Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1001: The provocation of red fruit


The sound of the snail's horn turned from the direction of the east, and layers of layers pushed to the distance.

The refugees, who had just hid in the cracks and had a chance to catch their breath, immediately started a disturbing commotion.

"Daxian, you really are as good as gods, the people of Qixianmen have been killed!" Because of tension, Song Changlong's voice was shaking.

"Master, what shall we do now?" Song Qingyin was also nervous.

"Daxian, save us!"

There was a pleading voice.

Ning Tao said: "You do n’t need to be nervous. The sound of the snail horn can pass a hundred or two hundred miles. That is the psychological battle of Qixianmen. It is about to dawn. They would not dare to chase it. If I guess it is correct If so, they should be in a mysterious town at this moment. "

"But" Luo Xian hesitated a moment or said, "They don't dare to move, we don't dare to move, but once it gets dark, they will catch up. At that time we were so slow that we could not escape at all."

Wu Ningtao said: "I won't give them a chance. You stay here, you must be out, and I will go back and kill them."

"Are you alone?" Song Changlong was stunned.

Tong Ningtao held Nanmen Xunxian's hand and smiled indifferently: "And my lady."

Hundreds of people looked at Ning Tao and Nanmen Xunxian with eyes.

Thousand words a word

We support you mentally!

Su Ningtao jumped into the flesh and shot, took the South Gate to find the immortal, flew out of the crack, and then flew towards the secret town.


The sound layer of the snail's horn is pushed over and over, and the closer it is, the stronger the pressure and deterrent.

"Fu Jun, are we going to kill the past like this?" Perhaps it was the image of the snail horn, and Nanmen Xunxian became nervous.

The shot in the flesh hovered in the void.

Tong Ningtao turned and held the Nanmen Xunxian's hand, his face was filled with a gentle smile: "Mother, do you remember when we watched the sunrise on the sand dunes of the Blackpool Desert?"

Nanmen Xunxian stunned for a moment, and Qingmei's absolutely beautiful face also showed a gentle smile: "Of course I remember that you left your brother Heiyu in the Zaolin forest to practice martial arts, but also lied to others that they would become a hero of the world. "

Wu Ningtao whispered, "Sometimes hope is more important than the result, and he never left, and lived in my heart."

Xunnanmen Xunxian got into Ning Tao's arms and his eyes were wet.

Wu Ningtao said in her ear: "Mother, it's about to dawn, let's sit down and watch the sunrise."

"Aren't we going to hit Qixianmen?" Nanmen Xunxian said in surprise.

Tong Ningtao smiled and said, "Why are you in a hurry? Wait for a powerful helper to come and fight."

Taonanmen Xunxian suddenly understood: "Ninglang, you mean"

Secret town.


A big man stood on a flamboyant flying sword and blew his snails with his cheeks.

He is the No.1 brotherhood of the Seven Brothers who wins the door. The magic snail in his hand also has a long history. It is said that it is the bugle of a dynasty in the Linggu era. It has the magical power to boost morale and deter the enemy.

This legend is true.

In the mysterious town, thousands of immortals rushed into the town's buildings like chicken blood, rummaged through the boxes and smashed things, and shouted while screaming, as if those boxes, tables, stools, and their haters were their killers.

"Brother, don't blow it!" Said a man in a Jinyihuafu who was wiping a bamboo stick.

He is the third brother of the seven brothers of the winner, Yunyun, and Fuyunzi. The bamboo stick in his hand also has a famous hall named Ming Qinggan, which is said to be a stick that grows from a certain kind of spiritual bamboo. One stick waved, bamboo thorns everywhere, people can't be prevented, often killing a large piece.

Lao Qiyingren brought 盆 a pot of meat to him: "Old man, eat."

I closed my eyes and didn't even want to look at Yingren.

Tong Yingren snorted coldly and turned away.

Yingyi flew down from the sky and closed the Fei Luo Fei Sword. The winner second handed him a bowl of wine and he drank it.

"The seventh brother, don't wait for the beast, come and drink."

Lao Liuli said with a smile: "I drank enough to sleep well, and then killed the men in the mysterious town at night, playing with their women!"

Wu Yingren came over and sat down, "The magic weapon on the real person is mine, and I have suffered a huge loss this time. Otherwise, you guys."

Yingyi patted Yingren's shoulder: "Seven brothers, our seven brothers and brothers are all in one heart. This immortal land is our place. If you do n’t know what you dare to kill you, then you ca n’t live with us. Do n’t worry, we must Help you get revenge and cut that guy's head off as a night pot! "

Ying wins sneer: "I want his two eggs."

Wu Yingli asked, "Second Brother, what do you want his eggs to do?"

He Yingbo said, "I want his eggs to be wined, like now, go down and drink a bowl of wine, wouldn't it be nice!"


The seven brothers all laughed.

Suddenly, 貔貅 lying on the ground opened his eyes and stared at the open space in front of the town. After a second it stood up and made a roaring sound: "Hello!"

