Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1049: Game of Thrones

It didn't take long for Xie Jianwei to emerge from the crack, and a large group of immortals came out behind him. One of them had a scar on his face, and the word "slavery" was engraved on his forehead.

Ye Haosu, a real man with a scarred face, is here.

Tong Ningtao welcomed Tang Zixian and Nanmen Xunxian.

"Daxian, this is the real face of our leader." Xie Jianwei introduced to Ning Tao.

The real man with a scar on his face looked at Ning Tao deeply and politely said, "Xianxian meets Daixian, and Daixian's reputation is like a thunderbolt, and Xiaoxian cherishes for a long time."

A large group of immortals also looked at Ning Tao deeply.

Ning Tao reciprocated: "You Daoyou do n’t have to be polite, let ’s talk about it. I believe that Xie Daoyou has already told me what I want to do. I will open my door and ask, I want to kill the Tibetan monk Mumen Tian. Will you help me? "

A large group of immortals whispered and whispered.

The real person with a scar face didn't say anything, just stared straight at Ning Tao, the look seemed to penetrate the heart of Ning Tao.

Wu Ningtao saw suspicion in his eyes.

Tang Zixian reached Ning Tao's ear and whispered, "Father, these people are not good stubble. You must be careful."

Tong Ningtao nodded slightly, and said, "Ye Daoyou, why don't you speak?"

The real person with a scared face said lightly: "If they say it, they don't have to worry, Daxian can't say such a big thing."

Wu Ningtao smiled: "Ye Daoyou, do you not believe that I can kill the Lord, or do you not believe that I will kill the Lord?"

The real person with a scar on his face was silent for a while before saying, "Say something that offends Daxian, both."

Taonanmen Xunxian frowned suddenly: "My husband is to kill off the immortal land, so that you can have a place to live and work, do you even doubt my husband? Really do not know good or bad!"

The real person with a scared face snorted coldly: "Who are you? How dare you talk to me like that!"

Wu Ningtao said, "She is my lady. He is right. If you are unhappy, you can come to me."

His voice is bland, but he has majesty that cannot be offended.

The scarred face was silent.

Challenge Tianxian?

Who has that courage?

However, he did not believe that Ning Tao dared to do anything to him here.

So, that's the best.

He dares not to murder Ning Tao, but the woman who dared to attack Ning Tao demonstrates the authority of his allies in front of the immortal rebels.

I dare to scold even the women in the world!

I ask you, I'm not awesome!

Suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of Tong Ningtao's mouth: "I understand."

"What do you understand?" Scarface's tone of voice was gone.

Wu Ningtao said, "I understand you, and I understand what you are thinking."

一群 The group of immortals who talked about it quieted down. There was no one here who knew afterwards. They had smelled a smell of gunpowder from the air.

"I respect you as Tianxian, so I came out to see you, but you don't have to go in." Scarface said unceremoniously: "So you better explain this, what do you mean?"

Ning Tao said: "Although you are the leader of the various resistance forces, you never thought of fighting Jizo, right? This is your favorite situation now, Jizo On the day of existence, you can sit on the throne of the lord for an additional day. Killing the lord of the tibetan, this ally of resistance will dissolve, and your lord will no longer exist, will it? "

"You put it ..." Ye Haosu, a scarred face, was so angry that she almost scolded the word "fat".

Tong Ningtao said lightly: "If you want to scold, you can scold it."

The real man with a scared face did not scold it at last. He held back the anger in his heart and said, "You

He is slandering me. If you do n’t give me an explanation, even if you are a fairy, we have to be fair. "

Tong Ningtao smiled: "You said I slander you?"

The real man with a scared face snorted coldly: "How much I have paid for the rebel alliance over the years, everyone can see it, is it that you can obliterate with only a few words, or is it that you can scorn without evidence?"

Ning Tao said: "If you really want to kill the Jizo, and really want to liberate all the immortals, when you hear the news of me coming to Jizo, you can't wait to sneak into Jizo to meet me, but You dare not even take such a risk. Do you still have to believe that you are really for many immortal people, for this resistance alliance? "

The face of the scarred face was cold.

Wu Ningtao's words were tantamount to revealing the secrets in his heart.

Ning Tao said: "The Jizo Gate is indeed strong, and the Jizo Lord is also Tianxian, but I want to kill him. My family of three are in Jizo City, but your lord is afraid to come to Jizo City to meet me, but I'm here to make an appointment. When I come, you are still hiding in the crevice and want me to come in to see you. You say that people like you, will you be willing to have the right you have to kill the lord of the tibetan? "

A large group of rebels including Xie Jianwei and other rebels have moved their eyes and faces, and their eyes have changed.

Ning Tao didn't say they were unaware, but when Ning Tao said it, they suddenly understood why they hadn't fought a hard battle with Jizo Gate for so many years, always hiding, always taking care of the To the secret zone. Their leader is no longer the one who bitterly vowed to overthrow the Jizo Gate. A person who has held power for a long time will be changed by the right.

"You fart!" Scarface was finally scolded.

Just now he was so mad, you see that I even reprimanded Tianxian's woman. But now, he can't hold his breath, and let Ning Tao say that the prestige and image that he has worked hard to build are destroyed.


Wu Ningtao's body released a fire of Samadhi, covering the whole body, and a cloud of ink smoke rolled up at his feet. Then he swung his right hand, and the gun shot out through the flesh.

"How dare you show up here? Thousands of faces, you see who you brought, this guy is definitely here to deal with us!" Scarface, the real person took the opportunity to take the rhythm, and then roared: "Brothers, copy Guys, come together! "

Wu Ningtao did not start.

