Chapter 160: Heroes Consider! Wano Kuni is troublesome!.

Rescued 29 people of the Black Carbon clan, Minamoto Yoshimitsu was inherited, the demon sword Ji transformed into the Red Shadow Demon Dao Ji, the Yagi Great Snake destroyed everything on Fishman Island, and even slashed and killed those who wanted to attack the country of Wano before and after, destroying the country of mercenaries! In the end, even the snow girl transformed into a cicada ice girl.

So to speak!

In this short period of time, Wano Country has done a lot of big things, perhaps in the eyes of many ordinary people, Wano Country is still like this, as if there is no change, but for those big people, they see that the terrifying power and the terrifying side of Wano Country, such a power, simply makes people feel endless fear, except for fear and fear, as if they don’t know what to say.

These are just the so-called big people, and for those really big people, they are very calm, except for simple calm and thought, as if they don’t pay attention to everything at all.


With this faint voice, in the dark conference room, a figure opened his eyes indifferently, and his eyes were indifferent;

“So say! Do you really think it’s acceptable to fail this time? ”


“Not accepted?!”

“And how?”

“The strength of the current Wano Country is there, and! Black Carbon Qingming has no chance of external expansion, you have to know very well, if there is no suitable opportunity, it is simply unrealistic to want to make a move against Black Carbon. ”


Listening to this man’s rebuttal, the man in the lead snorted indifferently, his expression was very indifferent, there was only a touch of indifferent killing intent in his eyes, and there was no fluctuation of emotion at all.

He’s not a good guy, or rather! Should he be called not a person? For such a person, what he hopes for is to directly destroy the country of Wano directly, just like the target of the Elbaf Giant Country in the past, everything comes from the origin of this country.

For this country, although it has a very good reputation above the sea, almost no one can look at this country.



“This is a meaningless thing, instead of continuing to quarrel, it is simply a meaningless thing, it is better to discuss some useful things, next, for how to deal with Wano Country, it is simply impossible to deal with Wano Country, you don’t need to continue to think about this matter, Wano Country!” The power is very powerful, the most important thing is! Wano Country is not going to expand at all, and you can see that this time. ”

“The matter of Fishman Island is purely due to chance for various reasons! In other words, if you want to target Wano Country, then you must attack Wano Country, who of you is so sure? ”

At the mention of this, everyone fell into silence, undeniably speaking! This is indeed a silent thing! The strength of Wano Country is originally strong enough, especially people in Wano Country rarely go out and mess around, and! The owner of the ghost ship in Wano Country is very terrifyingly fast, normally, you can’t catch up, in this case, you want to target Wano Country? It’s like death!

After all!

Do you attack Wano Country directly? The head is open for you! But as long as you are not an idiot, you know that the strength of Wano Country is absolutely terrifying and scary now, and such a power, if you go to find trouble, if people come out, it’s good to say, if you take the initiative to come to the door to find trouble! That’s almost waiting to die!

“Then do you have any good way?”



“The banquet is about to start, this is the only chance, remember! If we want to try, at this time, it is the best opportunity, the opportunity to dispose of Kurokan Haruaki directly, and the entire Wano Country depends on the person Haruaki Kurotan, and if you can dispose of this person, it is the best opportunity. ”

The man spoke again, and everyone couldn’t help but shake their heads, although this idea is good, but it is too difficult, even said! It’s almost impossible, and if it’s really that easy to do, they won’t have to struggle for so long.

Wano Kuni!

It’s so easy to dispose of! And the man continued: “Other than that, there is no way, after all! The strength of Wano Country itself is enough, of course! If it weren’t for the fact that some people were specifically targeting Wano Country, it seems that the current situation would not have come to be. ”

“What do you mean?”

“You should know what it means!”


The two people were facing each other, and at this moment, a wisp of blue smoke spat out, and an elegant figure walked out step by step, this is an elegant and decent woman, she spat out a wisp of green smoke, and smiled: “Two, don’t continue to quarrel, after all!” This matter, no one wants, the growth of Wano Country, is too fast, who wants Wano Country to grow up like this? ”

“Is there anything you can do?”


