Chapter 183: Wine Swallowing Boy and Dayue Maru! Battle of two ghost kings!.

The transformation of Wano Country is a very stable transformation, before and after, it took a total of almost three days, the entire Wano Country is completely stable, and for the transformation of this Wano Country, under Qingming’s arrangement, it did not cause any fluctuations, after all! For the entire Wano Kingdom, as long as the king exists, then everything is not a problem.

Whereas……. The other side! But it’s very different! Syllable!

Syllable! Syllable!

The two figures gradually walked towards each other, and the corners of the wine-swallowing boy’s mouth opened, and a vicious smile appeared, cruelly said;

“Daitakemaru! You guy, it’s really unpleasant! I’ve seen you guy again! ”


Daitakemaru held a long knife and said very calmly;

“Wine swallowing boy, the ghost king of the great rivers and mountains, is the result like this? That’s a real shame! If there is only such power, but it can’t help me! ”

“Who knows?”

Jiuyu Tongzi and Daitakemaru both looked at each other sharply, obviously! The battle between the two has begun to break out, although it is not to say that these two people are fighting for life and death to the end, but in other words, these two people will not show mercy to their subordinates, and they are absolutely going to defeat and defeat each other.

Syllable! Syllable!

Qingming stood not far away, quietly watching this battle, for the battle between the Wine Swallowing Boy and Daitake Maru, this is not a strange thing, the battle situation of these two people is understandable.

After all!

Daitake Maru once invaded one place after another, no matter what happened later, but one thing is for sure, this matter, the result will definitely not end so easily, from here it can be seen, goldfish Ji, wine swallowing boy, they are all like this, came to this world, although say, revenge! It is almost impossible, but defeating Daiyue Maru is definitely something to do, and this opponent will not let down his vigilance just like that.


Daitake Maru is also not afraid of anyone’s challenge, come on! If you want to challenge, then try to see, everything that has been done is what you have done, no matter what, it is what you have done, since this is the case, then naturally you will bear what you have done, and there will be no retreat.

“Lord Qingming!”

Demon Dao Ji stood on Qingming’s side and said respectfully;

“With the strength of the Wine Swallowing Boy and Daiyue Maru, this battle seems to be not an easy thing to divide the winner and loser, and the strength of the two is actually not much different.”


Qingming also nodded, this gap is indeed not big, the strength of Daiyue Maru is improved to the extreme through the combination with Suzuka Mountain, that is to really exert its own strength to the extreme, as for the wine swallowing boy, the current wine swallowing boy belongs to the state of losing memory, as long as the memory is restored, then naturally it is restored to the extreme, then everything seems to be much simpler, but! Some things are not as easy as they seem.

Of course.

All this still has to be continued to read, after all! At this time, it is meaningless to say anything, only step by step watching, continue to watch what may happen next is the most important, take a look! What is the follow-up result, this is the most important fundamental!

Qingming and Demon Dao Ji quietly watched the battlefield, too! At this moment, on both sides of the battlefield, the Kraken of the Sea Country such as Suzuka Gozen and Haiming and the Ghost Clan of the Great River and Mountain headed by Ibaraki Boy are all quiet spectator battlefields.

In fact!

Among the ghosts in that small world, in fact, there are only two kinds of monsters, the first is similar to Goldfish Ji, with a clear identity, that is, Goldfish Ji, and the other is a ghost! In fact, whether it is the demon Dao Ji who pays the god of mourning, or the wine swallowing boy of Dajiangshan, or the Dayue Maru, their essence is a ghost, do they have a clear identity as some kind of monster? And no! Because of this, their essence is actually ghosts! All as ghost tribes.

It’s just that!

Because of the difference in life since childhood, or various differences, the ghost tribe is divided into many types, the ghost tribe of Dajiangshan, the sea demon of Suzuka Mountain, and the water tribe of Arakawa, these are all branches of the division of the ghost tribe, although they are all ghosts, but they are completely different, this change, good or bad is not easy to say.


Haiming thought slightly: “With the strength of the young master, facing the ghost king of the wine swallowing boy, presumably, it is not a problem!” It’s just that if the power of the ghost king awakens, according to the power of the young master, it will not be so easy to deal with. ”

Suzuka Gozen shook his head and said, “I know, but!” This is not fundamental, if Daitake Maru can understand in this battle, then he can contact Suzuka Mountain again, and the current Suzuka Mountain is different for the essence of Daitake Maru, so there are some things, and you will know it by looking at it later. ”


Haiming also bowed his head respectfully, indicating that he had cleared it. The other side.