I did n’t do that.

Who is willing to do something with a Tianxian who has no injustice in the past?

What's more, killing can't be killed, and once this Tianxian is driven away, who will assassinate the Lord of the Tibetans?

Behind the various resistance forces, there are a considerable number of immortal people to support, but those immortal people's days have gone through more and more difficult, how can they enjoy the **** offerings in peace? What's more, many of these immortals have **** hatred with the Jizo Gate. The reason they formed this alliance was not to kill the Jizo Lord, to overthrow the brutal rule of the Jizo Gate?

Now that such a powerful Tianxian is going to kill the lord of the Tibetan Plateau, their lord wants them to do this Tianxian. Isn't it true what the Tianxian said just now?

Seeing no one moving, Scarhead's face suddenly shouted, "What are you doing? Want to rebel? Give me all!"

I still have no one to move.

Xie Jianwei said: "Leader, we are not recommending the emperor, but a leading brother. You are now talking about rebellion, are you afraid that you have already occupied yourself as an emperor?"

"Jack! Even this guy dare to disrespect me! I said how could you bring this person over, it turns out that you and he have been colluding! I will clean up the portal first!" The voice fell, and Scarface's real man suddenly pulled his sword. A sword stabbed at Xie Jianwei.

He shot at Ning Tao. No one helped him dare not even pull his sword, but he shot Xie Jianwei, but he didn't have any scruples.

Xie Jianwei didn't even expect that Scarface would hit him, but he didn't respond unexpectedly, and the sword came to his chest in an instant.

I was just at the threshold

Alas, the gun stabbed in the flesh, and one pierced the flying sword in the real face of Scarface.


Feijian broke.

The face of the real person with a scar on his face was pale, and his flying sword was broken with a single shot. If Ning Tao stabbed him with a gun just now, where would he be?

He froze for a moment, and the real man with a scared face suddenly jumped into the sky.

He has understood that his brothers now want to follow the real person to kill the lord of the Tibetan Plateau, and they have no longer listened to his orders, so when do they not leave?

Tang Zixian hurriedly said: "Fu Jun, I'll stop him, he might go to Jizo to report!"

Ning Tao said lightly: "No hurry, let him fly for a while. If he goes to Jizo Gate, then he really reports. If he goes to another place, I will only stay with him for a while, wait for me After killing the Lord, he released him. "

A large group of fairies look at each other, and there are operations that let people fly for a while?

This fairy is so confident!

Ning Tao went on to say, "Dear friends, I'm really sorry, this should have been a pleasant meeting, but I didn't want to make it happen. I admire you for fighting for the immortal people of the immortal land, I will just say, I am here to kill the land Tibetan lord, if I kill the lord, I will leave. I will not become the king of all immortals, let alone the next lord of the lord. Are you willing to help me? "

"I do!" Xie Jianwei made the first statement.

Some people take the lead and others follow, and all the fairies have expressed their willingness.

Wu Ningtao then threw his flesh-shot and jumped on the gun, chasing the direction in which the scarred face escaped.

"Scarface will not really go to Jizo City to report, right?" Someone said.

"If he went to Jizo City to tell the truth, then we really misread him." Someone said.

There was a lot of talk in the crowd of Wuxian.

Tao Nanmen Xunxian said, "Sister, what do you think?"

Tang Zixian said: "My sister came to make a bet with her sister and bet on whether the scarred face would go to Jizo to tell."

"Uh, what does my sister want to gamble on?" In fact, Nanmen Xunxian wanted to prove that she and Tang Zixian were smarter.

Tang Zixian got to the ear of Nanmen Xunxian: "Just bet on the husband."

Tongnanmen Xunxian suddenly stumbled: "What does my sister mean?"

Tang Zixian said, "If my sister wins, I will wait for the young and old to go to Penglai Xiandao and then stay with my husband. If I do n’t reach Penglai Xiandao, my sister will accompany my husband to sleep. Do you gamble? "

Taonanmen hesitated to find the immortal: "Gamble."

那种 The situation last night ~ ~ She doesn't want to go through it again, her throat is almost coughing and bleeding. And with Tang Zixian beside, Ning Tao was not easy to open her door, and that was not only a loving life for her, but also a sophisticated one.

I lost only one night, why not gamble?

Tang Zixian smiled: "Sister guess first."

Taonanmen Xunxian thought for a moment: "I bet the Tibetan Lord will go to inform."

Don't let it go!

This is the judgment you just made!

Tang Zixian said with a smile: "Sister has taken the lead, then I can only choose to not tell the sister, I hope that scarred face really live up to it."

刚 As soon as her voice fell, a cloud of ink smoke fell from the sky. Ning Tao stood on the cloud, and there was a person lying beside him, tied by a medicine collecting rope, which was the real face with a scar.

Tao Nanmen Xunxian smiled and said, "Sister, I'm really embarrassed, I got lucky."

Tang Zixian also laughed: "Sister, don't worry, first listen to what your husband says."

Wu Ningtao came to the ground.

Tang Zixian asked: "Fu Jun, is the real face scared to tell the truth?"

Wu Ningtao shook his head: "No, he fled elsewhere. I told him he would not kill him, but just wanted to stay for a few days. He didn't believe it. I had to stun him and tie him back."

Tang Zixian's Yuxi laughed and blossomed.

Suddenly, the Nannan Gate seeks to speak, but suddenly she feels she's in a trap.

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