“Indeed, there is no at all, just like he said, the strength of Wano Country is very strong, especially enough terror, and in such a situation, it is not an easy thing to target Wano Country, at least, we really can’t do it, but! We can’t do it, it doesn’t mean that no one can do it, the banquet is a gift we send out, you should know, what happens if something goes wrong above the banquet? ”

Truly! Banquet!

That was a big thing they planned, and if there was a problem above the banquet, then the problem was really trouble, and by that time! If there were a real upheaval, everything would be very troublesome.

And the woman continued: “So, there can’t be a problem at the banquet, but!” Whether there will be problems with the banquet or not, these are not important things, we just need to deal with them slowly. ”

After all! As far as I know, the Locks Pirates

“Some people are not satisfied with this.”


Everyone couldn’t help but narrow their eyes, they were all thinking about many questions, this matter is still very important, it is undeniable that if you can handle all this! Then naturally there is no doubt about it.

….. The other side! The Moby Dick!

Whitebeard Pirates! This is the moment!

Above the white-bearded pirates, Edward and Mitsuki Ota sat together, both of them thinking about something.



Listening to Edward speak, and Mitsuki Ota was slightly stunned, Edward said very calmly;

“You also know about this time, right? Wano Country has shown a very terrifying strength in this war against Wano Country, and because of this, under such strength, it is the most troublesome, if it is not handled well next! The power of the entire Wano Country will completely explode, and at that time, everything will become very troublesome. ”

··· Ask for flowers…


Mitsuki Ota nodded seriously and said, “I already know the situation!” However, I did not expect that the country of Wano would be so powerful now, and the hope of revenge is indeed getting weaker and weaker. ”

Mitsuki Mita is not an idiot, especially after leaving, after studying hard in the past two years, he already knows a lot of things in this world, and because he knows, Mitsuki Mita is very clear that many things have changed, and he needs to deal with them well.

It’s like this conspiracy against Wano Country, so to speak! Very difficult to handle in every way, but! Wano Country did it, and it seemed to be done very easily, and if such a terrifying power could do it, then what was the result? In fact, it is already self-evident! The power of Wano Country is really very fearful.

This means that if you want to target Wano Country, then it is almost impossible.


Edward explained: “In addition, you know, the entire Wano Country, the other party is very few people who left the Wano Country, you should know what this means, right?” ”



Mitsuki Mita nodded, if the other party does not leave Wano Country, then will the other party single out with you? Stop it! This is simply impossible, to put it bluntly, since the other party is located in the country of Wano, how can he single out with you.


Even if Qingming allows it, others will definitely not allow it, after all! This is the head of his own family, if there is any problem, what will be the result? The entire Wano Country will completely fall apart, not only the outside knows about this matter, even the internal knows this matter, for them, they are very clear about what the situation in Wano Country will become.

Because of this, the entire Wano Country is now the most troublesome and the most important thing to deal with! If it is not handled well, it is not right! Wano Kuni just can’t do such an idiotic thing, it’s just a very outrageous thing.

“I see!”

Mitsuki Mita nodded heavily, his eyes were very serious, and he was full of serious attitudes, because Mitsuki Mita knew very well that these things were definitely a very important thing, and if they were not handled well, then what would be the result!

As for everything else? Needless to say, naturally! Wano Country will not allow such a thing to happen, at this moment, Mitsuki Mita couldn’t help but clench his fists, if it continues, then the hope of revenge is weaker and weaker, and such a result is simply something Mitsuki Mita is unwilling to accept.


What if you don’t want to accept it? There is simply no way to do it! Because the result is in front of you, the strength of the other party, your own strength, such a result, you have no strength to resist at all, if you continue, then you can only bear despair!


In the end, a thousand words turned into a helpless sigh, and looking at the appearance of Mitsuki Mita, although Edward said that he was drinking, he had some different thoughts in his heart, this is his own family! And according to Mitsuki Mita’s personality, since it is a family, what will happen?

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