Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1050: Assassination plan

Opening the door of a dog hole, Ning Tao threw him in with the scarred face in a coma.

The Temple of the God was built, and the door of convenience had not yet transmitted a living creature, so just give him a try.

The real face of the scarred man was captured, and Ning Tao became the new leader. However, he explained to the rebels of the various forces, that his lord only killed the lord of the tibetan when he killed the lord of the tibetan. After overthrowing the tibetan door, he would no longer be the lord.

No resistance force was involved before. Ning Tao had only a few options. After the resistance force joined, he had more options.

After the conversation, Ning Tao, Nanmen Xunxian and Tang Zixian took the flying carriage when they got up and returned to Jizo.

Along the way, Ning Tao was pondering plans to assassinate the Lord.

This time it was not the Xianwu who was driving, but Xie Jianwei. He also became the messenger between Ning Tao and the various resistance forces. He was almost the "representative" of Fanxian's resistance forces.

"Daxian, we're almost there, will we go where I live, or where you live?" Xie Jianwei asked out loud on the flying carriage.

In the carriage, Ning Tao opened the curtain and glanced out. The flying carriage has entered Jizo City, and he immediately saw the Jizo Palace at the bottom of the abyss. He glanced back and looked away. After lowering the curtain, he said, "Go where I live, can you find it?"

Xie Jianwei smiled and said, "If I don't even know where Daxian lives, am I worthy to follow Daxian?"

Wu Ningtao just smiled.

的 The advantage of being an immortal in the immortal realm is that no matter where you go, you will be licked by you. Just now in the valley, the immortals of various resistance forces just kneeled.

However, he is now used to this feeling, and is in peace.

Wu Feitian stopped at the side of the road, Ning Tao, Nanmen Xunxian and Tang Zixian climbed up the stone steps, Xie Jianwei followed.

The responder took the carriage away.

The door of the Xiaoxiao Temple was opened, and Ning Tao's family advanced two steps. Xie Jianwei paused at the door and walked in.

The temple door was closed.

Xie Jianwei looked left and right, and when he saw the bug face on Sansheng Ding looking at him with a pair of small eyes, he was inexplicably nervous.

Ascaris II didn't speak, and didn't suppress anyone. In fact, it now lacks the ability to suppress the heavens, but it can eat people, which is more rude and direct.

Wu Ningtao went straight to the lock wall, and the real face of the scar was lying under the lock wall. He had not yet woke up. He awakened Tianyan and glanced at him. The real life characteristics of Scarface were stable and there were no abnormal signs. What surprised him was that Scarface had a lot of kindness in the antecedent field. If measured by the standards of the Tianwai Clinic, he would almost be the best.

This is actually why Ning Tao did not kill him.

It is certainly safer to kill a real person with a scar face, without the risk of leaks, but things cannot be done that way. He was just blinded by power, and how many people in this world can resist the temptation of money, power and beauty?

Even if he is Ning Tao himself, he can resist the temptation of money and rights, and he can see money and rights as dung, but he cannot resist the temptation of beauty. If he could resist, he would not have so many women.

"It's ... really teleported back." Xie Jianwei broke the silence in the small broken temple. He thought he had to say something. The worm-face on Sansheng Ding kept staring at him, making him hairy.

Wu Ningtao said: "This is my door of convenience, so I can walk through it. Your people can go from this convenience

The gate of Jiu came to Jizo City, and eventually the magic crane group of Zhixianer also came to Jizo City. You just need to hold down a few of these fairy groups, give me some time, and I will be able to slay the Tibetan Lord. "

On the way back, he has been thinking about the plan to assassinate the Lord, and after seeing the real face of the scar face through the door of convenience, he has a general direction in his heart.

Xie Jianwei said: "Daxian means using this convenient door to teleport our people into Jizo City, and then attack the seven battle groups in Jizo City? That's too difficult, we are not our opponents at all."

Ning Tao felt that he had oversimplified the problem. The seven immortals in Jizo City were well-equipped. At the time of the battle against the Crane Gods, he was beaten out of temper, and only had to dodge, let alone seven battles. group?

There were many people in the various cities of the resistance forces and the Tibetan city, and the weaponry and equipment were far behind. They also lacked the group combat experience and combat literacy. They faced each other and were destroyed by the regiment within a few minutes.

Tang Zixian said at this moment: "Fu Jun, can I interrupt?"

Wu Ningtao said, "Do you have an idea? Hurry up and listen."

Tang Zixian said: "Fighting is definitely not working, but guerrillas are feasible. We teleported the most elite of the resistance forces and scattered them in various parts of Jizo City. We picked hands in the daytime and killed the Tibetan Gates alone. The disciples created an atmosphere of horror. Finally, they deliberately exposed and retreated into the temple. The magic crane group of Zhixianer was in the temple, pretending to catch those people and dealing with the enemy. At that time, the husband was killing the ground. Lord Tibetan, once you have killed the Lord Tibetan Lord and the leader of the Jizo Gate has no heads, those people will be able to deal with it. "

Wu Ningtao suddenly smiled: "The lady is really smart, this plan is good."

