Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1302: Open for business

In the study of Mulou, when Pang Bu was about to kneel, Ning Tao reached out and supported her.

"Look at you, come here again, if you do this again, I will leave." Ning Tao said.

Lingyu looked a little nervous: "I ..."

Ning Tao smiled: "Okay, I have erased the stamps of Iron Man of Pambu and Mark and Qin Se, and they will stay here later. If there are still people in the tribe who need to remove the Iron Man's mark, etc. The temple moved, and you let them come to the temple to wipe it out, and there will be no risk. "

Lingyu said excitedly: "This is great. There are many desperate iron people in the entire kingdom of Apocalypse wanting to join the savage tribe and become savages. If you can erase the mark of the iron people if you enter the temple, I believe our God Congress is growing fast and becoming a powerful kingdom! "

Ning Tao said: "Don't be too anxious, this matter must be taken slowly. If a large number of iron people flood here to erase the mark, the sky temple will soon find it, and it will be very dangerous at that time."

Lingyu nodded.

Ning Tao also said, "One more thing, you should count the iron people who need to replace the prosthetic limbs. I will erase the mark of the prosthetic limbs I got from the spirits and give them to those who need to replace the prosthetic limbs. I am your patron saint, Such a wish must be fulfilled. "

Lingyu's heart was touched: "The sublime child-sending god, you are the guardian and hope of the tribal savage, we ..."

I'm so touched that I can't tell.

Ning Tao was also not interested in listening, and was often blown by her like this. At the beginning, she was very comfortable and a little bit fluttering, but she didn't feel much after blowing too much. He also no longer expects her to change. This is something that cannot be changed. He is God and she is his follower. How can she get along with him like an ordinary person? It is no big or small to say lightly, but it is blasphemy to say the key point. Now, he just hoped that she had been with him for a long time and slowly changed.

"Nothing is going on for now, let's go to the temple." Ning Tao said.

He opened a door of convenience, and then led Lingyu in.

As soon as he entered, a sound of lightning chopping people sounded in the temple, and then there was the scream of a ghost killing a pig.

"Ah-" I don't know how many times it has been hacked, the scream of Wu Ling is already weak. His soul was too weak, and he could still maintain the abundance of almost human energy, but now he is almost transparent. The gorgeous aristocratic robes on him had long been split into ashes, curled up barefoot on the temple floor, and looked terrible.

"I recruit, I recruit ... I recruit everything ... You ask me ..." Wu Ling cried.

Ning Tao was speechless.

You've split people like this, you haven't asked anyone a question yet?

Where can Erji ask Gu Ling what? When Ning Tao and Lingyu came in, they greeted them with a pair of short legs: "Aha, Ning Aiqing, you are back!" Then the words turned, " Whoops, who is this goddess? So beautiful! "

Lingyu was stunned and looked at Zhe Er, she had apparently never seen such a magic instrument temple tripod.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "It's called Zong Er, it's the temple tripod of my temple, it's this virtue, you just get used to it." Then he said: "Zhong Er, this is the tribe **** kingdom. Queen, Lingyu, pay attention to talking later. "

Zerg's worm's face showed a surprised expression: "Queen of the Horde God Kingdom? Oh, slackness, haha, daughter-in-law, come out to see Queen Lingyu soon."

Lingyu hurriedly said, "No, no, I'm not a queen."

Ning Tao said: "I said that you are what you are. My kingdom of God needs a queen like you. If I let others become kings, the tribe savages will not be willing. If you are the best candidate, don't quit.

"This ..." Lingyu didn't know what to say.

At this time, the door of the storeroom opened, and Shenbi floated out. The device did not reach the voice and said, "Ning Aiqing, you are back."

Ning Tao nodded.

God ratio can also be regarded as his artifact, but he has never used it, and does not know how to use it. He pondered that he would return it to Tang Zixian in the future.

God looked at Lingyu a bit, and his voice was clear: "This mistress is so handsome."

Lingyu's face turned blue at once: "No no no, you can call it that way."

Godby said, "Sooner or later."

Ning Tao couldn't listen anymore, and was about to change the subject. The Ling spirit curled up on the ground finally recovered some vitality, and said, "Girl Lingyu ... save me ..."


Insect II struck the spirit again with a lightning bolt.

"Ah!" Wu Ling screamed and passed out.

Lingyu's heart was a bit intolerable, but she said nothing. She is now the queen of the tribal **** kingdom, and Ning Tao is her god. She is the opposite of the kingdom of the apocalypse god. How can it be possible to help an enemy speak kindly? Moreover, she's clear about the evil deeds of Xun Ling, and she won't help those who hurt Tiemin.

Ning Tao said, "Just tell me, you two, move the temple to the tribe. Let me talk to Brother Shenzhou and let him follow him, and he will take root in the tribe."

After talking with Shenzhou, Ning Tao led Lingyu back to the tribal **** kingdom, and then he drew a bloodlock on the altar. This bloodlock became the coordinates of the temple. Within a few minutes after the bloodlock fell to the ground, Zushi moved the temple to the altar.

