Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1244: Xunxian back pot

Western Pacific Ocean, near the East Erhai Lake.

A sailing boat stopped.

The sailboat's canvas is dirty, and there are holes in it, and the hull looks very old, giving the impression that this is an ownerless ghost ship.

On the deck of the bow stood an old man and a big tripod with one leg on both legs. Both brothers and brothers stared at the sea.

Zhe Er pointed a small finger to the sea and said, "Below, Shenzhou Aiqing, wait for you here to poke and refine the true dragon's keel."

Shenzhou said, "Isn't that just gnawing the bones? It's so fresh and refined."

As soon as his words fell, Zoji jumped and jumped into the sea. With the weight of the Sansheng tripod, a large vortex suddenly set off on the sea, and the tripod was invisible in the blink of an eye.

Insect Er sinks into the bottom of the sea, and the landing point is right next to Long Tzu. One of its short legs was immediately trapped in the mud and still sinking.

"I'm going ..." Zoji Er struggled a little, but got deeper.

Just then a sailing boat passed by it, and an old man with white beard stood on the deck and looked at it.

"Shenzhou Aiqing!" Zoji Er waving a pair of short hands, "Come and pull out!"

A branch protruded from the hull and rose to the side of San Sheng Ding.

Zoji Er hastily stretched out a pair of short hands and grabbed the branches of the tree, and then got out of the mud.

After all, it is a magic weapon, and some powerful methods must be used by Ning Tao.

That branch brought Worm back to the deck.

Worm II said: "Shenzhou Aiqing, why didn't you say you could still become a submarine, causing you to be trapped in the mud?"

Shenzhou said with a smile: "You didn't ask, but you jumped down."

Bug II: "..."

Just then, a beam of bright light came from a distance.

Zoji Er and Shenzhou both looked away.

It was a submarine bearing the Stars and Stripes emblem. It was huge, and it was an Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine.

Under the bright lamppost, the old man with white beard and Dading remained motionless.

"Bug brother, you know a lot, what's that?" Shenzhou was surprised when she first saw the submarine.

Zhe Er said: "The thing is called a submarine. It is a warship used to fight. Haven't you seen Ai Qing?"

"Crap." Shenzhou added, "Will this thing hit me? Isn't it great?"

Zuji said, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

"Here it comes, the lantern is so bright."

"Don't move, they will treat us as dead."

"Are you alive?"

Just as the man murmured, the Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine came to the side of the sailboat and hovered.

The old white-bearded man and Dading were motionless, not even turning their eyes.

When it comes to pretending to be dead, Ding and Wood's acting skills are innate and natural.

Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine bridge.

The image of the shabby sailing ship, the old man with white beard, and Sanshengding searched through the periscope appeared on the monitor display wall.

Inside the submarine's bridge, there were stunned faces, and the strange atmosphere was flowing and permeating in Cambridge.

"This ... what's the situation?" The submarine captain Bolton was half-toned before he could say a word.

Japanese military officer Ichiro Watanabe said: "I have never seen anything like this in my twenty-year naval career. The ship was soaked in the sea, and the hull and sails remained roughly intact. Even more amazing, The old man's body was so well-preserved, and, again, that tripod tripod ... I've never seen such a tripod tripod! "

"The fragments of the fighter plane were not found, but they actually found an ancient sailing boat, and immediately contacted our salvage boat and asked them to send people and equipment over." Bolton said.

The correspondent immediately contacted the salvage vessel.

Watanabe Ichiro said with excitement: "This is an amazing archeological discovery. There may be valuable antique relics on the ship."

Bolton said, "Float up first and send Frogmen down."

"Captain, this is not okay. The depth of the water here is 500 meters. Our frogman cannot reach here. We have to use a submersible." A deputy said.

Bolton said: "When the salvage boat comes over, we will use the equipment on the salvage boat to take a look at the sailing boat. No one of you can leak this out!"

The submarine slowly floated upwards.

"That iron boat is gone," Shenzhou said.

Zhe Er said: "A silly submarine, don't care about it, let's go to Long Tzu."

"Go." Shenzhou said.

The sailing boat slowly sailed towards Long Tzu.

After entering the dragon mound, the real dragon skeleton was revealed.

"So big a real dragon!" Shenzhou sighed.

Zuji jumped down from the deck, and opened her mouth to poke ...

at the same time.

There is a strong aroma in the villa, which is the aroma of Xianshi pot cooking hot pot. The water used by Ning Tao to cook the hot pot is taken from the Lingquan of Xianjie. The ingredients used to cook the hotpot are various precious spirits from Xianjie. There are spiritual meat, fruits, vegetables, and condiments he refined. .

Where did the five fairies have eaten such hot pot? As soon as Ning Tao had cooked it, they drank around the Xianshi pot, one more delicious than the other.

Ning Tao looked at it with a smile, and the woman at home ate so deliciously, and he was very happy.

