Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1276: Yamanaka Shinto Country

The next second that figure flashed, Ning Tao crossed a distance of more than 1,000 meters and reached the ground. However, even at this speed, the figure was still missing.

Tick, that's one second.

For a second, the figure flashed to disappeared as fast as Ning Tao.

Who is Ke Ningtao?

He is the true God who came up with the true skill!

He is the lucky **** who got that great fortune!

That figure is even faster than him!

what's going on?


Ning Tao shells generally hit a huge slab of hundreds of square meters, and the slate burst and the stones flew across.

Below the slate is a crack that extends downwards, with a width of several tens of meters. There is an artificially carved stone ladder on the stone wall under the crack, which continues to the ground.

There really is a problem here!

The figure flashed and disappeared twice before and through the crack passage under the slate, otherwise he would never disappear out of thin air. The first time he hid under a slate, and the second time he escaped from the stone ladder over the crack.

Ning Tao stood on the edge of the crack and looked down, looking down at the black patch under the crack. The crack twisted. He could not reach the bottom at all, only the top rock turned.

Shenzhou also returned to the ground, stood side by side with Ning Tao and looked down at the edge of the crack: "Xian, what do you see?"

Ning Tao said: "I didn't see it clearly, but I guess that thing is the soul of a believer like you said."

Only the soul can be so fast, and the smell of that person does not remain in the air. There is no real smell without a real body, so he has such a judgment.

Shenzhou said after a moment of silence: "The soul of a believer means that there is a **** in this place, but what **** will build his temple underground? Anyway, during the period when I was still on the mountain, I just Never heard of any **** building a temple underground. "

There are only 9,999 temples and 9,999 gods on the mountain. Not to mention the **** who has billions of years of life, even if he is the soul of a believer, if he spends hundreds of billions of years on this mountain, he will probably recite the names and locations of all the gods. This is not an ability. For high school students on earth, this is probably a semester thing.

Ning Tao said: "Now it is not the ancient times. Maybe there is any **** who likes to build his own temple and kingdom under the ground. Let ’s go and see."

"This ..." Shenzhou looked hesitant.

Ning Tao said: "Then you go back to my temple and stay. It's not safe for you to stay here alone. The two worms hate you very much and there is God to help you. You will be safe there."

Shenzhou said, "So how do you come back?"

With a wave of Ning Tao's hand, there was a golden blood lock on the ground: "I have a door of convenience to come back, you go back."

"Okay, I'll go back first, and wait for you to make sure the safety below, I'll go down and see." Shenzhou said.

Safety, that's why he can't go on. He is barely a god, but he is a **** who will not fight. In case of any fierce god, it is not wonderful. In fairyland, even facing the sky

In the face of the heavenly gods like Phillips, the army of the country did not dare to stand up for it. It is obvious how small his courage is.

Therefore, he hesitated, Ning Tao saw his mind, and directly asked him to go back.

Ning Tao didn't know what was going on underneath. He was actually unwilling to let Shenzhou go down to adventure. He also looked forward to Shenzhou taking him back to the fairyland, and the undead fire phoenix was as complete as his last wish.

Shenzhou returned to the sailboat. The sailboat slid forward in the void for a distance, then the space crack disappeared.

There was only Ning Tao alone in the ruins of the Sky Temple, and Shino was so quiet that there was no sound of a mosquito flying, like a huge grave.

Ning Tao walked down the stone ladder under the crack, and stopped after a few steps. He released from the Japanese sun gourd the fairy nail powder left over from the previous use of nail art, and a little blue spirit material. He then activated the seal of immortal armor, making an immortal armor.

The celestial powder on the ground, and the factors of the blue spirit material gathered to his body, forming the celestial pie. This time he no longer shapes a simple shape, but uses the divine mind to precisely shape the factors that control the fairy armor powder and spiritual materials. A grain of fairy armor powder and spiritual material factors, and even rock factors on the stone wall gathered on his body, some formed the skin, some formed the bones, some formed the flesh, and some formed the tail. Two or three minutes later, a heavenly man with a tail appeared on the stone ladder, at a height of almost two and a half meters, with blond hair and blue eyes, and the naked eye could hardly tell the truth.

In fact, the immortal armor broken by Zerg Er is not so powerful, but it is another matter that the caster is him. He is now a true God, and the divine power on his body is the highest level of creation, and everything can be created. In the fairy realm, he can't use the fairy armor to such a degree, but now he is already a **** and the power of creation has already been accomplished. If he wants to use the fairy realm to change his appearance, no matter what it is, that is all Very simple thing.

