Chapter 61: Locks’ Last Splendor.

A large number of pirate ships sailed on the sea, and the actions of the Locks Pirates made everyone show a shocked look, they didn’t know what happened, but what they knew was that the Locks Pirates definitely had a big move for a moment!

The eyes of all the major forces in the entire world are gathered, but they just want to see where the Locks Pirates want to go, as for making a move against the Locks Pirates? Stop it! That’s simply impossible.

Even said, I’ll see, even dare not get close, but if you dare to approach, then it is almost a certain death, people Locks pirate group rushed over is to kill you directly, you see the world government cares about you and you are finished, seriously, in the face of such a monster, the world government will hardly care about you.


Edward smiled interestingly: “Valley of God!” I didn’t expect that the place that seemed to be a legend actually existed. ”

His eyes were full of sharp light, and Edward really did not expect that the Valley of the Gods, which was called the gathering place of huge treasures in the legend, really existed.

That’s right!

In the legendary Valley of the Gods, it is not a gathering place for Draco people at all, but another legend, the Valley of the Gods with unparalleled huge treasures, in this period, there is no legend of One Piece, as for how did One Piece appear in the end?

That’s an afterword, in this period now, pirates go to sea for gold and silver treasures, and the legend of the treasures of the Valley of the Gods has always existed, but no one has ever found it, and now, after knowing the situation in the Valley of the Gods, it is not to blame Edward for feeling shocked.

Syllable! Syllable!

Wang Zhi walked to Edward’s side step by step and said, “Whitebeard, do you know some news about the Valley of God?” ”



Edward laughed and said, “Wang Zhi, aren’t you the best at this aspect?” Why did you ask Lao Tzu? But! Unfortunately, what you know is estimated to be what Lao Tzu knows, and seriously, Lao Tzu really doesn’t know what the situation is in the Valley of God. ”

“Sure enough!”

Wang Zhi also shook his head and said: “There is too little understanding of the Valley of Gods, according to the legend, the Valley of Gods has countless treasures, and now it seems that this legend is true, after all, according to Captain Locks, the Valley of Gods is the meeting place of the Draco, and according to that legend, the place where the Draco people meet is indeed with countless treasures.” ”


Edward agreed, “But! Lao Tzu was very curious, how did the Valley of the Gods go, no one could find it before, did Captain Locks find out? ”

This time! Syllable! Syllable!

With the sound of footsteps, John came over drunk and said, “I heard that it was because that boy Qingming got a permanent pointer, and it is said that this permanent pointer is the permanent pointer to the Valley of the Gods.” ”

Edward and Wang Zhi both nodded in understanding, so it turned out that this task was taken over by Qingming, after all, if it was the task they took over, they could not have any memories, it would be very strange.

Both said they knew, while John was drunkenly looking at the distant Qingming.


John smiled interestingly: “Black carbon Qingming, people like you, sure enough!” You’re just related to that black carbon duo from the last era, but! These things don’t matter. ”

Gollum~~~Gollum~~~ John gulps of wine, those things are not interested at all, don’t look at John as if he is a drunken drunkard, you just underestimate this drunkard, if you underestimate this drunkard, then the price you need to pay will be incomparably terrifying.


Those who can become cadres in the Locks Pirates, especially one of the top six cadres, either have absolutely unparalleled strength or have amazing strategies, and John occupies both.

He is an extremely terrifying, extremely dangerous, even extremely terrifying, countless dare to underestimate this drunken man, then the price paid later is the price of death.

“Black Carbon Qingming…”

Edward and Wang Zhi also set their eyes on Qingming’s body, and they were also thinking about something.



Shi Ji let out a laugh that was so excited that he was crazy, and he said viciously: “The banquet in the Valley of the Gods?” But it’s really exciting! Where and how many treasures can be obtained? That’s a gathering of the Draco! Where·”


Lingling’s loud laughter came, and she said viciously: “Old lion, it’s better for you guy not to think so simple!” The Valley of the Gods is a very dangerous first place, and if it is really so easy to get the treasure, the Valley of the Gods will not be just a legend for so many years. ”


The corners of Shiji’s mouth opened and said viciously;

“Crazy woman, what do you know?”

