Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1002: Kill with a knife

That's how he hates it.

You scold him and intimidate him, he doesn't care at all.

You want to kill him, but he runs faster than electricity and can't kill him at all.

You don't want him to appear, he just appears in front of you, and he is so fancy.

It's normal to get one or two people's hate in life, but it's not easy to get the hate or even hate of thousands of people at the same time.

Now, Ning Tao has achieved such a remarkable achievement. Thousands of eyes were staring at him below, and those eyes looked forward to cramping and peeling him, and chewing to eat!

"You, hell, shit!" Yingyi was about to get on with Feijian.

Ying Ren pulled him again: "Brother, it's already dawn, so don't count it!"

Yingyi nodded, and lived down with a anger.

Ying Renzhensheng said: "You're not real, you can go back! The arrested fairy found that you can't escape."

Ning Tao smiled: "You are really a kind person. This reminds me not to be caught by the catcher, but ... I just want to die, I don't want to hide, I just want the catcher to find me. You said that How to do it?"

The seven brothers of the winners immediately choked.

Qianxianwu also stopped at Qixianmen.

The anxiety and tension spread quietly among the crowd.

There are no fools here, and what the real people say is so fresh and clear, who doesn't know that this guy has a heart to kill with a knife!

Ying Ren pointed at Ning Tao and said angrily: "You will cause public outrage in doing this, and you will be screaming everywhere you go like a street mouse."

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Oh, are you talking to me now about morality? Then these robbers who burned and plundered actually told me morality, and I tell you, I never have a bottom line for people like you of."

"We'll kill him!" Yingyi said.

Yingren said, "Brother, don't act rashly, this is his trick!"

The sky suddenly winds and clouds move.

Impulsive Yingyi suddenly stopped impulsive.

Ning Tao glanced up at the sky and said to himself, "Oh, that movement is so big, isn't the arrest going down now?"

Although he was talking to himself, he deliberately spoke very loudly, the sound layered and rolled down, and he could hear it ten miles and eight miles away.

The people below panicked.


Knowing that the immortal catcher is coming down, you still make so much noise!

Ning Tao opened her arms and posed a pose of embracing the void: "Ah! Life is alive, no matter how happy you are or how hard to die! Come on! Come on! Come and kill me! I don't want to live!"

The sound is louder, and the bell is ringing.

"You **** come down!"

"Don't him!"

"Hurry down and hide!"

"Don't you pull us back!"

Below, the Immortal Gate of Qixianmen was cursing.

Others fired crossbows at Ning Tao, but those arrows and crossbows could not break Ning Tao's robbery suit. What's more, the flare energy field of the gun in the flesh also has decelerating mana effects.

The only exception is that one.

It looked up at Ning Tao, with respect in his eyes.

No one has ever dared to challenge the fairy catcher, but Ning Tao dared, and he was upright and honest, and did not take the majesty of the fairy catcher at all!

It looked around and stood next to it. A face was so dreary that it could screw out water, but it did not dare to go up to win the war with Ning Tao, and it could not help showing a look of disdain in its eyes. It's dignified, why is it such a mess?

"You come down, we have something to say." Ying Ren tried to restrain the anger in his heart as much as possible, and he spoke in a polite manner.

Ning Tao refused: "No, you lie to me, you will kill me when I come down."

Yingren said: "You will die if you are on it."

Ning Tao said, "But I want to die on it. I want to die face to face with the fairy catcher. It is better to die than a turtle to hide underneath. I said you are so afraid of death. What robber are you? When you go home to embroider, don't come out and be ashamed. "

"Fuck! I can't stand it, I'm going to kill him!"

The winner, the second and the third, hurriedly held him.

Ying Ren said coldly: "You want to attract the immortal catcher to borrow and kill the sword. Don't think that I don't know your conspiracy, but your conspiracy will never succeed. You see, it's been so bright for a while, the immortal catchers are all I haven't come down yet, I think you still cherish this hard-won luck, and go back quickly. "

Ning Tao said: "If you kill me tonight, I really don't know how to deal with you. But since you have already come, let me know."

After that, he took out two white pigeons.

Winren suddenly changed color.

He is quite clear about the power of the white dove. Ning Tao's suspension above it makes people nervous. If he releases that kind of spell again, isn't that tantamount to provoking the fairy catcher?

"Brother, calm down, we talk down when you come down!"

"Brother, there are no hurdles in this world that you can't overcome, you have to drive some!"

"Brother, you are so young, you still have a lot of good time and good life. Come on, let us help you with any difficulties."

