Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1301: The Role of the Seal of God Standard

Ning Tao still used immortal armor, using the god's divine spirit on the mountain to become Ali.

If he returns to the tribe like this, he is the patron saint of the tribe. How can the people in the tribe get along with him? As soon as he fell on the road, he fell on his knees, and the tribe ’s fields are still not planted.

Therefore, he still has to use the fairy armor to restore Ali's appearance.

In fact, the spell Spell Armor that Zoji Er cracked from the chaotic stone was not suitable for the name Spell Armor, and it should be replaced with God Armor.

After all, he is now a god. Although the goddess of giving the child is not very tall, after all, there is a **** with a **** and a god-like people. first name? What's more, the material he used is also a divine material on the mountain. He no longer uses the material of the immortal world. From the perspective of the material, it should be called the **** armor.

The upper body of the **** armor, Jin Huimeng, has an extraordinary temperament. Only the **** card held in his hand makes him feel a little speechless.

After the iron people and savages around the altar dispersed, Ning Tao himself leapt down from the 10,000-meter high mountain, not even calling for the **** cloud, and stepped directly into the void. A ladder at the foot came to the top of the altar.

The spirit jade waiting on the altar is conditioned to kneel down: "The guardian of the tribe, the **** of the child, the spirit jade is your most devout people and believers."

Ning Tao was a little speechless. He stretched out his hand to lift Lingyu up, deliberately showing a serious expression on his face: "Lingyu, you will call me Ali when there is no one, and you will call me God when there is no one. The two words are given, this is an order. "

"Lingyu obeys the gods." Lingyu was extremely devout and respectful, but her gaze fell to somewhere on the body of the god, and she did not know what she thought about the flat place, her face blue .

Ning Tao coughed dryly.

Lingyu hurriedly raised her gaze and looked squarely at Shenyan.

Ning Tao said deeply: "I do this to better protect the tribe and develop the tribe, so I still ask you to keep your identity secret, otherwise people in the tribe will kneel when I see me, and I ’m not good to stay here, some People who need help will not get help. "

"Well! The **** of giving birth is really a **** of compassion and love!" Lingyu said nothing about her praise.

A trace of the energy of the letter was diffused from her body, part of it was absorbed by the mark of creation in Ning Tao's body, and part of it was absorbed by the **** card held by Ning Tao. Whether it is the absorption of the Seal of Creation or the absorption of the God Brand, it is nourishing and enhancing for Ning Tao.

Ning Tao didn't have the heart to realize this, he said a little silently: "Why do you call me a **** of giving sons again?"

Lingyu said, "It's just me."

Ning Tao: "..."

Lingyu also said, "Send the god, where is the tribe's temple to be built? This is an urgent matter, and I want to implement it immediately, and then start construction."

Ning Tao thought for a moment and said, "I have a temple myself. I moved it here, and then slowly expanded it."

"Where is it?" Lingyu couldn't wait to see it.

Ning Tao said, "It's on top of the mountain. I'll go back later and then move the temple."

"Can I go with the child god?" Lingyu's eyes were full of expectations.

Ning Tao could not bear to refuse, he nodded: "Do you have anything else to arrange? If not, let's go to the temple now."

Lingyu said: "The temple will be moved. This is equal to the Temple of Heaven. I will tell people in the tribe about such a big thing. Today is a very important day, and the celebration of God is also essential, so There are some things to arrange. "

Ning Tao said: "Then we will go back to the tribe first, and then you will return to the temple after you have arranged."

"Thank you for the grace of the Son of God."


An auspicious cloud inlaid with gold rim returned to the tribe. In fact, it did not wait for the spiritual jade arrangement. The tribe savages in the tribe had begun to celebrate. There were people singing and dancing in the village, and some people took out the food at home and shared it with others.

When Lingyu returned, the savages in the tribe were cheering again. However, no one knows that on the golden auspicious cloud, the men standing next to Lingyu are the patron saints of the tribe, and their gods are their own gods.

Lingyu convened members of the tribe's parliament to arrange things. Ning Tao didn't go for the fun. He came to the temporary residence of Pambu, Mark, and Qinther by himself.

The two rooms were next to each other. Ning Tao easily knew from the smell which room was Pang Bu's room. He came to the door and knocked.

"Who?" Pumble's voice came from the door.

"It's me." Ning Tao said, the **** bit card has been taken into the Japanese gourd long ago. If the **** bit card is swaggered across the market, it is tantamount to telling everyone that I am your **** of the child.

Hearing Ning Tao's voice, Pabu's footsteps accelerated significantly.

The door opened, and before Ning Tao had time to say a word, she plunged into Ning Tao's arms.

Is such a move a blasphemy?

A trace of the love energy diffused out of Pambu's body, and then took the thread into the seal of creation.

