Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1243: Couple reunion

"That ... I don't hear it wrong?" Bai Jing said.

Qing chased her legs and ran out, and the other four women came back and ran out.

Outside the chairman's office is a large office area. The staff of Shenzhou Charity Company and a few fish monsters blocked the road to this side.

The five fairies couldn't see "General Ning", but they could feel the extremely powerful spiritual energy field, and the taste that they were extremely familiar and dreamy.

Suddenly the staff members on the road gave way, a young man came slowly from the crowd, his handsome face, slender figure, and that warm smile, who was not their man?

Ning Tao is back.

"Brother Ning!" Qing Zhui cheered, tiptoe, flirtatious body flew flat, crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and plunged into Ning Tao's arms.

Then followed by Bai Jing, Jiang Hao, Soft Tianyin, and Lin Qingyu, the family embraced each other and formed a group.

A large group of ordinary staff in the large office area looked at each other.

Mr. Qing actually jumped a dozen meters!

Mr. Bai jumped a dozen meters!

President Jiang actually jumped a dozen meters!

Soft always jumped a dozen meters!

Mr. Lin actually jumped a dozen meters!

What kind of women are these!

Also, is it really good for your family to hug in front of so many people? There are many single dogs in this office, OK?

For several minutes, a family of talents ended up in a group, and the four fish monsters headed by Yang Sheng and Yin Molan bowed their fists together: "Meet the Lord!"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Go home and talk again. Let's have a drink and talk while drinking."

Yang Sheng said with a smile: "Okay, today we and the protagonist will not be drunk."

Jiang Hao said: "You go home first, Qingyou, you and I go to the supermarket to order something, my husband is back, and we make a good meal."

"Um." Lin Qingyi nodded in agreement, and Hao's eyes were filled with tears of excitement and joy.

During this time, she thought that she would never see Ning Tao in her life, but did not expect that he would come back again, how could she not be excited.

Bai Jing said: "Husband, you open the door, we will go home now."

She couldn't wait to go home, what should be done, staying awake for so long, and the depressive love in her body and heart was ignited the moment she saw Ning Tao again, burning quietly.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Now we can't open the door, let's take a taxi. Also, well, Qingyou, don't go shopping. I brought some good things, and I will cook them for you at home.

Jiang Hao stared at Ning Tao, curiously, "What good is it?"

Ning Tao's body had a dragon-shaped large grass amulet, a pair of reeds walking on her feet, and a big Japanese gourd pinned around her waist, and she could see nothing good.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "You know when you go home, it's not easy to take it out now."

Bai Jing got to Jiang Hao's ears and whispered, "You can't see the good things your husband brought, you can see it when you go home. You just have to eat slowly."

Jiang glanced at Bai Jing.

In the presence of so many employees, is it really good for you to be so dirty?

Lin Qingyi said, "It's all gone, what should you do?"

A large group of busy employees returned to their posts.

Bai Jing said: "Today, my husband returned from the inspection and welcomed the sanctions from the lighthouse. I decided to pay you double the salary."

There was a sudden cheer in the office.


Ning Tao was a little curious and wanted to ask what was going on, but Qingzhui took his arm and said to him, "Brother Ning, let's go home."

Ning Tao nodded his head and said gently, "Okay, let's go home."

In fact, he didn't care about sanctions or sanctions. He was a half-immortal, and he was the king of all kings in the fairy realm. This divine charity company was originally established to help him earn good deeds. Now he no longer needs good deeds, and it's time to let go.

Who do you give it to?

He thought of several people, Ge Ming, Su Ya, Fan Yeying, and Zhao Wushuang. I don't know how they are doing now.

"I don't know if I will split the company into four for them, will they accept it?" Ning Tao had this idea in his heart, and then only Zhao Wushuang was left in his mind.

He had a fate with him once, and I do n’t know what she would do if she met again.

However, he could not take her to the fairyland.

Because she is not a cultivator and has no magical power, once upon a time, there will be a scourge in Celestial Realm, and she has no resistance. Once she enters Celestial Realm, it will be an end to death.

Some people are destined not to be together.

Some fate is destined to have no ending.

But this is life, who can be perfect?

When he was out of the company, Bai Jing took out his mobile phone to take a taxi, but Ning Tao said, "Don't take a taxi. Drive your husband home for the clouds."

"Driving in the clouds?" Bai Jing couldn't stop his mouth.

Lin Qingxuan said excitedly: "Husband, is it the kind of somersault cloud that Sun Wukong drove?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "The cloud for my husband is much better than the somersault cloud of Dasheng."

Qing chasing anxiously, "Brother Ning, you're bringing your cloud, I haven't even sat on it yet."

