Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1277: Magic world

When the sky shivered, Ning Tao appeared over a wood near the village, at a height of dozens of meters above the ground. He stayed in the air for no more than a second, and after coming out of the void crack, he landed in the woods.

Quiet in the woods.

Ning Tao also saw the trees on the Shenshan Mountain for the first time. It looks no different from the trees on the earth and the fairyland, but it is very different. The bark and leaves of these trees are filled with golden radiance, which is obviously divine energy. Although it is very low-level, it can be seen at a glance. If such a tree appears on the earth, it will definitely attract tens of thousands of people to worship, but here it is left unattended, just a common tree.

Not only trees, but even the grass growing on the ground is spreading a little bit of Jinhui, a little grass, a little bit of Jinhui gathered by a piece of grass is quite considerable, and a piece of gold is like a golden mist covering this piece Like the grove.

The aura in the woods is far more powerful than the immortal world. Even if it is such an inconspicuous village grove, if it appears in the immortal world, it is also the cultivation treasure that the immortal immortal Wu Xian has to compete for. But here, I am afraid that even the aunt picking **** in the village, she will not look at it more, the value of this forest is not as high as shit.

Ning Tao took a deep breath of the air in the forest. The air was fresh and full of the smell of aura and spring. The aura was enough to make people feel "stunned". In such an environment, if the gods on the mountain want to cultivate, the achievements will far exceed the immortals of the immortal world, let alone the mortals on the earth.

"Will not all the people in this kingdom of God be immortals, and there are a lot of celestial beings?" Ning Tao couldn't help but have such a problem, if so, even a **** like him was alone. Come in, I'm afraid you have to be a **** with your tail in it.

Even if it is God, it will not be able to stand siege of tens of thousands of immortals, and the wheel tactics, God will be exhausted.

Is it really that exaggerated?

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no matter what kind of guess, it may be wrong.

Ning Tao walked out on Jin Huimeng's grassy field, and he quickly walked out of the woods. The village was in front of his eyes. The structures of the houses were simple. Most of them were built with **** stones on the mountain, beams made of **** wood, and then covered with bark and grass. These houses look very simple, and the materials that can be used on the mountain are equipped with divine energy, so even the inanimate houses have a strong spirituality.

There are people working and walking around the fields in the village. Most of them are tall and tailed celestial beings, and there are some humans that look like mortals on earth and fairy people in fairyland, and two people who do n’t know which world they came from. "Alien". A lizard, covered in silver scale armor, walked upright, dragging a huge tail, but with hands and feet similar to humans. The other looks like a giant jellyfish, a semi-circular head is crystal clear, and the blue liquid inside is clearly visible, like its blood, and some kind of liquid energy. It has hundreds of tentacles, but none of it touches the ground, so it hangs in the void without roots and roots, and walks through the village with the big lizard to the city.

Ning Tao opened his eyes and glanced at the celestial beings in several fields, as well as the jellyfish and the big lizard. There was a result in his heart at once.

But it was also the result of this eye-opening that surprised him greatly.

That jellyfish and big lizard are not flesh and blood, but what Shenzhou said

That soul body. They have no real flesh and blood, but are in the form of pure energy. But even in the form of pure energy, the energy of the soul plus the divine energy of the God Mountain, so that their soul body does not look any different from the real body, and the degree of truth even deceived him at first glance.

But what surprised him most were the heavenly people, who were not pure flesh and blood, but were composed of mechanical, electronic components and bionic flesh and blood tissue, rune formations and some unknown parts. "Cyborg."

No, how can man be able to create such a heavenly man?

These days, man should be "God made man".

"Isn't these heavenly people the people hemisphere created by Shenzhou?" Ning Tao wondered in his heart, and walked to the heavenly people in the several lands.

He was not at all worried that those heavenly people could see through his identity as a fake heavenly man, because his serie was also constructed of metal, and his current body was also made of metal and flesh, and he could see through his camouflage. I am afraid that only gods of his level can do it.

A few heavenly men planed potatoes in the ground.

The potatoes coming out of the soil are all golden and bright, as if they are golden magpies. They not only have high spirituality, but also have a higher level of divine energy than trees and grass in the woods.

Ning Tao stood by the field and looked at it, and couldn't help thinking: "What kind of world is this, even potatoes are so exaggerated? If I use these potatoes to cook hot pot for the women at home, they won't Eat up? "

A few heavenly people found Ning Tao and moved around to look at him.

