Chapter 182: Drastic Changes!


Great rivers and mountains. Mount Suzuka. The city of the Nikkei. Arakawa.

With all this coming to the country of Wanoko, it has also had a huge impact on the country of Wano, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the entire country of Wano has undergone earth-shaking changes, and now, with the double arrival of Arakawa and Daejiang, I don’t know how huge the dragon vein of Heiankyo has been caused, and such an explosive improvement has caused the entire dragon vein to change drastically, and the entire Wano country has also become completely different.

The rumbling roar echoed throughout Wano Country, and everyone felt such a shock, and for a while, the entire Wano Country seemed to start churning.

Qingming, who was in the palace, ordered: “Demon Dao Ji go and inform Twilight Cicada Mother-in-law, let Twilight Cicada Mother-in-law inform her, and there will be no changes in the country of Wano no There will be any changes, so that everyone can rest assured.” ”


Demon Dao Ji immediately went down to deal with it, and with the departure of Demon Dao Ji, Qingming walked to the window, quietly looking into the distance, calmly Dao;

“In the future, the whole Wano Country will be turned upside down, but this is not a bad thing, but a good thing.”

All the women are quiet followers of Qingming, everyone is looking into the distance, next, Wano Country will change drastically, the entire Wano Country will change, and with all this change, the next thing will become more and more interesting. Or rather!

Just as Haruaki has always disliked external expansion, this is the fundamental reason, because there is no need at all, the essence of Wano Country is placed here, this is a place with unlimited possibilities for owners! 21… Boom Boom With the roar, the first thing everyone felt was the vibration of Heiankyo, but as the news of the black carbon twilight cicada spread, everyone remained calm, looking very calm, quietly waiting for the result to come.


The biggest change in the whole Heiankyo is the crazy expansion, not Heiankyo is expanding, but everything around Heiankyo is expanding, once upon a time, Heiankyo perfectly covered the entire flower capital, perfectly covered the area of the flower capital, and directly connected everything around.

But now it is different, the land around Heiankyo is expanding rapidly, as if it has expanded by more than double, and the surrounding land has been greatly expanded, and this change is just the beginning for the whole Heiankyo.

“What is it?”

“Is this the power of the king?”



The people of Wano Country attributed all this to the king, and everyone cried out from the heart, which is why the entire Wano Country is so gorgeous and beautiful.

That kind of faith is the most shocking, at this moment, the entire Wano Country is a shouter, countless people feel the changes in Wano Country, and everyone is shouting crazy and crazy.

This is the change in the whole Wano Country! The current Wano Country exudes a beautiful light, and a roaring dragon vein has emerged.

Any country has a dragon vein, and with the arrival of Heiankyo, the dragon vein is directly emerging, which may be very unbelievable, and now this emerging dragon vein will show its most powerful power.


With the roar of the Dragon Vein, the entire Wano Country will continue to undergo tremendous and incomparable changes. One


“Spiritual power!”

Feeling the rapid growth of spiritual power in the air, Bei Mihu said softly: “The spiritual power of the entire Wano Country will grow most rapidly in a short period of time, and if nothing else, the Wano Country will undergo earth-shaking changes.” ”


“Lord Humble Call!”

Takiyashahime walked in from outside the door and said respectfully;

“In addition to the growth of spiritual power, the headquarters of Wano Country is also expanding rapidly, Heiankyo is doubling its external expansion, and the city of Hirawa is also expanding rapidly, and now the entire area is expanding rapidly, and there are mountains one after another, the specific situation is still uncertain, but it is extremely likely that it is a mountain with rich materials.”


Bei Mihu nodded, she stood up, walked to the window step by step, quietly looked into the distance, and whispered softly: “It’s not a bad thing, Chahime, watch quietly, everything is changing, Wano Country will gradually become the supreme holy place, maybe at that time, Wano Country will undergo earth-shaking changes and become the supreme one and that pool:.” ”

In the end, Bei Mihu is also more or less uncertain, after all! That place is too special for anyone to be sure if Wano Country can eventually become that place.

Takiyashahime nodded slightly and said, “Lord Humble Hum!” I think that Wano Country will definitely transform to that extent, because it is Haruaki-sama who is responsible for all this! Lord Qingming can already do all this. ”



Listening to Takiyashahime’s words, Himihu also smiled and nodded, yes! Just like what Takiyashahime said, all this is done, if it is the young master! So isn’t everything a matter of course?