The temple occupied half of the altar, and the remaining part became its stairs, which increased its height by twenty to thirty meters, and looked more magnificent than before. With hundreds of stone stairs, although it will still be slagged by the sky temple, at least it no longer looks like a public toilet on the mountain.

After the temple moved here, the Shenzhou also moved over, still taking root next to the temple, a towering tree, and a leaf can cover a house. With the existence of Shenzhou, the unique energy field it releases can also enhance the concealment of this place. Even if Shenwei found this mountain, he could not find this place. When he was in Fairyland, Shenzhou helped him hide thousands of troops and helped him win a decisive battle with heaven. At that time, the strength of Shenzhou had not been fully restored, and he was now almost recovered.

The temple was settled in the tribal **** kingdom, and the gods' cards naturally had to be placed in the temple. In order to highlight the status and importance of the shrine card, Ning Tao deliberately took out a large number of superb spiritual materials from the Japanese gourd, and then used the divine fire to fuse into a base more than 20 meters high, and then placed the shrine card on On the base.

The gods brand is golden and the base is golden and radiant. The combination of the two shows the high-end atmosphere.

In order to increase the force, Ning Tao pondered a few lines of words on the base: Don't take small things for good, don't take small ones for evil. People are doing, heaven is watching, those who do good will be rewarded in the end, and those who do evil will be rewarded in the end.

This can also be regarded as his motto of giving birth.

"The great God of the Son, what is it?" Lingyu asked, pointing to the motto on the base of the **** bit. Ning Tao wrote Chinese characters and she didn't know it.

Ning Tao translated it for her, and then said, "From now on, this text will be used as a prayer for the people."

"Yeah." Lingyu said aloud, then knelt down, worshipped the **** of the gods, and recited the freshly prayed prayer in his mouth. "Do n’t be small and do n’t do it. Do it for evil ... "

A trace of pure to net rich divine energy of faithful energy diffused out of her body, part of it was absorbed by the **** card, and part of it was absorbed by the seal of creation.

Zhe Er and Shen Bi also came to make fun. Zhe Er knelt two small legs to the ground for the first time, and a serious chanting prayer. God is better than having no feet, but he also has a curved look.

It's so soft, it's really amazing.

It is a pity that there is no faithful energy in the body of Zerg and God.

If they are ungodly, it is impossible. They are all Ning Tao's artifacts, more religious and loyal than any people. The reason why no faith energy is produced is because they are instrumental spirits, not real souls.

Suddenly discovered this, Ning Tao's thinking suddenly returned to the problem that had been bothering him.

Tiemin is also manufactured, and is basically the same nature as the artifact. Then why does Tiemin have soul energy? When soul energy is produced, it means that the iron people have real souls, then where does the real soul of the iron people come from?

He thought of the scene he saw on Pambu, in the strange blood-colored space, after the blood-colored brain was installed, the Sky Temple implanted something into Pambu ’s brain, but even his control All the gods of the believer's people cannot see what it is.

It seems that the real soul is implanted in the end?

If so, where did the real soul implanted in the body of the iron people come from?

At this time, Shenzhou entered the temple, holding a large bundle of firewood, and smiled as he came in, "Xian Xi, congratulations on your success in securing God, and you must build a kingdom of God. I have always been poor. As a gift, I took some dry branches from my family and sent them to the younger brother as a gift.

Ning Tao greeted him, took it with both hands, and said with a smile: "Brother Shenzhou is polite. You are a top-level sacred tree, and the gift you give is extremely honorable."

The two spoke a few words, and suddenly a loud noise came from outside.

As soon as Ning Tao's thoughts moved, a picture appeared in his head. Thousands of tribal people are coming to the temple from different directions, and the scene is spectacular. Whether it is a temple or a Shenzhou suddenly moved to the tribe, it is an extremely conspicuous existence. This is simply a miracle for ordinary tribal people. Of course, you have to come and see and worship.

"The people are here. You two, please give me a dignity. Don't talk. Be honest with your temple tripod. God doesn't speak more than you. Just stand next to the two." Ning Tao explained.

"Ning Aiqing, you can rest assured ~ ~ Zhong Er and God speak in unison.

Zoji Er and Shenbi will soon be in place.

Zhe Ling was put into the coffers long before he moved in, and it would not affect the worship of the people.

Ning Tao also explained Lingyu's sentence: "Lingyu, you teach the people the prayers I told you, and then I will declare you as the tribe queen."

"Lingyu wishes to obey God." Lingyu kneels.

All the arrangements were arranged, and Ning Tao said to Shenzhou again, "Brother Shenzhou, let's leave for a while."

Shenzhou said: "It should be, or it will affect the worship of the disciples' people. This is a big thing, let's go out and talk."

Ning Tao and Shenzhou left the temple.

Then the temple opened for the first time.

PS: Today, there are only two more changes, a little lurking, and three changes tomorrow. I wish you a nice weekend!

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