Chapter 112: Come! Mount Suzuka!.


Status! Strength!

The three only complement each other, is the real apex above this sea, Qingming has never been interested in whether he stands at the apex, but this is the mission of the black carbon family, but also the responsibility of the black carbon family, fighting for the lives of the black carbon family, this is standing in this position, in other words, refusal? This is not something that Qingming himself can refuse, Qingming must admit it, and he must participate in it, which is Qingming’s duty.

That being the case! Then stand at the top! Since this is my duty, then I will stand at the apex and let the whole world see how powerful the power of Wano Country is, and let the whole world know how amazing the strength of Wano Country is.

“Mother-in-law Twilight, what about the rest?”

Qingming continued to ask, this matter can be postponed for the time being, wait until a year or two later, the strength of Wano Country continues to develop, at that time, choose to become a conference country, that is the most appropriate time, now? It’s a little early, indeed! At the very least, at this time, even if you become a conference country, it seems that you are not qualified to become a country that can finally speak, and because of this, you still need to wait a little.

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada said with a serious expression: “Young master!” The second point is the purchase of slaves, in the hands of Stussy, as well as the underground emperor and other underground markets, this time, the old woman and I brought back a total of almost 600,000 slaves, which is enough to fill the number of slaves who died in the past two years. ”

Qingming is also very satisfied with this 21, seriously! Haruaki can be said to be very good for the people of Wano Country, as long as you are obedient, then you can enjoy a very good life, this is the promise of Haruaki to the people of Wano Country, not like the black carbon serpent, because there is no ability, can only rule through violence.

But Qingming is different, Qingming has the ability, naturally can rule in other ways, and other than that! The slaves in the weapons factory and quarry, Qingming is ruthless enough, and even said, it is simply like a monster, you can do as you like, disobedient? Then die! This is how ruthless Qingming is.

“Third point.”

“Young master!”

“The old woman found a branch of the Black Carbon family, but this branch has already gone to the West Sea, so the old woman has sent people to look for it, if nothing else, probably in two months, or three months later, there can be news.”

The black carbon twilight cicada mentioned this matter, it is still very joyful, this is the most important fundamental! The people of the Black Carbon family are the core of the Black Carbon family, and the Black Carbon Twilight Cicada, Kanjuro, and Bei Mihu are all people of the Black Carbon family, and because of this, they can grow step by step.

Just like Bei Mihu’s control of the rabbit bowl, the control is becoming more and more perfect, and Kanjuro is also growing towards the great general, which makes the black carbon twilight cicada and the black carbon cicada pill are very happy, after all, they are already old, even if they can continue to insist, but how many years can they persist? Decade? Twenty years?


This is the strongest time, because of this, they need juniors to support, only in this way, when the juniors grow up, this is the most important, but without the juniors of the same race, outsiders will never be able to get the most important trust.

Qingming smiled and nodded: “This matter, or according to the original way to deal with it, if the other party is willing to come back, then I will seriously cultivate every child, let all the old people raise the heavens, if not willing to come back, give everyone 100 million Bailey, let them go wherever they want.” ”


Black Carbon Twilight Cicada respectfully lowered her head, this is the kindness of the young master of her own family to all the clansmen, and then, Qingming stood up and said: “The new year is about to begin, this will also be a new year for Wano Country, and this year’s banquet will also be the most important.” ”

Qingming involuntarily narrowed his eyes, thinking of the New Year ten days later, the corners of his mouth also evoked a smile, and after two years, the country of Wano has undergone earth-shaking changes, and everything has really become unjustified.

….. Under the night!


The white fox phantom emerged, Qingming devoured a total of 50 devil fruits directly, was slightly thinking, the number of these 50 devil fruits, is secretly said in his heart: “First of all, to summon Suzuka Mountain, this is undoubted, Suzuka Mountain must have at least 20 devil fruits, and in addition, the remaining 30 devil fruits, the best improvement, is to improve the strength of the Yagi Great Snake.” ”

The current country of Wano needs a real pillar-level combat power, and with the improvement of the status of Wano Country, Qingming is very clear that the real pillar-level combat power is not the level of generals, but Roger at the peak, Karp at the peak, Edward at the peak, this level of combat effectiveness.

They are the real pillars of a force, even said! There are old monsters among some forces, and the strength of these old monsters is even more terrifying, and the owner is no less than the strength of Captain Locks, which is the foundation of the growth of a force, and the pillar is absolutely very important.