It was this intimate hug. Ning Tao suddenly felt that his divine standard Indian seal suddenly became active, and then released one by one mild energy fluctuations. Indescribable feelings, inexplicable miracles, suddenly flashed everything in Pambu's life in his mind, and it all seemed to happen one by one before his eyes.

Pambu floated out of an energy barrier, and a robotic arm bumped into her arm and thigh for her, and then she was sent to another space and walked through one after another. There will be one more seal on her. Finally, an energy channel pierced her brain, and the runes flickered.

Although he couldn't see what the energy channel transmitted to her, he knew that it was the memory implanted in the sky temple by Pambu.

God knows everything and controls everything.

Of course, the so-called everything here cannot be everything in the universe, but everything of the people who believe in this deity.

In earthly worlds, different civilizations, different skin colors, and different religions have this saying. The popular saying is that people are doing God and watching. No matter what evil you do, God will know that someday you will punish you. Similarly, no matter what good and good deeds you have done, even a little bit, God knows.

Previously, Ning Tao scoffed at this statement. During that period, he was even an atheist, and he did not believe that there were any gods in this world. But now, he himself has become a real deity. And at this moment, he also experienced the feeling that God has control over everything.

The life of Pambu was like that of Guo Guoguo in his life, and he had mastered everything about her.

Finally, Pambu was transferred to another space. This space was filled with blood, and the golden runes flickered in the **** energy light. In this space, a blood-colored stone was put into the Panbu. In the brain. After that, Scarlet drowned everything, as if something had been implanted in Pan ’s brain, but even if he was the **** who controlled all the people of the believer, he could not see what was implanted in the end. Pan's brain.

what's going on?

He was shocked.

Even my **** can't see it, there must be more powerful gods intervening or erasing something!

He thought of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, and he couldn't think of anyone besides her who had such ability or motivation. However, if it is the goddess of wisdom Hemia, this is equivalent to the fact that she has not fallen and she is still alive. Then, Daenerys will not be her carrier, so why did the golden light take Daenerys away?

At this moment, Pan Bu released Ning Tao, took his hand into the room, and closed the door smoothly.

Ning Tao is still immersed in the feeling that God is in control of everything, and his mind is still thinking about those questions, which is difficult to extricate himself.

"Brother Ali, where did you go during the ceremony?" Pambu asked.

Ning Tao just came back to his senses. He put away his messy thoughts and smiled back, "I have a stomachache, so I can go easily."

"Oh, you are really ..." Pang Bu Renjun endlessly, "Do you know what you missed?"

Ning Tao pretended not to know, "What did I miss?"

Pan Bu said excitedly: "There is really a **** coming to the god-giving ceremony. That **** has no tail and the skin is more transparent than Lingyu. He is at least several kilometers high. His eyes are like golden stars. Have……"

"What else?" Ning Tao was curious how she thought of his body.

Pang Bu's face blustered inexplicably. She seemed embarrassed to say it, but couldn't help saying it, so she raised her finger to a place on Ning Tao's body, and then said, "It's so long ..." She gestured with open arms, "like a towering tree."

Ning Tao: "..."

As that god, I really do n’t know how to say you. There are so many flash points on the body of God that you don't pay attention to. What messy things do you pay attention to?

"Oh, that ’s really a pity. I did n’t see it. But it does n’t matter. I believe which **** will show up again. I will definitely go and see at that time.” Ning Tao changed the topic. “Come, I ’ll help you Remove the mark of the iron people. "

"Now?" Pambu felt a little sudden and nervous.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "You don't need to be nervous, you will be well soon, and there will be no danger."

Pambu nodded and looked at Ning Tao silently: "I believe in you, I believe in whatever you say."

This remark made Ning Tao inexplicably ashamed.

"Let's lie down on the bed, so I can operate it easily." Ning Tao said.

Pambu climbed to the bed, then lay flat.

Ning Tao said softly: "Close your eyes."

Pang Bu Shun closed her eyes ~ ~ Ning Tao used the power of creation to erase the iron people's mark on her body, not only her iron people's mark, but also her prosthetic limbs could be located and tracked The marks were also erased.

Now, Pambu is like a freshman, she is a free iron man.

However, Pambu was still lethargic, and she didn't know that God had happened to her.

Ning Tao didn't wake her up. He went to the room next to Mark and Qin Se, and settled the couple directly for a while, then erased the iron people's mark on the couple.

This is necessary, otherwise the **** guard of the sky temple will find this place because of the iron people's mark on them, and the tribal **** kingdom he just established may be facing the calamity.

He did so without the consent of Mark and Cencer.

But who needs God's consent to do things?

What's more, this matter is related to the safety of the entire tribal kingdom.

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