Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1026: Realm of Genius

Fengxian Shandong, eight hundred miles.

In a hidden valley, one person and one crane stood beside Lingquan. Cranes drink water, and people look at the sky.

There is still a little time before dark, but Li Tianhao's thoughts have already flown over the 800-mile barren mountain wilderness and went to Fengxian Mountain.

"啾啾 ... 啾 ......" A white crane appeared in the sky.

天 Li Tianhao's eyes locked on the white crane, and he guessed the information he might receive this time.

He likes analysis and everything that can reflect IQ, because he is recognized as the smartest fairy in Jizo. Compared to the chase Yunzi who accompanied him when he was practicing, he prefers a nickname about him, Zhixianer, circulating in the city on the ground.

When a person's immortal force is invincible, he will long to conquer the world. He must also conquer the world, otherwise what does it mean to be invincible?

When a person's wisdom is invincible in the world, he will be eager to make plans and win thousands of miles to help Mingjun achieve a grand plan. What could be more satisfying in this world than in commanding thousands of troops to conquer this world?

No, no, no!

天 Li Tianhao asked himself that the magic force of immortality was not the strongest, and he also knew that he would not be able to reach an invincible state in his life. To others, he didn't know that the gatekeeper of the gate of Jizangmen, Mentian, was an existence he could not win in his life.

I want to say smart, if he recognizes the second, who dares to recognize the first?

Enomoto is the smartest person in the world!

Among the schools and towns that he had conquered and destroyed, many of them were more powerful than him, but those people have become defeated by his men, some have surrendered to the Jizo Gate, some have grass on their graves I'm afraid several people are tall. His several classic battles with less victory over more have been said to have become a textbook for the Western heavenly army. Although he has not seen the textbook with his own eyes, can it be faked?

Invincible, how lonely is Invincible!

飞 The flying crane landed on the ground, 啾啾 crying.

天 Li Tianhao didn't even move, he was still immersed in his own world and let himself go.

天 The void behind Li Tianhao trembled, a black armor fairy came out from the crack of the mana energy shield opening, went straight to the flying crane, and then squatted down to release a bamboo tube from the flying crane's toe.

The immortal is called Bai Shun, and the Taoist immortal monk.

He is not a human, but a savage. He began to practice from a cricket, and it became a fine for five hundred years and a fairy for five hundred years. He is best at taming animals, detecting enemy situation and spying on intelligence. Li Tianhao played a very important role in Jizhanmen's great achievements, and he can be said to be very powerful and an indispensable assistant to Li Tianhao.

Bian Baishun pulled out a roll of paper from the bamboo tube, opened it, and handed it to Li Tianhao: "Xian Zhu, this is the latest information sent by the spies on Fengxian Mountain."

"Read." Li Tianhao finally withdrew his thoughts that were flying so high that he didn't know how high.

Bai Shun said in his own words: "Information says that the real people ordered the slaughter of animals early in the morning, prepared the ingredients, and even emptied a wine cellar at Qixianmen. It looks like it will be prepared for grand The banquet is very lively on Fengxian Mountain and everyone is very happy. "

"That's it?" Li Tianhao slightly frowned, the message gave him a bit of confusion, and he hated this feeling.

Bian Baishun said, "That's all, I guess ..."


Don't say it, let me guess. Li Tianhao stood with his hands on his shoulders, looking up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, and his handsome and flawless face was full of confidence.

Bian Baishun lowered his head slightly, listening to the teachings.

After brewing for a long time, Li Tianhao said, "The immortal is immortal and powerful, but he is not a smart person, and he is not a cautious person. You have not arranged a spy in Fengxian Mountain until now. We found that we could also receive the information this morning, which means that he did n’t even know that my Crane Crane was on the verge of his Fengxian Mountain. Tonight ’s battle, I was killed by the Crane Crane, Fengxian Mountain It's bound to be a mess. At that time, the strength of the whole regiment will be under siege to real people. "


Li Tianhao said: "If he only scares people by fake celestial beings, not real celestial beings, this time he cannot escape without wings. If he is real celestial beings, he will definitely come to take my first level, as long as I put on a trap in advance, He ’s Tianxian, and I ’m afraid he ca n’t escape. If he escapes by chance, he must not be hunted down. We have completed Fengxian Mountain as a mission. ”

"Immortal Lord, why not hunt?" Baishun said curiously.

Li Tianhao calmly said: "No matter what time, how much advantage it has, you must remember the truth that the poor are not chasing. Ordinary people have an amazing potential at the moment of life and death, not to mention a fairy? If we kill The real people paid a heavy price, and the strength of the Shenhe Regiment dropped sharply. Who do you think is the happiest? Not the gatekeeper, but another legion, they want us to die. "

Bian Baishun said to Li Tianhao deeply: "My subordinates understand. Listening to the Immortal Lord's words is better than reading ten years of books."

天 Li Tianhao suddenly turned around: "Do you believe that I have analyzed correctly?"

