Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1279: Bitch's Divine Punishment

Ning Tao thought that selling vegetables was at a vegetable market, so he had to stand beside him and sip a few words, such as what came and came, do n’t miss it when passing by, fresh **** potatoes and the like. However, when the scooter came to the market, Pambu sold a large cart of vegetables to the boss of a fixed booth. The boss calculated it and gave her Wushenjing.

Ning Tao finally saw the **** crystal circulating here as money. It really is not the real **** crystal, but the paper **** crystal. The paper currency is printed with the word 1 God Crystal, as well as the image of Hemia, and the National Bank of the Apocalyptic Kingdom.

This currency is actually similar to paper gold on the earth, and people who hold paper gold cannot get gold. The simple truth is that gold is limited. There are only so many. If people who buy paper gold go to withdraw cash. How can there be so much gold? The **** crystal banknotes are the same here. If you go to mention the physical **** crystal, how many **** crystals do you get? But it is used as currency, which is not a problem.

"Ali, let's take a look at the prosthetic point. Tianshun asked me to buy a left arm for him to go back. His left arm was broken." After collecting the banknote Shenjing, Pang Bu said to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao readily agreed, and he also wanted to go to the prosthetic shop to see those prosthetic limbs.

What confuses him is that these God-made people clearly know that they are robots, and at the same time, there are real emotions and even real family relationships, which is really weird.

Why are male and female robots hey?

Hey, there will be little robots after that?

This Nima is simply subverting the world view!

But this kind of thing is hard to ask, he can't ask the man and woman here in Pumbu why hey?

Pambu brought Ning Tao to a shop that sells prosthetics. This shop is larger than the shop Ning Tao saw on the road, has more prosthetics, has a strong strength type, a shapely agile type, and Children's wait, all kinds of things. Each prosthetic leg is marked with the model number, and the buyer needs to check the model number, otherwise it cannot be used.

When Pang Bu talked to the boss, Ning Tao came to one leg, which was at least one meter and five feet long, a woman's leg. The skin of that leg was fair, and the blue blood flowing in it could be seen faintly. It looked like a real leg. Curious in his heart, he stretched his hands and pinched his calf, and the tentacles were soft and flexible, not much different from real women's legs, but without temperature.

The boss didn't notice Ning Tao's small actions, he was still talking to Pambu.

While Ning Tao was bargaining, he injected another leg of fortune into that leg.

This magical power is like his eyes, where he said, the structures, elements and rune arrays in that leg all appeared in his mind. What surprised him was that the several legal arrays in that leg were not the traditional Xiuxian arrays he was familiar with. They were more like program instructions edited with runes.

Suddenly he remembered that the night that Elisabba disappeared, he put the Trinity Tribe into golden light. After Zuji Er came back, he said that the runes in the golden light were not like a magic circle, but something similar to a program. He couldn't believe it, but there was nowhere to check. Now that he was personally exposed to the program edited with runes, he had to believe it if he didn't believe it.

"Did Eli Saba always have something to do with this Apocalypse? And Daenerys, she was also in this Apocalypse!" Ning Tao's heart was excited.

Then the boss looked at Ning Taoyi

Then he said, "Hey, what are you doing? Take your hands away. These are new legs, worth fifty gods. Can you afford it if you break it?"

Ning Tao hurriedly put his hand back, and said in surprise: "Fifty God Crystals?"

There was a slight disdain in the corner of the boss's mouth: "You're right, Countryman, that leg is worth fifty gods, so you better stay away from it."

Ning Tao is not angry. This kind of suspicion of the poor and loves the rich. The dog looks at people with low goods no matter which world they are in. He can't be angry with a robot.

But Pumbu was unwilling, and immediately heaved back: "My friend is not a countryman, he is also a man in the city of Apocalypse."

The boss sneered: "So what? There are many poor ghosts in this city."

"You ..." Pambu was so angry that his face turned blue.

The boss went on to say, "Let ’s go. I do n’t have a bargain of a few gods here, at least twenty gods. I suggest you go to the scrap station and try your luck, saying that you may not buy what you want The arms of a few gods. "

"Ali, let's go." Pambu didn't want to stay here anymore, she pulled Ning Tao's hand and left.

But at this time, Ning Tao activated the seal of the time static technique in his mind, an energy wave, and everything in this shop was still.

Ning Tao took out his hand from Pambu's hand, picked up the Japanese gourd and filled the gourd with a variety of arms, hands, and tail. Finally he walked behind the counter, opened the drawer, and took a stack of paper **** crystals from the drawer.

