Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1280: Arrogant **** people

The flatbed car walked across the street and slowly. Ning Tao watched the shops on the street and the pedestrians on the street. Along the way, he saw a lot of soul bodies, all in unseen and unheard forms. He wanted to go up and talk a few words and figured it out, but he was worried that he would cause Pambu's suspicion and had to stop.

Yes, you said that you are a businessman who has been to many places. You should have touched many souls. How could you be so curious?

The scooter entered an alley and finally stopped in front of a house.

"This is Uncle Mark's home. I'm going to knock on the door." Pumble got out of the cart and knocked on the door.

At this time, a celestial man came from the other side of the alley. Ning Tao looked at him, and soon found that the man was not a god-made person, but a soul body. He didn't know what was going on. He felt familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"Is this man a celestial being killed by me? After death, the soul goes to the mountain of God?" Ning Tao thought in his mind.

It's really possible that he killed so many celestial beings, and of course he can't remember every face, which seems to be why this celestial soul's body brings him a familiar feeling.

The soul of the man also glanced at Ning Tao that day, and there was a slight disdain in the corner of his mouth: "Humble iron man, do you think you were created like a heavenly man, are you a heavenly man? You are just an iron man."

Ning Tao didn't care, he asked tentatively, "Where did you come from?"

If the person said that he came from the kingdom of heaven, then his guess was correct.

However, the soul of the heavenly man snorted coldly: "Bold, how can you talk to me in this tone? What kind of thing are you!"

Ning Tao was immediately angry and was about to have an attack.

Pan Bu suddenly turned around and stood in front of Ning Tao, accompanied by a smiley face: "Sir, we are from the countryside, my friend is not sensible, don't be surprised, please forgive him."

The man spit on the ground that day before leaving.

Ning Tao stared at the instant saliva, but found that the pale blue saliva was also in the form of energy, and it took a few blinks to evaporate.

Pambu lowered his voice and said to Ning Tao, "What's going on with you, how dare you provoke the gods? They are nobles of the Kingdom of Apocalypse and God, we can't provoke them. They can attract gods, whether you are right or wrong Wrong, Shenwei may kill you. "

Ning Tao disagreed, but a tense expression appeared on his face: "Well, I just said hello casually, I didn't expect his reaction so much."

Pambo said: "Do n’t say hello to the people in the future. They do n’t treat us as humans at all. Gods in other forms are better, especially the people of heaven. They despise us most because we look like them. same."

Ning Tao nodded.

The door opened, and Mark and a woman appeared at the door.

"You're here, come in," Mark said warmly.

Pambu and Ning Tao came in, and Pambu introduced the woman: "Aunt Qinse, this is my friend Ali."

Qin Se looked at Ning Tao, with a smile on his face: "Oh, the boy is really handsome, our family Pu Bu really has vision."

Pambu's cheeks suddenly turned blue, awkward and shy.

Ning Tao said very politely: "Good Aunt Qin Se, good to Uncle Mark."

"Let's go eat. The meals are ready." Mark said with a smile.

Pambu held Qin Se's next door and said intimately, "Aunt Qin Se, you are so good."

Qin Se laughed and said, "Why the little mouth is so sweet, the power of love is really great."

Pambu said awkwardly: "Aunt Qinther, don't make fun of me, I'm a country girl, who would want me?"

Qin Se said with a smile: "You are so kind and so beautiful. There are more people who want to marry you. Someone asked me to propose to you two days ago, and I said I'll wait for you to come."

Mark coughed, "Qinther, Ali is still here, see what you said?"

Qin Se said: "Okay, okay, I won't say any more, let's go eat."

Ning Tao didn't interrupt during the whole process. He was sure that no one asked Qinther to kiss Pampiti, but what made him feel novel was that robots could actually act.

When I got to the place to eat, Ning Tao saw a few dishes made by Qin Se, including braised mashed potatoes, and cucumbers, all of which were vegetarian and no amaranth. The seasoning in the dish looks very special, but it doesn't smell strange, similar to the dishes made by Xianmin Xianmin.

When he saw the dishes on the table, Ning Tao couldn't help thinking: "Mark, Qin Se, and Pembu are all robots, but these foods are all real foods. They have been cooked. How do they eat them? What if they eat them? Digestion? Does it need to be excreted like a human after digestion? "

It ’s normal for the robot to charge and replace the energy block, but the robot eats and shit, and the picture feels crooked.