To be honest, his heart was more or less indebted, and I felt sorry for them. They guarded the widowed world, and also operated the Shenzhou Charity Company, but he married several women in the fairyland. South Gate wouldn't say anything about finding immortals. They knew it, but Fox Ji, Humei, Undead Phoenix, Xi'er, and Tang Zixian and Daenerys, they didn't know. Therefore, he always wanted to compensate them and make them happy, even if he cooked a hot pot for them, his heart was very happy.

"Husband, what are you laughing at?" Jiang Hao was probably full, and finally put down his chopsticks and asked.

Ning Tao said, "I think you have a good time, and I'm happy, so I laughed. I laughed well?"

Jiang Haojin laughed, and did not forget the words of Ning Tao: "Smelly."

Ning Tao smiled and said, "I don't care if you smell bad, it's all good if you are fragrant." He sniffed deliberately, with an intoxicated expression, "Well, really fragrant!"

Bai Jing looked at Ning Tao and smiled Ying Yingying: "Husband, you have changed. It is like a person to return from the fairyland."

Ning Tao looked at himself: "Are you there? Am I handsome again?"

Bai Jing gave Ning Tao a dizzy eye: "Smelly, I didn't brag about you. I mean your mouth is sweeter. You honestly explained that you haven't **** with other women in fairyland?"

It always comes.

Although Ning Tao had long been mentally prepared, but suddenly faced with this problem, he was still a little helpless and didn't know how to answer.

Yeah, how do you answer?

I married Tang Zixian, Immortal Fire Phoenix, Bai Hu Xi'er, took Daenerys, and slept with Fox and Fox in Fairyland?

If you answer this directly, the five women in the family are not half sad?

But if you do n’t answer that way, how do you answer it?

As soon as Ning Tao was hesitant, the five women seemed to smell something. You look at me, I look at you, and exchange eyes.

The atmosphere in the dining room suddenly became tense and suppressed, and it felt a little rainy.

This is the case before the "crime" is explained, and it is not dead!

Ning Tao gave a cough: "That, Xunxian went up with me, she took me very seriously, she arranged everything for me, food and accommodation, and she also arranged everything in the house. When you go up, you Just ask her, I'm innocent. "

Only a few women smiled, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively and happy again.

Jiang said with a smile: "I know this is the case, and we specifically told that she was looking for a fairy girl and let her watch you."

Ning Tao secretly said, "Xunxian, you can only carry this pot, don't you blame your husband?"

Concealed first, when they went to the fairyland, there were so many strange things and fairy spirits in the fairyland, and their aura was full. Their attention will be diverted. At that time, the hunting for the fairy will come out, and the raw rice will be cooked. What else can I say?

"Husband, take your body to understand you, and take yourself as a person, wouldn't you lie to us?" Bai Jing said suspiciously.

Ning Tao: "..."

Qing Zhui gave Bai Jing a glance: "Sister, how can you say brother Ning like this, even if he has a woman in the fairy world, isn't that a natural thing? You have forgotten the women's San Cong Si De?"

It's better to chase after youth!

Ning Tao couldn't help but want to hug her and take a sip.

"You protect her, and once you come back one month later, you will know San Cong Si De." Bai Jing said.

Qing Zhui continued to stare at Jing.

Ning Tao quickly shifted the topic: "Tell you the good news, Xunxian is pregnant, you will be a mother."

"Really?" Jiang Hao was instantly excited. "My mother talked to me on the phone yesterday and asked if my stomach was moving. I don't know how to tell her. When will you make her elderly happy? what."

"That problem has been solved?" Lin Qingyu was also very excited, she wanted a child's heart is not weaker than Jiang.

Ning Tao smiled: "We have gotten that great fortune for our husband, and now it is between **** and immortal, which is what you call immortal, child-bearing, trivial."

Bai Jing said: "You don't pretend to be forced, you must be responsible."

Ning Tao said with a smile: "I will pretend to show you tonight for my husband."

Lin Qinglian's face flushed, and he took a sip gently: "Don't you have to spit one by one, forcing it to go ... aren't you embarrassed?"

Soft Tianyin solemnly and honestly said, "Qing Ming, you said three things."

Lin Qingzhang: "..."

Jiang Hao said, "Tianyin, pretend to be normal. Many people pretend to be in the street now, don't make a fuss."

Lin Qing murmured: "You can pretend at home ~ ~ Can it be the same?"

Ning Tao suddenly felt that his home was really crooked.

"That's too late, we should rest." Ning Tao said.

Several women looked at the sun hanging to the west.

Rest so early?

However, they followed Ning Tao back to the house.

The next night was destined to be a sleepless night.

It was a little early to rest while the sun was still in the sky.

But there is only one student and five teachers.

One person gave him a homework assignment, and he stayed up all night to finish it. If the homework is arranged a little more, penalize a copy, solve an equation or something, write a Japanese composition or something, then don't you have to stay overnight?

So no sooner, no sooner.

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