Ning Tao didn't speak. He learned the language of Heaven and Earth, but he was not sure that the Heavenly People here spoke the same language as the Heavenly People of the Immortal Realm, and rushed to speak to help. Of course, a few farmers can't treat him like that, but it's better not to make such a small mistake. If he wants to understand the kingdom of God in this mountain, he must keep a low profile and break into the interior.

"Hey, which village are you from?" A farmer asked.

He speaks the language of heaven and man.

Ning Tao still didn't speak, just raised her finger to the city in the distance.

"Why in town, what are you doing here?" Another farmer asked.

In these two sentences, Ning Tao has mastered their tone and tone characteristics, and then he said, "I'm a business. Do you sell potatoes?"

The farmer who spoke first said, "Sell, this is fresh earth **** beans, one **** crystal and one basket. How much do you want?"

God crystal?

Ning Tao froze for a moment. The currency of the **** kingdom in Shenshan turned out to be a **** crystal!

He made sure that the farmer was talking about Shenjing, not Shenjin, because the grammar of Heaven and Man is different from Chinese, and it is not a phonetic text. There are often a bunch of texts waiting for you in the same sound. The language of heaven and man is a sign language. Different symbols make up words. As far as Shen Jing and Shen Jin are concerned, the pronunciation is absolutely different.

A **** crystal buys a basket of **** potatoes, and it looks very cheap, but the problem is that Ning Taodu has exhausted all the **** crystals in the Trinity. He came to this mountain and did not refine a **** crystal. There is no place for him to refine. The nine women in the family are all staying in the fairyland, lacking the most critical energy of love, and the other three soul energies stored in the Sanshengding are equal to nothing.

"That, it's too expensive. I'll go to another village to see." Ning Tao said, turning and leaving.

"One **** crystal two

basket! "

Ning Tao did not look back.

"One **** crystal and three baskets!"

"Spit blood price, four baskets!"

"You're back! We can have less, five baskets!"

Ning Tao: "..."

When I just found out that these farmers were created by God, he imagined rigid robots, just like the type of strict execution of program instructions in science fiction movies. Even if they have emotions and IQs, it is unlikely to be high. Where to go, but did not expect a few guys to be so cunning, engage in price fraud with him!

Ning Tao thinks that if he goes back, he could still kill the price again, and Ichijin is possible. However, Yishenjing stumped the hero god. He installed a large gold gourd of elixir, which is tantamount to the existence of **** and cannot be taken out at all.


The weeds on the roadside are extremely rare spiritual materials in the fairyland. Weeds and wildflowers can be found everywhere. If you want to pick them, the spiritual materials brought from the fairyland are not as good as the weeds on the roadside. What use is it?

"I have to find a place to throw away all the garbage in the gourd. Otherwise, people will find that there are so many deities. I'm also a great **** who was brought up by the Eight Classics and ran across the street. How shameful! "Ning Tao ashamed, Genghis ashamed.

A car came out of the village and drove down the town.

Ning Tao stood by the road and looked at the car. It was a farm car. It was a very strange car. There was no car pulling the car. It was a device similar to a car engine. There was also a bench with a piece of wood behind it. Large wooden boards with bamboo baskets filled with **** potatoes and vegetables and fruits on top of eggplant cucumbers. No matter what kind of vegetables and fruits, that is not everything, there is a layer of Jinhui.

Just like a scooter with no animals and no smoke, it was so suspended in the void that it flew towards this side calmly.

The driver was a young celestial woman, quite a bit attractive.

"Pan Bu, bring me a left arm back, you know what model it is, my left arm is broken, it's a bit difficult to use." A farmer said to the woman in the field.

"Okay, who else has anything to bring?" The woman called Pambu asked with a smile.

"No, if you really want to bring it, bring a husband back." A farmer joked.

A few farmers in the field made a laugh ~ ~ Pan Bu's face had a blue halo on her face, which seemed to be shy. She turned her head away from the farmers who laughed at her. The speed of the scooter has also accelerated.

The rune on the scooter flashed, and it was clearly the source of the scooter's power.

Ning Tao waved his hand at Pambu with a smile on his face: "Hello, young and beautiful girl, are you going to town?"

The scooter slowed down as it approached Ning Tao. Pambo on the scooter asked: "Stranger, who are you?"

Ning Tao said: "My name is Ali, I live in the city, I am a small business, my wallet has dropped, or I just bought God potatoes in your village just now. Can you take me by the way? "

"Of course, you can come up and sit next to me." Pang Bu agreed quickly.

"Thank you." Ning Tao climbed up with her hand on the scooter and sat next to Pambu.

The scooter started again and floated towards the city calmly.

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