Ibaraki Tongzi also had sharp eyes, and secretly thought: “Opportunity, this is the best opportunity, if you can seize this opportunity, the best friend can recover, if the best friend can recover, then whether it is for Dajiangshan or for Qingming, this is a good thing!” ”

Ibaraki boy saw it very clearly, actually! Compared with the tyrannical character of the sake swallowing boy, the character of the Ibaraki boy is more clear, and he is very clear about the future Wano Country.

With more and more ghosts walking at night, although say! Everyone should have the same status with each other, but! There is also a problem in this, although the status is similar, it will not really kill the hand, but what about the status of each other?

This is also a question of whether it is good!

Because of that!

The strength of Oeyama is very important, and the sea country of Suzuka Mountain has been restored with Suzuka Gozen and Otsutake Maru as the leader, Kaime, Kujira, Crab Hime, Scorpion Girl, Whale, Sea Ninja, Beaver, etc., and 1,300 Sea Country Kraken have been restored, and now, it seems to be the most powerful force.

Because of this, Dajiangshan needs to improve its overall strength, and the recovery of that personnel needs follow-up growth, but it is the most important in terms of strength, first of all! The most important thing is that the best friend has regained his strength.

After all!

Because of Qingming’s existence, everyone will abide by this rule, will not start on the humans inside Wano Country, and will not do anything further, these! It’s all very harmonious things, but! One thing you need to be clear about is that you remember! Everyone can follow the rules, but the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk is a place where the strong are respected, and the Yagi Great Snake doesn’t care about all this, and what about the others? They need to go a step further and not have any surprises.

This is a very important thing at any time! Therefore, through this battle, if the memory of the wine swallowing boy can be restored, and it will be restored to the peak of which ghost king, this is also a very important thing.


Both sides are looking at the battlefield sharply, carefully observing the situation of the people, and also have their own thoughts about their own situation, and their considerations are very clear.

The other side! Syllable!


Bei Mihu and Takiyashahime came step by step, also looking at the battlefield in the distance, and thought slightly: “Wine swallowing boy, Daitake Maru, if the two of them can become stronger in the middle of the battle, it will be a good thing for Wano Country, but!” It’s not a good thing for us. ”


Takiyashahime nodded slightly, her strength has an upper limit, almost reaching this level, it is almost impossible to go further, because of this, if the strength of these two ghost kings goes further, it is not a good thing for Nikkei City that Daeshan and Suzukayama will be improved.


They will not stop it, but will quietly watch the results continue to happen, because for them, it is the most important thing to be able to improve the strength of Wano Country!


On the other side, Yuan Lai Guang was also a viewer of this battle, thinking a little, which was considering in his heart: “If nothing happens!” In this battle, the Wine Swallowing Boy will recover his strength, and the rest is Daitake Maru, but! In any case, these things are not urgent in themselves, and you don’t need to care too much. ”

For Genraiguang, he is very calm, he is not that Genraiguang, even if he inherits the memory, he is still himself, not the Genraiguang who regards it as his duty to kill all the ghost races.

His only purpose is to be loyal to the young master, for everything else? In fact, it is not too much in the eyes, or even said! It doesn’t care at all, this is the character of Yuan Lai Guang, because of this, the current Yuan Lai Guang just quietly looks at the battlefield below, no matter what the result is, it will not have any impact on himself.


It’s just a faithful blade in the hands of the young master, no more ideas are needed, as long as you follow the young master, it is enough to kill all the enemies step by step, as for the only obsession? So it’s probably a ghost cut, right?

Maybe that’s it… Equally!

When this battle was about to begin, Goldfish Ji also came here, she took River Song, quietly watching the battlefield, Hesong asked curiously: “Teacher, are these people?” ”

“Ghost King Wine Swallowing Boy!”

“Suzukayama Young Master Daitake Maru!”

Goldfish Ji said seriously: “No matter what, they are my enemies, the future!” I must defeat them, I want to become Arakawa’s ghost king, become the most powerful ghost king, let everyone know what Arakawa’s strength is like! ”

Goldfish Ji is very serious, but also very firm, she used to be cute, lively and like to fool around the child, really growing step by step, and this is the most important thing, at least, for Goldfish Ji, she will definitely not be as it once was, she must seriously strengthen all her beliefs, tell everyone what her future will be. This is the belief of Goldfish Ji, she has such a firm belief, she will definitely not give up!

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