Chapter 62: Landing in the Valley of the Gods! War broke out!.

It is worth mentioning!

In these three months, Qingming has accumulated 40 devil fruits, but! In fact, there are 41 devil fruits that get hands, and I can only say, bathing and changing clothes! Burn incense and pray! This thing is really useful, and Qingming once again performed a miracle with one hand.


Qingming did not show all this, so far, he already has two SSR-level style gods in his hands! It’s just that instead of showing both SSR-level gods, it is more appropriate to hide more.

In the War in the Valley of the Gods, his own strength is enough.

Shaking the folding fan, Qingming whispered softly;

“The Valley of the Gods is coming, then! What awaits in the Valley of the Gods? ”

“Huh, hehe”

Chuckling and shaking his head, Qingming didn’t continue to say anything, but! The entire Locks Pirate Group did not find that a pirate ship had kept up with the large fleet of Locks Pirates because of curiosity, and the position of the other party hanging was very special.

If you don’t carefully observe and search, you won’t find it at all, and the Locks Pirates are basically arrogant per capita, I still need to be wary of you? It’s just not needed! Because of this, they did not put all this in their eyes at all, and in such a situation, naturally, did not put each other in their eyes.

Or rather!

With the big move of the Locks Pirates this time, there are some pirate ship followers Locks, and these people don’t care at all.


The only thing he found may be Captain Locks, who naturally detected the person who suddenly followed through his domineering appearance, but! Locks just doesn’t care at all, no matter what kind of strength the other party is, no matter what kind of identity the other party is.

For Locks, he simply didn’t care, at this moment, he was full of arrogance, the war in the Valley of Gods! I will definitely win, even if it is to say…

If it is impossible to win, but! Locks didn’t care at all.


Leaning on the throne, the corners of Locks’ mouth grinned a vicious smile, and the whole person said with a cruel look: “The next thing is very interesting, then!” Let Lao Tzu take a look, this battle, in the end, is Lao Tzu’s defeat! Or…..”

A terrifying light appeared in his eyes, for all this, Locks no longer cares, now he just wants to see, success or failure.



Qingming shook the folding fan, and thought in his heart: “According to the strength of Captain Locks, above this sea…”


Qingming thought slightly, how to say, Captain Locks’ defeat is too simple, even indescribable, Karp + Roger defeated Captain Locks? It’s just like a TM joke, two people who survived the death is the combination of Edward and Shiji.

You let these two men fight and see if they can team up to defeat Captain Locks? The head is screwed off for you, it is not a level opponent at all.

Because of that!

Qingming thought a little and said secretly: “It seems that there is something interesting hidden in the secret, either Captain Locks himself has a problem, or the outside is involved, but!” Either way, it doesn’t matter anymore. ”

Shaking his head calmly, Qingming didn’t continue to think about it too much, the war in the Valley of the Gods was already in front of him, since this was the case! So thinking too much is a meaningless thing, just see it with your own eyes.

See for yourself! Next, what else will happen, and what everything will be like next, this is the most appropriate.

“Over there!”

“Over there!”



When the Locks Pirates came straight to the Valley of the Gods, the same! The navy is also ready enough elite to prepare in the Valley of the Gods, and the current Valley of the Gods is divided into two parts, and the interior of the Valley of the Gods is the palace built by the Draco, who sing and dance.

And outside the Valley of the Gods, there are pieces of navy, their eyes are sharp, and they are ready for everything, even if! They are guarding the Draco, but! They don’t care anymore, for the navy, what they want is to crush the Locks Pirates.

Every navy is busy at a rapid pace, and at this moment, the power dispatched by the navy is compared to the so-called top war? But I don’t know how much stronger it is! Zefa did not participate in the war on the top, Gion and Kaji did not participate, Sengoku, Karp purely watched the excitement.

The navy basically only dispatches a part of its strength, but the current navy is different, it can be said that its own strength is almost vividly displayed.

“How’s the personnel aspect?”

“Lieutenant General Sengoku!”

“The 200,000 elite navies drawn from the four seas are ready!”