This is a matter of course, naturally there is no doubt, and quietly feeling all this, Shimihu and Takiyashahime quietly wait for everything that will happen next… Rumbling felt the vibration of Arakawa, while Goldfish Hime stood up, looked around, and thought slightly: “The entire Wano Country is shaking, what is going on?” ”


Compared to others, Goldfish Ji is more immature, it seems that she is not very clear about what is happening, but Goldfish Ji is very calm, she is gradually changing, and will really change, Goldfish Ji has to become more mature, only in this way, she can make people trust, which is the most important thing.

For Goldfish Ji, no matter what time it is, you can’t let your guard down, too! No matter at any time, Goldfish Ji’s expression was very calm, and it was full of indifference.

That’s what she’s going to grow, even if it’s really nervous, but! Goldfish Ji also wants to keep herself calm.

Now Arakawa no longer has anyone who can support everything, then, Goldfish Ji is to support all this, this is Goldfish Hime’s duty, she is the new Lord of Arakawa, then! This is what should be done, something that should never change, and nothing should change.

“Goldfish Ji!”

“Goldfish Ji!”

All the water tribes gradually began to change chaos, they couldn’t help but call out to Goldfish Ji, and Goldfish Ji was soothing all humanity: “Relax!” This is a clear thing, nothing is good, for Wano Country, or for us. ”

With Goldfish Ji’s appeasement, everyone gradually calmed down!..

Just like what Goldfish Himee and Bemi-hu said, these are nothing at all, and they are not a big deal, the entire Wano Country is only expanding rapidly, and on the basis of the original Wano Country, it has expanded almost twice as much externally.

And this double size has gradually filled part of the sea area below itself, this very terrifying sea.

About a fifth or so has been filled! From here, it can be seen how much the country of Wano has expanded, even if it is the five old stars, the name of the country of Wano is like an iron wall, and it can be seen from here, the country of Wano! It is really a terrain that is completely easy to defend and difficult to attack, if it is not for the help of internal personnel, then the outside is simply meaningless, which is the most fundamental and core thing.

This is the root of Wano Country! Syllable!


Step out of the palace, Qingming walked to the castle tower step by step, quietly condescendingly looking at the entire Wano Country, the entire Wano Country, it can be said that the world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and this huge change is the root of everything.


Qingming squinted his eyes slightly, quietly looking into the distance, and a different look appeared in his eyes, and whispered softly: “Wano Country is not only expanding, but also changing a lot.” ”

Needless to say, Heian-kyo 153 and Mount Suzuka will not change.

The biggest change is the extent of the Nikkei Castle, the area covered by the Nikkei Castle is shrinking, in fact, because the ground is getting bigger and bigger, it seems to be much smaller, and other than that! Arakawa is much larger.

Hmm~~~ In addition to the castle of the Nikawa and Arakawa, Nozomi, Hakumai, and Suzugo have all been greatly expanded, probably about twice as much, and as for the last nine miles, naturally there is no need to say, so the entire Wano Country has been turned upside down, and such a name is definitely not an exaggeration.

“Lord Qingming!”

Demon Dao Ji came quickly and said respectfully: “The entire Wano Country has undergone a huge expansion, and the current situation needs personnel to deal with it. ”

Qingming calmly said;

“Let Granny Twilight deal with this matter, as long as you inform it, it is not a difficult thing to calm everyone’s hearts, after all! It has long been informed that the expansion also means that everything will continue to be different. ”


The demon sword Ji quickly faded, while Qingming looked down on the entire Wano Country condescendingly.

“Wano Country is evolving…”


“It should be said that this is just the beginning!”

Qingming’s heart whispered softly, for the entire Wano Country, the transformation and growth of Wano Country, this is just the beginning, there is no fluctuation, this is just the beginning, for this, Qingming is very clear, the next Wano Country, is the real transformation.

The entire Wano Country will usher in transformation again and again, transformation after transformation, sublimation again and again, until the end! The entire Wano Country has completely transformed into the supreme high heavenly plain.

The legendary dwelling place of the gods, and this is the foundation of Wano Country, and Haruaki also knows that he can do the fundamentals, which is something that cannot be doubted.

“It’s just the beginning.”

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