Four people were eating around a table, and Mark, Qin Se, and Pembu really took the dinner plate and knife and fork to eat, and it felt quite natural.

During the dinner, Ning Tao really couldn't help but want to ask, you ca n’t shit, but after all, this is an inexplicable statement.

After eating, Pambu helped Qinse clean up the dining table, and Mark took Ning Tao into a room.

The room was rudimentary, with a bed, table and chairs, and clean bedding on the bed.

"Ali, stay here tonight," Mark said.

Ning Tao politely said, "Thank you Uncle Mark."

Mark said again: "Pambu lives next door to you."

Ning Tao froze for a moment, thinking what this Mark meant by this sentence, did he want him to do something romantic?

"Oh, guys, please rest first." Mark patted Ning Tao's shoulder and left.

Ning Tao returned to Pambu shortly after staying in the room. He heard Pambu's footsteps and stayed at his door for a few seconds, but instead of knocking, he returned to her own room.

Ning Tao didn't hurry to pass, but took a robot's head out of the Japanese gourd and studied it.

The robot has no bionic flesh and blood on its head, and is made up of a large number of mechanical parts and electronic components.

Ning Tao injected a hint of creativity into the robot's skull, and the structure in the robot's skull was clearly displayed in his brain. He was surprised to find that there was an egg-sized spherical groove in the robot's skull, but the inside was empty, and all the lines and rune arrays were related to it.

He was surprised and curious: "Is this spherical groove filled with a God-made human brain? No, it should be said that the processor is right, so what would it look like?"


The door was knocked.

Ning Tao pulled her head into the Japanese gourd, and got up to open the door. He didn't look outside

Who it was, but he knew it was Pambu only by the smell coming in through the crack in the door. He didn't go to her, but she could not bear to come to him.

Wouldn't she really want to happen to me?

Ning Tao shook his head and smiled bitterly. He hadn't thought about anything about the robot.

He also contacted Pambo, only to regard her as a breakthrough. Although there is a suspicion of use in this, he will never hurt her, and he will help her solve her difficulties. Speaking of awkwardness, this can be regarded as paid use.

The door opened, and Pam appeared at the door, and she seemed a little nervous: "Well, have you ... haven't rested yet?"

At this time, the sky was already dark. It was almost the same as the situation in the fairyland. It was black when it was said to be black, but the sky here was obviously related to some gods. same. However, the sky was bare and nothing. Not to mention Haoyue, there is not even a cloud. On the contrary, it also gives people a feeling of a huge setting, which is very weird.

"Come in." Ning Tao gave way.

Pambu hesitated and entered Ning Tao's room.

Ning Tao reached out and closed the door.

Pan Bu's face turned blue at once: "You, what are you closing?"

Ning Tao smiled: "I said I would fix your arm for you. It ’s not good to be seen by others without closing the door. Come on, let's start now. Which arm is wrong with you?"

Pang Bu said with a blue face: "It's the left arm. When it works, it always creaks. Sometimes it fails and can't move."

"You sit next to the bed, I'll show you." Ning Tao said.

Pambu smeared a bit of ink, and eventually sat on the edge of the bed, lowering his head, and dare not look at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao said gently: "You take off your sleeve and show your arm."

"Let's take it off?" Pambu's face turned bluer.

Ning Tao honestly said, "Of course, how can you check if you don't take it off?"

In fact, it's okay, but he wants to see what the torso of God made man is. In that prosthetic shop, what he saw most were his arms and legs, his tail was very small, his head was only one, and he didn't know whether it was a symbolic ornament or a hand. Therefore, he took the opportunity to make such a request. This is not to take advantage of others, but to run scientific research.

Pan Bu inked a bit before he opened the coat of mouth ~ ~ took off the half of the coat, exposing the left arm and half of the lower abdomen, and the chest. She wore a black corset, her abdomen and her left arm were exposed to the air, and her skin was fair and delicate, with blue blood vessels clearly visible. He pulled her hands with her, her hands had temperature, and her lower abdomen obviously had temperature.

If such a woman does not know that she is a robot, who would believe that she is a robot?

"What are you looking at?" Pamp said more nervously.

Ning Tao then closed her eyes, gave a dry cough, and then stretched out her hand to check her left arm.

"If you don't fix it, you have to tell me, there is no one here, and I will not laugh at you." Pambo said.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Do you still believe that I will repair it?"

Pambu said: "You don't even have a detection tool in your hand. How do you detect where there is a problem with my arm?"

Ning Tao: "..."

This forced to roll over before starting to install.

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