Chapter 159: The Flower of Eternal Life Ripens! SP: Cicada Ice Girl.

Everything on Fishman Island has come to an end, and from beginning to end, the figure of the Yagi Great Snake has never appeared, but! Even if the Yagi Great Snake has not appeared, the power displayed makes people feel endless fear, this is a terrifying monster, a monster that makes people feel real fear, and such an existence will naturally make people afraid and crazy, and it will make people feel afraid.

This is the power of the Yagi serpent, and the darkness of that moment has swallowed everything, and it is also a deep fear for all the crazy pirates, they feel endless fear, in the face of such an existence, are they really qualified to fight? Are they really qualified to make comparisons?

All! All!

This farce-like event came to an end. Fishman Island Dragon Palace Kingdom!


Neptune exhaled a deep breath, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and the whole person was sitting on the throne, but there was really a feeling of the rest of his life, this was the only chance! For Neptune, he had to seize such an opportunity, and because of this, Neptune almost always prayed that there would be no accidents in the country of peace.

It turns out!

The final result is that there are no problems in Wano Country, and all enemies are easily solved, which is the most important result for Neptune!

“Your Majesty!”

Otohime turned her head and looked at Neptune who took a breath, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, not just Neptune! Otohime herself can’t help but let out a breath, it’s too tiring, such a situation, if it is really uncontrollable, then the result is too much of a headache, it turns out that it is not a bad thing, the result is always good, everything is under control, this is the best result.


Neptune nodded 177 and said, “In general!” Everything is acceptable, there are no accidents on Fishman Island, that’s the best thing, after all! If Wano Country loses this war, then for Fishman Island, it will be the most terrible thing to welcome! ”


Shaking his head helplessly, Neptune let out a helpless sigh, seriously! Neptune really feels a feeling of hindrance, not only Neptune, presumably any Fishman Island’s Danfan, as long as it is a little brainy at this moment, there is a feeling of fear, Fishman Island! It is undeniable that that force is too frightening, and even if it continues, what if it continues?

If Fishman Island fails in this outcome, then! There will never be such a thing again, there is absolutely no need to doubt that those people will never allow Fishman Island to stand up, they will only completely press Fishman Island to the ground, step on the soles of their feet forever, and let Fishman Island become a puppet toy controlled by them and controlled by them at will.

This is the fundamental reason, and beyond that? Everything else! In fact, it is a very simple thing, this opportunity is the only opportunity, Fishman Island only seize this opportunity, then can change all this, if it fails? I’m sorry! Those who fail, but there is no nonsense, only death, will really come, and this is the only result.

Neptune and Otohime, both of whom naturally know this very well, but other than that? Everything else is actually meaningless, and this is something that doesn’t matter at all.


Otohime smiled;

“Your Majesty, you can relax a little, the next thing is still up to you! Other than that, you still need a good rest, right! In terms of candidates, it is also being selected. ”

Neptune smiled and nodded, “How many people have been selected in terms of candidates?” ”

Otohime thought a little and said, “In terms of candidates, a total of almost 100,000 fishmen have been selected, all of them are carefully selected fish-people, and they will follow the people sent by Wano Country to learn, whether it is two-color domineering or kendo, etc., as well as physical skills, they must be studied seriously, and the concubine also knows that this is the best opportunity for the fish-people.” ”

Otohime is a person who hopes that the fish-people and humans can coexist peacefully, but this does not mean that he is an idiot? Yes! Although Otohime’s thoughts can’t be said to be good, Otohime is definitely not an idiot, but a very intelligent person, for Otohime, these things, as long as they can be controlled, then everything is very simple.

Peaceful coexistence! In Otohime’s opinion, it is a good method, but if it is the powerful power of the owner, then it is the most important, and now is the opportunity, naturally, Otohime will not give up.

Neptune also shook his head and did not continue to say anything, these things, just stop here for the time being! This thing is definitely a very important thing, the war does not need to be paid too much attention, now what needs to be considered is the whole matter of Fishman Island, and the next development is the most important thing!