Lingling said interestingly, “I do know something, Valley of God!” It is said that it was the place where the 20 kings who once created the world government first gathered, and that island became the Valley of the Gods, and it has always been said that there is a huge treasure in the Valley of the Gods, but! What exactly are these treasures? ”

“No one knows at all!”

The silver axe came over step by step and said, “Where is the owner’s kind of treasure?” It is simply not clear to anyone, what everyone only knows! There are countless rare treasures in the Valley of the Gods, but unfortunately, these are just legends, and beyond the legends, what is it? ”

Silver Axe shook his head, indicating that he didn’t know at all.


Kaido was curious as he carried the mace;

“Then again, the Valley of the Gods has been unvisited for so many years, and why is Captain Locks suddenly found it now?”


Listening to Kaido’s words, everyone was thinking about something, and the silver axe said casually: “According to the saying, that little devil of Black Carbon Qingming brought back the permanent pointer in another mission, and brought back a special devil fruit, and what exactly that devil fruit is, no one knows. ”


Hearing this, everyone became interested, following the gaze of the silver axe, everyone involuntarily put their eyes on Qingming’s body, as if they were thinking about something.

….. Afar!

In the face of these people’s gaze, Qingming naturally felt it, but he didn’t care at all, gaze? If you like to watch, then you will go and watch it, this is not a problem for yourself, if you like to watch, you will not care.


A wisp of blue smoke spat out, Xia Qi looked at Qingming and said, “Qingming, it seems that the matter of you taking back the permanent pointer has been known to everyone.” ”

Qingming said casually;

“Got it, that is, I knew it, I didn’t particularly care about these things, but! Xia Qi, just like you said, if the Valley of the Gods is such a place, I am afraid it will be a very dangerous place! ”

This time!

Xia Qi did not collect money, after Qingming asked, he said the information of the Valley of God, and there was nothing to hide, or rather, there was no need to hide it, after all, the information of the Valley of God is really not a big thing, not a big problem.

Xia Qi shook his head and said, “It can be said that the Valley of the Gods itself is an extremely dangerous place, and it has been confirmed for so many years that there are only 20 permanent pointers that can go to the Valley of Gods, in addition, some people can enter the Valley of Gods by mistake, and some people also enter the Valley of Gods with special talents.” ”

“But ah!”

“Either way, it’s just meaningless, everyone who entered the Valley of the Gods is dead, and no one can ever leave alive.”

“So it is.”

Qing Ming nodded, and then did not say anything, squinting slightly as if considering something. Valley of the Gods War!

It can be said that anyone who knows this sea is very clear, especially for Qingming of the traverser, the Valley of the Gods War! Battle of Ait Wall! War on top! War with the country of Wano!

In fact, it can be called the top four pirate wars, just! If you take a closer look, you will find that this is just the last glory of four powerful pirate groups.

After the Battle of Ait Wall, the Flying Pirates came to an end, and Roger Pirates ascended the throne as One Piece.

After the war on the top, the Whitebeard Pirates came to a complete end, and the Blackbeard Pirates became one of the Four Emperors.

After the war with the country, the Hundred Beast Pirates completely collapsed, and Luffy, Kidd, and Luo three supernovas completely became famous in the world.

These huge wars, although they look very gorgeous, in fact, are not the last afterglow and the rise of a new era? For these, Qingming sees these very clearly.


The same is true of the Valley of the Gods War, the Valley of God War is the last glory of the Locks Pirates, and with the end of the Valley of Gods War, Roger! Edward! Schi! Karp! Warring states! Zefa! Lingling! Wang Zhi! John! Silver axe! Barorik! Green pepper! Band-aid!

Wait a minute!

The next era of tyrants, the tide is to completely show their own light, by that time, everything has become completely different, it can be said that all this has completely changed.

“Being able to participate in such an end is not a bad thing for everyone.”

“Lord Qingming!”

A position god emerged, their ghosts floated on Qingming’s side, everyone was very serious and determined, in addition, there were two ghosts exuding a terrifying aura, also floating on Qingming’s side, following the last glory of the Locks Pirate Group.

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