"Brother, I beg you, come down quickly ..."

Here was a voice of entreaty and persuasion.

Such a ridiculous situation can only appear in such a ridiculous place in the fairyland.

If it wasn't dawn at this time, and there was no immortal catcher, how could these people bitterly persuade Ning Tao to go down, I'm afraid they would have been swarmed and chopped into meat sauce.

In a voice of begging and persuading, Ning Tao threw out two white pigeons. One flew to the sloped peak on the left, and one flew to the sloped peak on the right.

This is going to explode!

This is to break people's lives!

"Do not--"

"Brother, don't!"

A mournful voice.

However, there is no reason why the arrows can be turned back, let alone the spells that are released.

Two white pigeon runes flew over the sloping peaks on the left and right, and exploded silently, turning into a flare of energy flying in the sky.



The two sloping peaks trembled violently, and the boulder rolled down and hit the ground, and the whole valley was shaking.

However, after all, they are two big mountains. Although they are tilted, they are not two white pigeons that can be fried if they can be fried.

"Hahaha! It's not broken!" I wondered which indifferent laughed.

"Not broken! Not broken! Hahaha ..."

Disease is contagious.

At this time, Ning Tao reached out and drew a stack of spells.

All laughter came to an abrupt end.


You have no end!

How can there be so many magic symbols!

Ning Tao looked as if holding it, shook his head, and said to himself, "Oops, there are no white pigeons ... why don't I bring more?"

"He doesn't have that spell!"

"Hahaha! He doesn't have that kind of magic!"

"You **** put it! You put it!"

In some extreme cases, a person is mentally disordered.

But saw Ning Tao release a big gun from the gourd again.

The whole scene was clamored and quieted again, and it was so quiet that the needle could be heard.


How come you brought out a celestial gun!

You were shocked, you still have endless!

They thought that Ning Tao would shoot at the sky, or the mountains on the left and right, but did not expect ...

Ning Tao waved a shot to the seven brothers of the Hulu family!

"Be careful!" Ying Ren exclaimed as Ning Tao pressed the muzzle.

As fast as he reacted, he won, and the destroyer in his hand threw it into the sky, and the bamboo stick swiftly greeted the bullet shot by Fei.

The scene is like a helicopter propeller, but the mana energy field stirred up is a hundred times stronger than the powerful wind brought by the helicopter propeller!


A violent explosion sounded, and the energy shock wave spread out in all directions.

"Huh!" Win Bo sneered, "Don't you want a sneak attack?"

Bang Bang!

Ning Tao fired at Xianwu of Qixianmen.

The immortals of Qixianmen in the secret town were blown up.

"Hahaha!" Ning Tao laughed as he fired. "Did you just laugh so much? You laughed, you laughed!"

Smile Nima!

How can you be so arrogant!

The people at Qixianmen were anxious to smash Ning Tao's body, but no one dared to rush up and kill him.

"Everyone spread out!" Yingren shouted, "Don't rush out, and hit the thief's scheme!"

"Ah! Lao Tzu has never been so reckless in my life!" Ying Yiqi almost vomited blood.

"Brother, bear with me again! Let him be arrogant at this moment, he will not be arrogant for a long time!" Ying Ren really can tolerate, UU reading this time can still keep calm.

However, sometimes calmness doesn't help.

There was a tremor in the void, and a furry foot fell from the sky, followed by a second.


Shake the mountain!

A fairy catcher appeared.

Not that I say you, everyone here is garbage!

Lao Tzu is King!

A big hand was taken from the sky, and the shadow of one hand enveloped the whole valley, covering the sky!

Bang Bang!

Ning Tao fired several shots at one of the big feet of the fairy catcher. The sound of explosion kept on, but not even one leg hair was blown down.

Big hands swept over!

Ning Tao put the weapon into the Japanese gourd, and lowered his gun head and dived into the secret town.

After all, there was a sudden panic in the town.

"Don't come down!"

"Get out of here!"

"You will bring down the trapper!"

Incidentally, Ning Tao said at this time: "Did you just ask me to come down? I'm here."


So vicious!


The big hand was emptied, and a mountain was swept up, and the moment it fell through, the big hand was pulled down again and caught in the secret town.

Ning Tao is ahead, with big hands behind.

"Catch the guy and kill him!" Yingyi growled.

But who else listens to his orders at this time?

Yingren jumped on his back, gritted his teeth and said, "Kill him!"

Qixianmen's think tank, Wuliangshan Lord is already intolerable.


I didn't move.

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