After getting the camouflage, Ning Tao put the remaining materials into the Japanese gourd, and then walked down the stone ladder. He didn't go far before and saw a candle placed on a light stand. The candle was engraved with runes and exuded Jinhui, and the light of the candle was slightly golden, which was a little divine.

"Sure enough, it ’s a world of God. Even candles and other things are so particular about it. There is a **** candle in this cracked channel. Most of it is a god, maybe there is a kingdom of God. I do n’t know if Daenerys will be here. Below? "Ning Tao pondered.

The man he most wanted to find now was Daenerys. If she hadn't met the spirit of Hemia, he might even have the opportunity to prevent the resurrection of Hemia and save her and the children in her stomach.

However, if Daenerys had already met him and he was resurrected by Daenerys' body, he would not know how to face her. The complex of Daenerys and Hemia, did he treat her as Daenerys, or did she treat her as Hemia? If it was the former, he would be one with her, and love to the deepest. If it is the latter, he will fight with her, either you die or I die. Such a relationship is really a headache.

The channel on the crack twists and turns all the way down, and a magic candle is lit every other distance to illuminate an area. Going all the way down, Ning Tao estimated that when he walked for about two kilometers, an arch appeared at the end of the stone ladder.

The arch was built of golden **** stone, at a height of several tens of meters, and three celestial characters were engraved on the lintel. When translated into Chinese, it was "Nantianmen".

There was a slight sneer in the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "Do you really think of yourself as the emperor?"

A mass of energy visible to the naked eye permeates the arch, and the energy forms a barrier, and the golden runes flicker, playing the role of a door. Obviously some kind of traffic spell or traffic utensils are needed to pass, but Ning Tao just glanced at it, he was too lazy to do it, and walked in.

The mana barrier in Nantianmen rushed in, squeezing Ning Tao's body, but his body had immortal armor on his body, and there was no reaction at all.

This fairy armor itself has a very powerful mana immunity, not to mention the blessing of creation within it, not to mention the area's access control law array, even the more advanced law array he can intrude like this.

As soon as he passed Nantianmen, Ning Tao's vision suddenly opened, and at that moment, he was stunned.

What appeared to him was not a cave, but a world, blue and blue, and the earth could not see the end. Under his feet is a sky road, paved with blue energy stones, runes flashing, paving down one by one, tens of meters wide, let alone a carriage, even an airplane can take off and land.

At the end of the Tianlu Road is a city with a temple suspended in the sky, towering buildings on the ground, and a city wall that stretches for hundreds of miles.

In the sky, various types of spacecraft shuttle.

On the ground, all kinds of vehicles are driving.

A huge energy barrier is clearly visible over the city, and Jin Huimeng is very similar to the seal of Chaos, the ultimate protection spell broken by Zoji Er from the stone of chaos. Some spacecraft waited in line to enter the city, while others flew outwards to different places.

Those spaceships have the spirit wood spaceship of fairyland heaven, drums of old-fashioned sails, and some are metal spaceships, which are quite sci-fi. Ning Tao even saw flying saucers, more than one, but the flying saucers that have been given a strong mysterious color on the earth here are just a small family spacecraft, which is equivalent to the Chery QQ on the earth, Wuling Hongguang and so on.

The city is surrounded by small villages, mountains and rivers, and forests.

Ning Tao stunned for a long time before returning to God ~ ~ He said to himself: "I'm afraid this place doesn't even know Shenzhou, right? I thought there was only me living on the mountain, I did not expect there is a kingdom of God hidden here! "

Several spacecraft came out of the city and flew towards this side quickly.

Ning Tao put away his thoughts, explored with a stroke, and Lei Gong's hammer appeared in his hand, then he looked out at a village beside the city and waved out.


Lei Gong hammer ripped open the void, and disappeared with Ning Tao.

His side just disappeared, and the ships arrived at the door of Nantianmen.

The doors of several spaceships opened, and soldiers in gold armor took guns and weapons to descend from the spacecraft, and in a blink of an eye a team of twenty or thirty people gathered. There was also a civilian dressed man, pointing at Nantianmen and saying, "Sir, just outside. I saw it with my own eyes, and someone stood on a stone."

"Go!" The leader roared and took the team of gold armored soldiers out of Nantianmen.

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