This is wrong.

However, he was not guilty at all.

This guy not only despised him, but also ridiculed Pambo. If you despise the gods, then there will be divine punishment. Friends who ridicule gods are even more punished. If it wasn't for the Qiqi City, he would have just slapped the goods with a slap, and just punished him a little.

After getting it done, Ning Tao returned to Pambu's side and reached into Pambu's hand. Then, he slaps his fingers gently with the other hand.

When time stillness was over, Pambula went out with him.

The boss is still sarcastic: "No money to return to my shop, it is a waste of my time, go back to the country, where it is for you, poor ghosts."

"You're too much!" Pabu turned and murmured.

"Am I overkill? Am I overkill? That's how I am! Hahaha!" The boss sneered.

Ning Tao pulled Pamb back to the store.

The boss suddenly became nervous: "What do you want to do? Do you dare to do it? I tell you ..."

His voice is over here.

Everything in the shop stopped again.

Ning Tao entered the warehouse inside the store and started sweeping with the Japanese gourd. A warehouse of tens of square meters was filled with various types of prosthetic limbs, and even a skull with a price tag of thousands. He didn't let a single item away and took it all away.

After getting it done, he went back to the store and pulled up Pambo's hand, and hit another finger with his other hand.

"I tell you, as long as you dare to do something, I scream, the guards in the city will come to arrest you!" The boss then finished his words.

"Forget it, let's go, Ali." Pambo pulled Ning Tao back.

Ning Tao said as he walked, "For my friends, I don't

I care about you. "

"Hum." A contemptuous hum came from the boss's nostrils.

Pan Bu and Ning Tao climbed into the scooter, and Pan Bu started the scooter and left. She sighed: "The prosthetics are too expensive now, we in the country cannot afford it at all. Brother Tianshun and his wife and children have to take care of him What if my arm ca n’t move? Even me, my right arm is a little buggy. I do n’t know how long it will last. If it breaks, I do n’t know what to do. ”

Ning Tao said: "You don't have to worry, I help you."

Pan Bu looked at Ning Tao, a bitter smile came out of his mouth: "Don't you want to change?"

According to the information disclosed in this sentence, God's prosthetic limb should be replaced every certain time. It now seems that someone should have set it this way. God made people desperately to make money. Except for the materials needed for survival, the remaining money must be saved to buy prosthetics. What the authorities want, of course, is not paper **** crystals, but all things God created man created, agricultural products, minerals and beliefs, etc.!

The entire kingdom of Apocalypse is like a huge machine. All the gods created man to feed this machine, and this machine created the prosthetic limbs for God. One day, when they do n’t have the money to replace their prosthetic limbs, they will be sent to the reincarnation of the Sky Temple, and they will be disassembled into a pile of parts for reuse.

Of course, the Sky Temple will not demolish all the patients, they will also repair some and let them return to their families, so that they can get the reputation of great love and earn the faith of God to make man.

Fishermen who fish in the sea will also release them when they catch small fish and shrimps. If they kill all of them, they will be exhausted.

These are the associations and feelings of Ning Tao because of a sentence by Pang Bu. He smiled at Pang Bu: "I have gone to many places in the business these years, and I have made a little money. Does it help you replace an arm questionable."

Pambu shook his head: "I can't ask for your money."

"Why?" Ning Tao asked her.

Pambu said after a moment of silence: "We ... we just met."

Ning Tao said with a smile: "It doesn't matter what it is. When you come to Japan, we are friends, and we will gradually become familiar with it."

Pambu's cheeks bluish slightly, don't look over.

Is this shy?

Ning Tao feels interesting ~ ~ But that's it. Of course he can't be interested in a robot. He just wants to use Panbu as a breakthrough to unlock the secrets of the Kingdom of Apocalypse.

"Well, I actually know how to repair. If you want, I can look at your arm. If there are only minor problems, I should be able to fix it." Ning Tao tentatively said.

Pan Bu looked over and looked at Ning Tao again, this time his eyes were a little different, very special: "Do you know how to repair?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Why so surprised?"

Pambu smiled: "I find you a funny person. It always surprises me, so I'm a little surprised. Well, I'll show you my arm at night, I hope you can fix it, but if it's not good, It doesn't matter. It's okay for you to talk big words with me, I don't mind. "

Ning Tao just smiled.


When the Great God appears, he can scare you.

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