Bai Shun slightly hesitated, then said, "Xianzhu has always been like a god, and Xianzhu analyzed the situation of Fengxian Mountain so thoroughly, which is certainly correct."

Li Tianhao grinned: "Then you are wrong. You must remember that no matter how accurate the analysis is, it is just a matter of talking on paper. Human heart is changing rapidly, and the battlefield is also changing rapidly. What I just analyzed may be correct, but it will take a while It may be incorrect. "

Bian Shun: "..."

This is the difference and difference between low IQ and high IQ.

So many apples hit people's heads, but there was a Newton.

怎么 Genius world, how do ordinary people know?

Eight hundred miles away, Fengxian Mountain.

Among the temples.

Wu Ningtao sat cross-legged next to San Sheng Ding to make Shenjing.

The most abundant energy stored in the Sanshengding Ding is the most energy, the most energy, the most energy, and the most energy. This situation is the same as the situation of earning nerves on the earth. The easiest energy to collect is the wicked energy, followed by the zen energy. At this moment, a certain amount of the faithful energy in the Trinity Tribe was collected from the refugees this morning, and it can be said that it was fresh. As for the most beloved energy, it was all he collected from Nanmen Xunxian. This energy is also the only one that requires his own hard work and seeding before he can get a little.

The best energy in the Trinity Tribune comes from the mutual assistance and kindness of some refugees. The number is not large, but it is collected in the end.

Enemy is currently good, even if it makes the second strong.

As for the large fairy house party, women naturally worry about him, and he won't help anything when he goes.

Uh ...

Three lives ding ding ming.

This is different from good and evil.

In fact, although the three shengding tripod and the good and evil ding tripod are both temple tripods and the temple array is the same, the three shengding tripod with the insect two as the instrumental spirit are quite different from the good and evil tripod.

For example, when Ning Tao was making Shenjing on the earth, there was almost no movement of good and evil. However, Zoji Er not only shivered, but also kept trembling, giving the impression that it was cold and trembling.

After all, it is only a primary temple tripod. It ca n’t be more than ten thousand miles away from the good and evil tripods that become a god.

The good and evil tripod is like the Bugatti Veyron in that tripod, and it is also a limited edition, while the three-zombie tripod in Zoji Er is just a Wuling Hongguang, and it is still pieced together from the scrap station.

He has only a little raw material of soul energy, and the refining is completed soon.

Wu Ningtao didn't need to stand up, and the probe saw the bottom of the three lives.

There are five **** crystals lying in the trinity's tripod, crystal clear and emitting golden light. But no matter which one, it has a little speck defect, which is an impure characteristic.

当然 Of course, this is not the cause of soul energy, because the same raw materials are refined from the good and evil diners to be extremely pure **** crystals. Therefore, this is the reason for Sansheng Ding, Wuling Hongguang is Wuling Hongguang, how can it run out of the speed of Bugatti Veyron?

Ning Tao, whether it's Ning Tao or Zong Er, was very excited, even ecstatic!

Is tapeworm weak?

It's really weak, it can't be compared with good and evil.

But it has a unique good fortune. The materials are a pair of treasures and artifacts of the ancient times. Each one has a unique ability. Nanmen Xunxian also gave it a hint of good fortune, and that good fortune! Leaving aside these highlights, the path of growth alone is enough to make the good and evil jealousy vomit blood. What kind of flesh does the good and evil diners eat? It is the flesh and blood of the scum on the earth, and Zerg Er eats the fairy and the magic weapon! In order to cultivate humanity and fullness of soul, good and evil tripods eat good deeds and evil thoughts, while Zoji Er began to eat when he awoke, and Ding Cheng began to eat **** crystals within a few days!

怎么 What happened to Wuling Hongguang?

As long as it is modified ~ ~ It will be a matter of time to run past Bugatti Veyron!

"Ning Aiqing, can 吃 eat these five **** crystals?" Worm stared at Ning Tao with eyes glaring, and his chubby face was full of charming smiles.

Wu Ningtao said, "Eat, isn't it just for you when it is refined?"

刚 As soon as his voice fell, a cloud of ink smoke erupted in the Tribune.

He took a look around, but couldn't see how Zeng Er had eaten those **** crystals.

This is also the end of the blink of an eye, the ink smoke disappears, and Zhe Er's worm's face has a strange expression.

Wu Ningtao said curiously, "What happened to you?"

Suddenly the size of the worm worm: "Hahaha! Hahaha ..."

Wu Ningtao: "?"

"Tonight's battle, 朕 want to fight the pro !! 朕 Let's kill the war! 朕 Use this third leg to dry the shrimp soldiers ..."

Sui Ningtao suddenly understood a bit, eating Shenjing's daring feeling is peony!

"You're slowly hi, I go out to help, I've gone back to the medicine, you talk to me about the changes." Ning Tao got up and left.

"Why ... hahaha ... Where is your army? 朕 Want to parade! Where is your queen concubine? Not yet come to wait for 朕!" Zuji's voice.

Wu Ningtao shook his head with a bitter smile.

I do n’t know why, he even wanted to eat some Shenjing ...

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