Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1025: Female Zhuge's Tips

It was dawn, and when it said bright, it was like turning on the light.

The dense mist of Fengxian Mountain was diffused, but the light on the mountain was not diminished. The light shone down that day, and people could look up to the sky on the top of the palace, and look down at the mountain gate and the abyss of the canyon.

At a table for four people, Ning Tao, Nanmen Xunxian, Tang Zixian and Song Qingyin.

In the eyes of Nanxun Xunxian, Song Qingyin was his own and Tang Zixian was an outsider.

In Tang Zixian's eyes, Ning Tao is his own, Nanmen Xunxian and Song Qingyin are outsiders.

In Ning Tao's eyes, there are only women. If you want to subdivide, it is the women at the door and the women outside the door.

Alas, the atmosphere of this breakfast is a bit weird.

"Fu Jun, you can taste this cold ginseng fruit, it is very tonic." Nanmen Xunxian put a crystal clear ginseng fruit slice into Ning Tao's bowl.

"Ginseng fruit? Isn't that the fruit that the four monks and priests met during the chanting? I can taste it." Ning Tao put it in her mouth and tasted it, it felt a bit like sweet potato.

"Is there any real ginseng fruit? It is just something in the novel. The imperial chef in the Japanese palace happened to have the same name, just a very ordinary spiritual material." Tang Zixian clipped a golden little The fish was placed in Ning Tao's bowl. "Try this fried little fairy fish, it tastes good."

"Thank you." Ning Tao said politely, picking up the golden little fairy fish with a chopstick, and suddenly found that Nanmen Xunxian was looking at him, he suddenly didn't know whether to eat or not.

"Master, you taste this braised fairy venison." Song Qingyin also sandwiched a piece of fairy venison and put it in Ning Tao's bowl.

Wu Ningtao's heart secretly said, what are you doing here again?

Nanmen Xunxian smiled and said, "Fu Jun, what are you doing? Eat it fast. The moon and moon and the light tone of the fish and venison are good for you. You see how blessed you are, we are all afraid of you being hungry It's on. "

Wu Ningtao: "..."

This is a bit wrong.

He said that he was happy to be a fairy, accompanied by a fairy. He had ginseng fruit, fairy fish and fairy deer for breakfast, but he had his difficulties.

I finally had breakfast, and I was told by Lu Shouhang.

Zheng Ningtao was worried that he could not find an excuse to flash people, and immediately responded. After waiting for Jin Jinzang to let people in, he himself went out of the Xianxian room in Xunxian Palace and came to the hall.

Kushiro sailed into the hall, facing Ning Tao deeply: "Meet Daxian."

Wu Ningtao said, "You're welcome, what's wrong with Lu Daoyou?"

Kushiro Shouhang said: "When I got up early, I counted a hexagram. The hexagram is very bad, and it is a terrible sign, so I didn't dare to delay, so I immediately came to sue Daxian."

"Big harbinger?" Ning Tao disapproved. "Do you, Daoyou, do you have a good picture?"

Lu Shouhang said: "I do n’t dare to say it is accurate, but it may be wrong once a thousand times. In this fairyland, some immortals are good at magic, some immortals are good at martial arts, and some immortals are good at alchemy. I He's good at counting. "

A thousand times can only be wrong once, which is almost 100% accurate.

Wu Ningtao then put away his disapproving thoughts: "Lu Daoyou, what are the hexagrams you count?"

Kushiro Shouhang said: "There is a mickey mouse stealing the chaff, and a great tragedy is in the east."

"Mice rat stealing bran?" Ning Tao figured out the meaning of this sentence.

Kushiro said: "It means that there are spies on Fengxian Mountain, and it may be possible to pass on our situation to the enemy."

Su Ningtao's look was instantly condensed

He weighed it down: "Does the horrific tragedy in the east mean that the army of the Jizo Gate is about to come?"

Lu Shouhang nodded his head: "Jizangmen is in the east. It is the overlord of this immortal land. Daxian, you first destroy Qixianmen and kill Jiuyou Sword Fairy and Fengju. I will give up. I think, even if I do n’t count on this, the army of Jizomen should come. Daxian, you must plan early. You and Fengxianshan are our Sanxian and Fanxian people. Hope, we must not lose this battle. "

Wu Ningtao was lost in thought.

He also knows that this battle cannot be lost, but once the army comes to attack Fengxian Mountain, how many immortal immortals can he block alone? Positive, his resources are pitifully small.

怎么 How can this great omen be broken?

At this time, Nanxun Xunxian, Tang Zixian and Song Qingyin also packed up their chopsticks and came to the hall from the Xianxian. They just heard Lu Shouhang's explanation and said the army of Dizangmen.

Qing Song Qingyin served Ning Tao a cup of fairy tea.

Wu Ningtao was holding a tea cup with a sad look on his face.

Taonanmen Xunxian's heart was also very anxious, saying out loudly, "Lu Daoyou, do you have any way to crack?"

Kushiro shook his head and shook his head. He was so powerful that he could be wrong once in a thousand times. However, he was not good at commanding the army in this kind of strategy. What's more, there is no army on Fengxian Mountain side, there are only a dozen scattered immortals and dozens of immortals, so what is the strongest Tibetan gate in the dynasty?

Tang Zixian said, "If you can, let me say a few words."

Tong Ningtao urged: "What's wrong with this, what can you do to break this game, you can say it quickly."

