm, quietly looked into the distance, and said softly: “I really have experienced a lot of changes, two years!” Wano Country has also changed dramatically! ”

“Young master!”

At this moment, the voice of the black carbon twilight cicada came, Qingming turned his head with a smile, looked at the black carbon twilight cicada, and said with a smile: “Twilight cicada mother-in-law, you are back!” This time is really hard work for you. ”

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada shook its head and said, “Young Master!” This is all the old woman I should do, since the arrival of Heianjing, the old woman can feel that her body is getting better and better, in this way, the old woman can still live for decades, rest assured, young master! The old woman will definitely take care of everything for you, and absolutely nothing will happen. ”

Qing Ming said gently: “Twilight Cicada Mother-in-law, you still have to pay more attention to your body, these things are okay sooner or later, and the flower and bird roll will treat Twilight Cicada’s mother-in-law’s body.” ”

“Lord Qingming!”

“Don’t worry!”

Hana Tori Roll also nodded seriously, of course she knew what the black carbon twilight cicada represented to Lord Qingming, that is the love and teaching of the elders, just like the combination of grandma and master, teaching Lord Qingming all the way, but also cultivating the growth of Lord Qingming, for such an important person, naturally there is no need to say more.


Black Carbon Twilight Cicada chuckled and shook her head, walked over, knelt down, glanced at the wine, and shook her head helplessly, she had long been banned, these things that could hurt the body, the young master of her own family did not allow herself to touch.

The black carbon twilight cicada sat down on her knees, regained its correct color, and said seriously;

“Young master! This time, in addition to 30 devil fruits, we also purchased 10 devil fruits from Stussey’s hands, so that the number of devil fruits in our hands in our hands reached 50 again after a year’s accumulation. ”


Qingming nodded, compared to the past, he was exhausted to obtain the devil fruit, and now the benefits of the devil fruit seem to have become extremely simple, which really makes people have to sigh, when they have the power and money and status, the so-called devil fruit is too easy…


Black Carbon Twilight Cicada thought slightly: “Stussy still vaguely revealed a news in this transaction, if we want to, we can let Wano Country join the world government and become a member country, and it is directly one of the 50 conference countries, there is no need to pay heavenly gold, as long as the weapons produced continue to give three more achievements.” ”


A smile appeared at the corner of Qingming’s mouth, and he said lightly: “It’s really a good idea!” If you can become a member country, especially a conference country, it is indeed a huge advantage for Wano Country, but! This matter still needs to be considered a little, for the time being, it is not appropriate, you can continue to wait for a year or two, above this sea, as long as no one can surpass the weapons of our country of Wano, this is our status, continue to increase the status of our country of Wano. ”


The black carbon twilight cicada nodded seriously, indeed! You still need to increase your own status, only in this way can you let the country of Wano have a higher right to speak, when you really stand in this position, you understand that pirates are really not a powerful thing, they are very weak, not the weakness of strength, but the weakness of status, above this world, they have no right to speak at all, some things, if your status is not enough, you don’t know at all.

Because of that! In total, the world government has more than 300 member States, of which only 50 are called conference countries, which are the countries that can attend the world conference every four years, and how many of these countries are qualified to present their ideas, while the rest are qualified to present their ideas? It’s more about just listening.

This is the most fundamental reason, this is the fundamental reason brought about by the gap in strength, for the development of Wano Country, it is better to join the world government, since there is no need to pay heavenly gold, and you can get a higher status, this status gap is different. 2.8 To put it simply!

Today there is a scientific research meeting of high-level weapons, you ordinary pirates are not qualified to participate in it, but Wano Country has it, people will send invitations, at that time, you can get these weapons, as for whether you can learn it? That’s your problem! If you don’t understand it yourself, there’s nothing you can do.

Because of that! This is a question of itself, and these qualifications, intelligence! Resource! Wait, these can only be obtained when the pirates became the Four Emperors, and before that, there was no such qualification at all, because the pirates at this time were mud legs, and only in the era of the Four Emperors was the sea emperor who became the new world of King’s Landing.

Their status has become completely different, each sea emperor has his own huge territory, because of this, their status has improved, which is why a lot of changes have taken place.


This is the root of this world, do pirates want to overthrow the rule of the world government? It’s like a joke! This is also the fundamental reason why the revolutionary army is the most taboo and vigilant force by the world government.

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