Tongnanmen Xunxian had originally been smarter with Tang Zixian, but now he is completely disheartened. Even the woman Bai Jing and Jiang Hao repeatedly told her to beware of. How could she be such a simple and kind fairy to have had Tang Zixian in her mental planning?

Tang Zixian's mouth appeared a very comfortable smile, and then she said: "My sister and her husband joined forces to kill the lord of the Tibetans. I will command the fairy of the resistance and cooperate with Zhixianer inside and outside. set!"

One big thing can be a bit of a taste of female Zhuge.

Her talent and ability in this area are not inferior to Zhixianer, but her mind is often not on it.

If Ning Tao had the ambition to create a great imperial cause in the fairy realm, she could make good use of it, but Ning Tao did not have such a mind.

"In this case, then I will go back and let the various fairies choose the manpower." Xie Jianwei said excitedly.

Wu Ningtao said: "I left the door of convenience in that valley. I will open the door for you. You can pass through the door of convenience and save time on the road."

Xie Jianwei sighed deeply to Ning Tao: "There is a great fairy."

Tong Ningtao thrust a finger into a fresh blood lock on the lock wall, stirred it, and a door larger than a dog hole appeared convenient on the lock wall.

Xie Jianwei leapt forward and plunged into the door of convenience with a diving posture.

The door of convenience disappears.

Wu Ningtao said: "Zhong Er, can't this door of convenience be bigger?"

Ascaris II said: "Ning Aiqing wants to make the door more convenient, so there is no need to give him more **** crystals. Now that there is some time before dawn, I think Ning Aiqing can hurry up to collect some soul energy."

The atmosphere in Xun Xiaopo's temple was suddenly awkward.

Tang Zixian previously

I do n’t know what the soul energy is, nor do I know how to collect the beloved energy in the soul energy, but after Nanmen Xunxian told her, she knew it. Now that Zoji Er made such a suggestion, she couldn't help embarrassingly blushing.

Taonanmen search for immortals is even more direct: "That ... I'll go back to my room to rest first."

Tang Zixian also followed the South Gate to find the fairy and returned to the back room.

Ascaris II said, "Why didn't Ning Aiqing go?"

Yun Ningtao wanted to go, but the thought of the tragic encounter last night was dispelled. He naturally lay in the middle of this, and angered the crown with anger, but that **** would definitely come to slay his tricks and play with his crown. Isn't that just asking for trouble?

At this moment, Scarface really woke up, opened her eyes and saw Ning Tao and San Sheng Ding. She also felt the heavenly atmosphere of this small broken temple, and her heart suddenly became nervous: "What are you ... what do you want to do here? what is the place?"

Wu Ningtao said: "This is the Temple of the Immortal, which will temporarily imprison you for a few days, and then let you go after killing the Lord of the Tibetan Plateau."

"You actually have a temple." Scarface's real person quickly glanced across the small ruined temple. Although this small ruined temple was empty, it gave people a chilling feeling, but for an immortal like him, in his heart It is quite shocking, because he knows that if a heavenly **** can build a temple, it means that it is possible to become a god!

Tong Ningtao said lightly: "I think Xie Jianwei must have told you, but you don't want to believe it. You have held power for too long and you can't bear to let it go."

"Are you sure you killed the Jizo Lord?" Until now he still couldn't believe that Ning Tao could successfully assassinate the Jizo Lord in Jizo City. After all, this is the old nest of Jizo Gate, and that Jizo Lord This person is also Tianxian, plus the protection of seven war groups, who can kill him in Jizo?

Wu Ningtao said: "I have already told you what to say, and you should stay here for a few days."

伸 He reached out and scratched the face of Scarface's real person.

Scarface said, "Wait ..."

Tong Ningtao's hand stopped. "What do you want to say?"

Scarface said, "I ... I really don't want to let go of my rights ~ ~ I'm hurting my brothers, and I'm willing to make up for my fault. Can you give me a chance, Daxian?"

"What kind of opportunity do you want?"

"I will go with you to assassinate the Lord of the Tibetans," Scarface said.

Tong Ningtao said after a moment of silence: "I think about it, and I need to ask Xie Jianwei for their opinions. Now I'm wronged for a moment."

His hand grabbed the neck of the real face of Scarface, and the power of the shock shocked him.

Wu Ningtao did not untie the medicinal rope on his body, but dragged him to the side of Sansheng Ding, and explained Zhe Eryi: "This man is very good, don't eat it."

Ascaris II said, "How can you not distinguish between good and evil? This person is not eating. Ning Aiqing returns to the house to rest. Don't let the two fairy sisters wait for a long time."

Wu Ningtao: "..."

He entered the back room, and a familiar scene appeared in his eyes.

Tong Nanmen looked for embroidery, Tang Zixian watched her embroidery.

The crib is still the crib.

When I saw him come in, Tang Zixian said with a smile: "Father, go to bed and rest. Sister, do you sleep outside or inside?"

Taonanmen Xunxian politely said: "Sister choose."

Tang Zixian said: "Sister pick first."

Wu Ningtao asked himself.

豆 Do you have bean dregs in your head?

You know that you will suffer, you have to come in!

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