Tong Nanmen Xunxian looked at Tang Zixian, and the expression on her face was disapproving. She did not believe that Tang Zixian had any useful method.

Tang Zixian came to Ning Tao and talked eloquently: "Jizang City has a population of hundreds of thousands, Fanxiandi dominates, and Sanxian and Limin people of Fanxiandi hate them. Above the flesh and bones of the people of Xiandi and the people of Li Min. What are the tyrants most afraid of? Someone is most afraid of someone raising their arms and overthrowing his dynasty, husband you ...

出口 As soon as this remark came out, Nanmen Xunxian and Song Qingyin both stared at Tang Zixian.

I am so happy that I am looking for immortals in the South Gate. I have a good temper. If it is Bai Jing or Jiang Hao, I'm afraid I have already opened it.

Also Ning Tao, he was stunned.

I and you are innocent, when did you become your husband?

Even if you count the old account of the flying ants on the earth stealing the magic charm of Yingu Town, isn't it?

子 Tang Zixian hurriedly changed his mouth: "Sorry, wrong, Atao ..."

The atmosphere in the hall was awkward and weird.

Wu Ningtao hurriedly said, "Nothing, you go on, and then?"

Tang Zixian went on to say: "A Tao, you are a fairy, you must know that in the post-immortal era, when the gods fall, Tianxian is equal to the **** of this new era. As long as you shake your arms, the scattered fairy and immortal of the fairy land They will follow you. Under the rule of each tyrant, there will be civil forces of resistance. As long as they can be contacted and convinced, it is not difficult to solve this situation. "

Su Ningtao suddenly lighted up: "There are still such forces. Do you know the resistance forces in this fairyland?"

Tang Zixian smiled lightly: "I don't know, but I know who he is."

Tao Nanmen Xunxian said, "That's no use. The Tao Guayou's hexagrams are so dangerous. This shows that the army of Jizomen is very close to us. The reason why it is not necessary to kill them directly should not be us.

Alas, it is a fairy catcher. You only know who the other party is, and you do n’t know it. In such a short time, it ’s difficult to get there, let alone to persuade the other party to overthrow the Tibetan Gate in response to my husband ’s call? "

Qi Song Qingyin stood beside Nanmen Xunxian and added a sentence: "That is, if you take a step back and say 10,000 steps, even if you meet and convince the other party, it will take time to mobilize your hands. Far water cannot save near fire."

Tang Zixian smiled lightly: "Are you still there?"

She took a folded spell from her arms.

Tong Ningtao's gaze fell on the magic charm, and she slightly stunned, and immediately understood her plan!

The amulet is the magic charm of Yingu Town, her secret secret. He only stole the normal version of Yinguzhen charm, but she still has the bolt-type Yinguzhen charm, even he has never seen it!

Tang Zixian laughed and said, "A Tao, do you know what it is?"

Wu Ningtao nodded.

Tang Zixian asked Nanmen to find the fairy again: "Nanmen fairy, do you know this magic charm of Yingu Town?"

Taonanmen Xunxian didn't think much about it, and then said, "I've seen it, my husband also has this magic symbol."

Wu Ningtao was too late to cover her mouth.

I really are a cunning woman!

I asked him, not to mention the magic charm of Yingu Town.

When I asked Nanmen Xunxian, I named Yingu Zhenxu, and using the curiosity layout of Nanmen Xunxian, Nanmen Xunxian was planted at one end!

At the beginning, Tang Zixian interrogated the flying ant with a knife, and severely cut off the leg of the flying ant that he had, and he did not move!

Now, don't do it yourself ...

Tang Zixian looked at Ning Tao with a smile on her face.

She said nothing, but her eyes had completed all the complaints of the plaintiff.

Tong Ningtao said awkwardly, "Can I interrupt?"

Tang Zixian said, "You just plug in."

Ning Tao gave a cough: "Zi-xian, do you mean that you want to use the Yingu town charm to become the leader of the resistance, fool the enemies? Your strategy is good though ~ ~ But the enemy is not a fool, is it possible to fool the past? "

Tang Zixian said: "Of course I am not easy to lie to the past, but find a few more people, and become a character who has a headache for Jizo, can't it be a large stage play together?"

Wu Ningtao stared at her, suddenly she felt so smart!

"Do you want to intervene?" Tang Zixian asked.

Tong Ningtao interjected: "You go on."

Tang Zixian went on to say: "Several charms of Yingu Town, a few important rebels, and then this Fengxian Mountain was filled with the army flags of those characters. The party was not seen in the dark, the bigger the scene, the better If it is true, Mumentian will definitely send out the Shenhe regiment, and the **** master of the Shenhe regiment is chasing Yunzi Li Tianhao. He is a suspicious person. Since he saw that the resistance forces of Fanxiandi gathered here in Fengxianshan, he must not dare to attack ... we used his spy on the mountain again, passed him some false information, and sent them ... "

I said she didn't say anything here.

Wu Ningtao was anxious: "Hurry up!"

Tang Zixian said, "You put your ears together."

Wu Ningtao's head began to ache, but he really wanted to know the most important part of Tang Zixian's strategy. He couldn't pay attention to the glance of Nanmen Xunxian, and passed his ear.

Tang Zixian said in Ning Tao's ear: "I finally caught you, you stinky thief! This time I see where you run away!"

Wu Ningtao: "..."

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