If Fishman Island can really be developed, then everything else is nothing to mention at all, and there is no need to pay too much attention to it. The matter of Fishman Island came to an end, and similarly, the situation on the side of Wano Country naturally came to an end at the same time, after all, it is not an important situation, there is no need to think too seriously, as long as it is dealt with slowly, it will naturally be a matter of ending.

The whole of Wano Country!

As if nothing happened, after all! This war, although it seems to be very large, but it did not affect the interior of Wano Country at all, and there was no change at all within the entire Wano Country, naturally, for all this, there is no need to pay attention to it at all, and in such a situation, many things are things that do not need to be doubted.

As long as Qingming dealt with it a little, the entire Wano Country was as if nothing had happened. Syllable!

Syllable! Syllable!

The black carbon twilight cicada stepped forward and said respectfully, “Young master!” The matter of Fishman Island has been dealt with, Lord Yagi Great Snake has destroyed all the enemies, everything is back to calm, the old woman feels that there will be no problems! ”

Qingming nodded slightly and said, “I know, this matter, I will be responsible for dealing with it next, the rest of the matter!” Mother-in-law Twilight, you are also tired enough during this time, so rest well. ”

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada smiled and said, “Young Master! These things are not considered exhaustion at all, there is no problem, the old woman’s body is not so fragile. ”


Clear and gentle Dao;

“Mother-in-law Twilight, I know your body is not that fragile, but ah! You still need to rest well, after all, no matter what, a lot of everything has come to an end, and your body is the most important. ”


“Young master!”

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada looked at the appearance of the young master of her family, but also knew what it meant, smiled and nodded, accepted this matter, she knew that she still didn’t want to think about it too much, after all! These things, next, the young master of his own family will deal with it, and this old woman only needs to rest for a while.


Qingming looked at the black carbon twilight cicada leaving, shook his head gently, for this twilight cicada mother-in-law who has always been willing to give everything, he really has great respect, but this is! I suddenly felt a different breath.

Qingming stood up and whispered softly, “Is this the breath of the snow girl?” ”

A charm appeared on Qingming’s body, and then, Qingming’s figure had disappeared without a trace, and in an instant, it had disappeared, and with Qingming’s disappearance, silence was restored in the room.

In the Himi area of Wano Country, there is a mountain here, and this mountain is a snowy mountain, on this snowy mountain, there is no one to live, after all, it is too tired here, and for humans, it is too cold to live here.

What’s more!

Wano Country originally belonged to that kind of vast and sparsely populated, especially now, with the gradual development of Wano Country by Qingming, there is no need to enter such a place to live, it’s just! The situation in this place is different, this mountain is even more huge with the arrival of the snow girl, but it is called a holy mountain by the people of Ximei, because in their hearts, this is the residence of the snow lady, and their king, but the god here!

This is the fundamental reason, Qingming’s figure appeared under the snow mountain, walking towards the mountain step by step, and as the more gradually climbing the mountain, I can feel that there is a terrifying breath brewing here, and the terrifying breath is churning wildly, as if to swallow everything, this endless breath is freezing everything.

“The flower of eternal life is ripe.”

Qingming already knew what was happening above the snowy mountain, and nothing else could happen except that the flower of immortality had matured, after all! For other things, whatever it is, it doesn’t make any sense anymore.

Qingming stopped, looking at the mature flower of eternal life in front of her, which was like an ice crystal-like flower, and the figure of the snow girl was already like a young child, she looked at Qingming’s cute tilted head, and the next moment, the figure had been integrated into the flower of eternal life like this.

A wisp of light emerged, the flower of eternal life bloomed into a beautiful light, in an instant, it completely turned into a beautiful breath, this light that makes people feel beautiful, it seems to swallow everything, the beautiful breath, is so brilliant, and with this wisp of brilliant light, all this is gradually returning to calm and silence.

In a split second! Click!

The flower of eternal life shattered, and with the shattered flower of immortality, a beautiful figure gradually walked out, this is a very perfect woman, she is cold and noble, and that amazing strength has proved her growth, from the strength of the former lieutenant general of the headquarters to the strength of the current headquarters general.

Exactly the Snow Girl!

To be precise, it should be called SP: Cicada Ice Girl! This is the beautiful posture of the Snow Lady after the transformation.

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