Suzuka Imperial Former Owner of the strength of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, according to the division of Qingming, the rank of the general is roughly divided into four levels, the lowest level is the level of the first general, the current Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, John, almost all of them are at this level, the higher level is the general of the Navy headquarters, and further up is the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, Kaido, Lingling, and so on at the peak of these four emperors.

That’s basically the level, of course! These three levels, although it seems that there is a gap, but this gap is really not big, to put it bluntly, it is four or six open, if you say who eats who steadily, it is a joke-like thing, and Suzuka Gozen has reached the marshal of the naval headquarters, and the strength is slightly surpassed, which is basically the strength of the ghost king level!

Demon Dao Ji, Flower and Bird Roll are basically equivalent to the general of the naval headquarters, and if you break through to the level of SP, you will enter the next level, that is, the apex of the general level, peak Karp, peak Warring States, peak Roger, peak Edward, peak Shiji!

The strength of these five guys at their peak, their strength is the most apex strength, and this is the strength that has basically surpassed the general, the ordinary general is basically the strength of the eight two kai, as for Suzuka Gozen if he surpasses one step? I don’t know if Suzuka Gozen can become an SP-style god!

This is hard to say! Although it is said that Suzuka Gozen has not heard of a style god that can become an SP, but don’t forget that Suzuka Gozen awakens the dragon bloodline, and holds the Kaiyuan Shell Halberd, no accident, then it is an SP-level style god, according to the strength of Suzuka Gozen? Well! It is basically the strength of the steady Captain Locks level.


“Although the strength of Suzuka Gozen is strong, whether it is the awakening of the dragon bloodline or the sea plain shell halberd, these are too much.”

“Yu is far away, and the best way is the Yagi Great Snake, and the strength of the Yagi Great Snake is still the most important.”

Qingming carefully sorted out all the situations, and finally understood that the strength of the Yagi Great Snake is still the most important, and the Yagi Great Snake surpasses the strength of the peak Roger as long as it awakens + is full of destruction, although it does not dare to say that it can be comparable to Captain Locks, but it is definitely beyond the peak Roger.


As long as the Yagi Great Snake breaks through to become an SP-level style god, at that time, the strength will immediately surpass the apex, surpass Captain Locks, and reach an unknown level, maybe it can reach the power of the legendary god Im, although Im has never made a move, but! Some things, when you have reciprocity, you have the confidence, otherwise, you don’t even have the confidence, or you are not qualified to have it.


Exhaling a deep breath, Qingming stood up and whispered softly: “It is still best to raise the Yagi Great Snake to the extreme, but!” Until then…”

Haruaki left the room, and next, before the arrival of the New Year, everything that should be prepared still had to be prepared, first of all, the summoning of Mount Suzuka, which was beyond doubt.

… Syllable! Syllable!

The two figures walked step by step to the beach of 177, namely Haruaki and Suzuka Gozen, the entire terrain of Wano Country is actually a huge volcano, Wano Country is a huge volcano, and because the volcano has not erupted, countless seawater has been poured inside, forming the current Wano Country.

Beyond the Rabbit Bowl and White Dance, there is an island on the edge of Wano Country, which is called Oni Island and is also part of Wano Country, but! Very few people land on Ghost Island, and the situation of Ghost Island is very special, it looks like a huge demon’s head on it, and there is this super huge knife on it, as if the demon died here in ancient times.

This is the moment!

Before Qingming and Suzuka Gozen came to this island, both of them looked into the distance with a smile, and Suzuka Gozen said with a smile: “Qingming, I really didn’t expect that you really chose to summon Suzuka Mountain, such a choice is really shocking!” ”

Qingming smiled and shook his head: “This is the best choice, too!” It is meaningless to keep the devil fruit, after all, for me, above this sea, since it is impossible to summon more style gods, then it is better to summon Suzuka Mountain, just humble that child is probably not satisfied, obviously said well, to summon the city of the sunwheel. ”


Suzuka Gozen chuckled and shook his head, while Qingming opened his hands, and in an instant, endless energy burst out from Qingming’s body, followed by a light also emerged from Suzuka Gozen’s body, and the two rays of light converged together, and they fell in front of him, gradually condensed in front of the island of ghosts, forming a complete entity, and as everything condensed out, it was an island full of beautiful scenery.

“Come! Mount Suzuka! ”

The sky opened faintly, and the island had arrived.

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