Jiang Hao glanced at the people coming and going, the cars flowing endlessly, and worriedly said, "It's not good to cast a cloud and drive on the street, will it? It will scare ordinary people."

Ning Tao smiled lightly: "They can't see."

He raised his hand and hit a ring finger. After a wave of energy, the power of the demigod spread out all around.

The light is still normal, but people on the sidewalk can no longer see the family of six.

"Well, there were several beauties over there, why did they suddenly disappear?" A young man smoking a cigarette in the sidewalk surprised on the sidewalk.

A companion next to him said, "Brother, are you dazzled? How many beautiful women are there?"

"No, I clearly saw several ..."

"Be quiet and exercise more. I think your Yintang is dark. This is not a good sign."


The five fairies looked around at the two youths next to the trash can, and were amazed and admired.

My husband is amazing!

A ring finger is a blinding eye!

Another young woman came here, and a young man behind her chased her.

"Shu Fen, listen to me explain."

"I don't listen I don't listen!"

"Don't you leave me, okay?" The young man was crying.

The young woman didn't even want to go back, she ran to the side of the road and opened the door of a BMW car.

The legs of the young man suddenly lost strength and the courage to catch up.

The woman sat in the front passenger seat, and then leaned her head out of the window: "I would rather sit in a BMW and cry than sit behind your battery car and laugh, let's break up."

The middle-aged uncle driving a BMW started the car and went proudly.

The family of six witnessed the breakup, and their expressions were a little strange.

Bai Jing suddenly smiled and said, "My husband, I want to sit on the cloud and cry."

Lin Qingyi also smiled and said, "I want it too."

Soft Tianyin also said, "I will sit on the cloud and cry."

Ning Tao said a little silently: "People are so sad, don't make trouble, OK?"

Jiang Hao said, "I just want it."

Family style is really a bit crooked.

Ning Tao whispered: "Clouds come."

As soon as he stepped up, a golden cloud suddenly appeared from his feet.

The eyes of the five fairies were full of excitement and excitement.

Ning Tao stepped up to the cloud, then reached out and pulled up the five fairies one by one.

Qing Zhui stepped on the golden auspicious cloud with his feet, and was as happy as a child: "Soft, like cotton candy!"

Ning Tao smiled and said softly, "Go."

Golden Xiangyun carried a family of six slowly into the air, and then went home. The fairies who said they were going to cry on the clouds did not cry at all, and all of them laughed wildly.

The corner of the guy who had just been thrown was still weeping with tears, but they laughed so happily on their man's auspicious clouds, which was really a bit too much.

The golden auspicious clouds fly very low, which is the height of two or three floors. The shops, newcomers, and vehicles on the street are clearly visible, a bustling scene.

After a long stay in the fairyland, and suddenly returned to the downtown area of ​​the world, Ning Tao was really a bit uncomfortable. Some things that should have been ordinary to him now have a very novel feeling. Passing by a Huawei mobile phone store and seeing a long line at the door, he was surprised and said, "Is Huawei mobile phone so popular now?"

Bai Jing said: "It is not because the lighthouse of the lighthouse has priority, it is fighting a trade war."

Then she briefly talked about the current situation.

Ning Tao knew it, thought for a moment, and then said, "Tomorrow invite Meng Bo to have dinner at home, and I want to discuss a business with him for my husband."

Jiang was curious and said, "My husband, you are all immortals now, and you are all driving. What business do you have to talk about?"

Ning Tao said: "I want to open a real estate on Mars for my husband."

Jiang Hao suddenly stood on the spot.

Lin Qingyi laughed out loud: "Husband, you are all immortals but still so unruly, you go to Mars to build a house, who will buy it?"

Ning Tao took Huang Sha's son-in-law into her arms and said with a smile: "That's why I asked Meng Bo to come to our house as a guest. I sold him the house."

Soft Tianyin said timidly: "Brother Ning, your magic is boundless. I want a child ~ ~ In the future, if you go to the fairyland, I will also have a companion around me, OK?"

The eyes of the five women all gathered on Ning Tao's body, which was their most concerned issue. Qingzhui and Bai Jing should be a little lighter in this regard, because they will cross the robbery to the immortal realm, but Jiang Hao, Lin Qingyu, and Ruan Tianyin, the three fairies who are destined to be unable to cross the robbery to immortal, take this issue very seriously.

The atmosphere on the golden clouds was silent.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "I came back this time to solve this problem."

Jiang Hao gave Ning Tao a blindfold: "This is not something you can solve by saying you want to solve it. Many couples haven't figured it out for more than ten years. How long will you stay here this time?"

Ning Tao said: "A few days."

The faces of several women suddenly faded.

Ning Tao added: "I want to take you all to the fairyland."

Several women cheered for a few seconds. Ning Tao added five lipstick marks to her left and right cheeks.

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