Sengoku listened to the report with serious eyes: “What about other things?” ”

“A total of 3,000 generals were transferred from all over the world, and the number of lieutenant generals in the headquarters was 50, and other than that! All kinds of weapons and special forces have been dispatched, and everyone has gathered here. ”


Sengoku very serious managers all the problems, that’s right! This time the war was commanded by the Warring States, and it is difficult to imagine that with a general, or even a marshal, the command was handed over to the Warring States.


This is very certain for the marshals and generals of the headquarters of the Navy, because they know that the abilities of the Warring States owners, the potential of the Warring States, the qualifications and all aspects are excellent enough, and there will be absolutely no problems, and such training is very important.


Looking at this scene, he clasped his chest with his empty hands and said in agreement;

“The Warring States is really very good, if it is not for the fact that the Warring States is not suitable, the old man even feels that after the teacher retires, it is also very appropriate for the position of this naval marshal to be given to the Warring States.”


Baker said teasingly: “Sora, isn’t this naval marshal handed over to you?” After all! This is where you are the most suitable. ”


Sora pouted, “Isn’t that because you’re not interested?” ”

Sora is a real wise and courageous double, grumpy in childhood, but growing up rapidly with age, and in addition to Sora, Yarman needless to say, it is not suitable at all, originally Baker is very suitable.

Baker in every way, prestige, popularity, from top to bottom, plus ability and talent, so to speak! Of all, Baker is the best, but alas, Baker is a playboy who is not interested in any of this.



Old old man, Alec hunched over, standing with his hands in his hands, weakly said;

“You little guys, always quarrel over such things, it doesn’t matter at all who the position of the naval marshal is, do you little guys plan to look at the old man and me similarly? 44。 ”



The three people all bowed their heads respectfully, and Alec also shook his head, as the admiral of the previous generation and the current marshal of the naval headquarters, he taught three outstanding disciples, and the three disciples were all solid admirals of the naval headquarters.

It’s just a pity!

These three disciples of themselves seem to have no interest in the naval marshals, and they don’t particularly care about rights.


Sighing slightly, Alec was too lazy to say anything, that was their business, and he involuntarily surfaced in his heart everything that had happened, once, his companions, his seniors, his master, all the people were in the hands of that man.


Clenching his fist with one hand, Alec whispered softly: “All this, just make a break today!” This is the end of fate, it is time to end, and here it is time to come to an end. ”

A sharp light appeared in his eyes, and Alec’s old body seemed to have become tall in an instant, and the whole person exuded an unparalleled terrifying aura.



“How’s it going?”


In the face of Tsuru’s inquiry, both of them nodded, and Karp said even more confidently: “It’s already ready!” Today! It’s time to destroy the entire Locks Pirates, and let this world, let this sea return to peace completely. ”

“That’s right!”

Zefa clenched his fists firmly and said seriously: “Even if I break my own restrictions, I will definitely not let this sea continue to be chaotic.” ”

Zefa, also known as the lieutenant general who does not kill, Zefa never kills when facing opponents, that’s right! It’s just that never kills, it’s an act of listening to idiots, just! With the changes brought about by the butterfly Qingming, Zefa has also undergone some changes. Right now!

In the Valley of the Gods, the navy has made all preparations, full of 200,000 elite naval officers, 3,000 generals, and more than 50 strong people at the level of vice admiral of the naval headquarters.

Alec, Yarmand, Sora, Baker, one handsome three. Sengoku, Karp, Zefa, Tsuru, the four of the new era. And!

Plus! Gion! The two new generation of supernovas, perhaps because Qingming has changed a lot, these people who should not have participated in this war have already participated in this war, and the navy has prepared everything, and is now waiting for the arrival of the other party!



With the churning of the waves, the fleet of huge pirate ships had emerged, and immediately a sentry shouted: “The pirate ship has arrived!” All are the sea pirates of the Locks Pirates, everyone is here, and all the personnel! ”

“Get ready for Type A combat!”


Everyone immediately prepared for battle, and their expressions were very serious.



Locks and Alec both looked at each other like this, and as the pirate ship got closer and closer, a hideous look appeared at the corner of their mouths.

“Go to war!”

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