The seven brothers, who were drinking, stood up together, and their eyes gathered on the open space.

"It's the **** of that guy!" Ying Ren said in a word.

Yiyi roared, reached out and lifted the table: "Brothers, copy guys!"

The seven brothers rushed up.

Hundreds of flying horses Xianwu spread out around and surrounded the open space.

石头 A stone flew over from the open ground, but the strength was not great, and it fell to the ground without flying to Yingyi.

This is simply a provocation of Chiguo!

The second child wins a thin rune and throws it out: "You show me!"

法 The piece of magic charm flew out and burst open instantly, and a piece of powder similar to incense was suddenly pushed in all directions.

元 A primitive **** was revealed, it was the real man Ning Tao.


A wave of arrows and crossbows flew over from both sides.

Su Ningtao suddenly disappeared.

All the arrows and crossbows fell into the air and hit the ground, splashing with a puff of dust.

A blink of an eye, Ning Tao's Yuan Shen returned.

Through the "fragrant ash" and earth dust flying in the sky, fingers smashed, a few crooked characters suddenly appeared in the void: everyone here is garbage!

"Destroyed his god!" Yingyi grabbed his magic snail and blew it towards Ning Tao.


The other six brothers' ceremonies greeted him with a brain.

Wu Ningtao disappeared again.

Yuan Ying's speed can reach the limit of his activity range in an instant. When Ning Tao was on the earth, his Yuan Ying's range of activity reached 20-30 kilometers. Yuan Ying is already a Yuanshen, and the range of 100 kilometers in an instant is not a problem.

He is light, and he is electricity. What instrument can fly faster than light?

Unless it is a targeted instrument or a targeted law matrix is ​​laid in advance, it is impossible to catch the Yuanshen at all.

However, the seven brothers obviously did not have targeted instruments, nor did they arrange targeted arrays in advance. Who would have thought that the unreal person would come here to disgusting people?


He came to be disgusting!

He flashed in the void and he was back.

Wu Yingyi angered: "He's here, go, let's find him and kill him!"

"Kill him!" A large group of Xianwu from Qixianmen responded.

Tong Yingren grabbed Yingyi's hand: "Brother, don't be impulsive! This is the trick of that guy. He wants to anger us with Yuanshen and let us chase it out, and it will soon be dawn!"

Wu Yingyi suddenly awakened: "Yes! I almost hit the thief's scheme!"

Wu Yingbo sighed: "The Seventh Brother really deserves to be my think tank of Qixianmen, and easily saw through that silly trick of the immortal!"

I have come to Yingren's side, eyes glaring at Ning Tao's Yuan Shen, non-stop.

Yingren grabbed 貔貅 's mane and scolded, "Get back!"

I stopped and stared at Yingren with the light in the corner of my eye, and that look was full of anger and unwillingness.

I still feel that way. It's already stoned up, and the beautiful object is sulking in front of it, but its owner just won't let it on.

How could Yingren notice his uncle's eyes? He took the first two steps and sneered at Ning Tao's Yuanshen: "Do you think you are clever? Your childish tricks are less showy in front of the owner of Ben Shan. You play tricks with me? You are not qualified! "

Wu Ningtao's Yuanshen picked up a stone.

"Huh!" Leng Ren snorted, "You wait for me. I know you're walking out of the mountain at most. It's getting dark this evening, and I will catch up with you for a while. At that time, I will make the secret place smaller. The town's killing light, none will stay! As for you, I want to determine your head! "

Wu Ningtao's Yuanshen waved and threw the stone.

The energy is not enough.

石头 The stone flew a dozen meters away and fell to the ground.

This is still provocation.

"Hahaha" Yingren Yangtian laughed, "You have the ability! Go back, wash your neck and wait for the owner to cut it!"

在 At this time ~ ~ It's dawn.

仙 The sky in this immortal world is bright, the darkness disappears instantly, and the gray sky suddenly appears.

Wu Ningtao's Yuanshen also disappeared.

Ying Yingren took a sip on the ground: "coward!"

Yingyi Zhensheng said: "Everyone go back to hide, take care of the horses, don't expose them, wait for the dark to let you kill enough, grab a lot, a day!"

Cheers to the Xianwumen of Qixianmen.

Ying wins and roars: "Damn, shut up! Do you want to attract the immortal?"

The ghost-screamer suddenly closed his mouth, and some people exposed to the light hurried back into the shadows.

It's not worth mentioning what a real person's dregs are, but the catcher is a horrible existence that makes people talk.

Ye Xianren?

It can kill a hundred with a slap!

But when the seven brothers of the winner were about to go back, the other one suddenly roared again.

The winners of the seven brothers hurriedly turned around, and then choked together.

Across the open space, a scatter-footed spear wearing a riding helmet, full of smoke and ink, is standing overlooking a secret town hidden under a cliff.

The real person is back.

Bian: Today there is a dinner. Today, there are only two changes. They have been updated and apologized. Three changes a week in a row, we also need to take a break. Three changes will resume tomorrow, thank you.

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