Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1313: Worst Lie in History

Before Ling Yu visited Lang Xianghun, Ning Tao never dreamed that things would develop like this.

What is unpredictable?

That's what happened.

You dug a pit for others, but when you turned around, you fell into the pit.

A bottle of drunk incense soul can be done, and he has become a lover of the past life. This kind of plot of dog blood actually happened to himself. What can Ning Tao do besides painting his face?

Another bottle of drunk incense opened.

Lang Xianghun once again entered the world that was extremely fast, immersed in it, difficult to extricate himself.

who am I?

Why am I here?

That star is so ugly, no, I want to turn it into a sunflower ...

Addicted, really addicted.

With a sigh, Ning Tao sighed with his power to suppress the influence of the drunk incense soul. He opened a door of convenience and returned to the temple to open another door of convenience, without delay for a second. Walked into the door of convenience.

Zhe Er had originally opened her mouth, but a "Ning Aiqing" had not yet called out, and Ning Tao had gone again.

"What are you so anxious for? I just want to ask, who is the beloved energy in these three births, never seen such a pure beloved energy ..." Zerg Er said to himself, "It will not be a goddess Right? "

Those beloved energies come from Lang Xiang soul, the soul energy of the pure soul body is naturally pure, but at that time, Ning Tao was also hilarious, where can I pay attention to those.

When Ning Tao came out of the door of convenience again, she was already in Lingyu's room. Lingyu was carrying the blood lock he gave him. No matter if she was at the end of the earth, he could only reach her by passing through the temple.

The room where Wenxiang Tower and Lingyu live is not far away, and the straight line distance is actually only tens of meters, but he doesn't want to be seen by him going to Lingyu's room.

This prudent operation is completely fine, and even praises such as careful thought can be used.

However, this is the perfect operation to roll over again.

His door of convenience opened in a few thin pieces of clothing, and those pieces of clothing were placed on a hanger, that is, in the air. As a result, he stepped out and fell down, and fell into a large bucket.

There were more than half a bucket of hot water in the bucket, and there was another person, the Lingyu girl he was looking for.


The water splashed, and the water in the big wooden barrel was full at once, and the water surged and splashed on the ground.

The four eyes are opposite.

"My God, you ..." Lingyu was stunned, and her face was blue.

Ning Tao hurriedly stood up from the water, trying to keep a polite look: "Well, I don't know you ..."

Some thoughts were embarrassing, but he didn't say anything anymore. He raised his leg and got out of the big barrel. But without waiting for him to climb out, Lingyu stood up from the water with a bang, his feet lightly, Bai Ying stepped out first, then kneeled in front of the wooden barrel, respectfully saying: "The Queen of the Horde God Kingdom Meet my god. "

There was no scenery in the house, and the scenery was faint as soon as she went out.

Ning Tao's foot lifted out of the big wooden barrel stiffened in the air. How did he go out when she looked like this? He went out to help her. Does anyone know how difficult such a trivial matter is for him?

But I still got to go out. Ning Tao reached out to take out the clothes from the hanger when she went out of the big wooden barrel and put it on Lingyu's back: "Well, please clean up and let's talk."

He went to the window, stood with his back to his eyes, and looked at a loft outside the window.

That loft is Lang Xianghun's Wen Xiang Lou, he just

It's from there. Now it seems really close. With his means, he can really skip it in one step. Why should he open the door of convenience?

He really didn't know.

There was a gurgling voice behind him, and the queen of the tribal kingdom was executing his shrine.

"My god, why are you ... showing your true body?" Lingyu packed her body and broke the silence between the two.

Then Ning Tao turned to look at Lingyu.

Her body was soggy, with various curves, all hazy, alluring beauty.

He couldn't help but compare Lang Xianghun and Lingyu together. The former was unrealistic, true or false, and true, just like a woman in a dream. The latter has flesh and blood, is beautiful and real, each with its own characteristics.

"my God?"

Ning Tao shook her head slightly, cleared out some messy thoughts in her head, and then said, "Our plan has a problem."

"What's wrong?" Lingyu suddenly became nervous.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "You don't need to be nervous, you can still control the whole."

He explained briefly what happened, from entering the door to opening the door, but omitted the plot of Lang Xianghun's entry into his body.

The movie has been edited before it is released, and there are some things that don't need to be known to Lingyu.

After Lingyu heard it, the response was quite smooth: "What now?"

Ning Tao said: "That ’s why I came to talk to you. I do n’t know anything about the civilization of the Guangling people. I just compiled some stories casually. When she calms down, she may doubt it. About Guang What do you know, spiritual person, tell me, or she will ask me about things in my past life, I ’m not good at editing. "

Lingyu pursed her lips and smiled, trying to bear it.

Ning Tao coughed: "I ask you, what are you laughing at?"

He is truly deficient.

Lingyu no longer smiled and said, "I just recalled it a little bit. The world of the light-spirited person is similar to your hometown. It is also a very small planet in the world. Light material world. They also practice. Our practice is to make our body stronger, but their practice is purely spiritual. They practice to cultivate the body to disappear. After they can integrate into the trees, Melt into the rocks and become a part of this world. In my memory, the number of light people is extremely rare, and the whole world is only a few thousand, and most of them are souls. They do n’t build houses Not to build a street to sell tea or something. "

Her memories are actually implanted into the nucleus of the Sky Temple, and the so-called memories are just the information from that part. She didn't know it, but Ning Tao knew it.

But that's not the point.

The point is that there are so many stories told before. Now look at it. All the **** is flawed!

Are ten flaws enough?

Not enough. I'll give you a hundred more, and I'm counting on you to believe.

I believe you a ghost!

It seems that Lang Xianghun can easily see through his lies. Previously, most of her reactions were that Drunk Xianghun's medicinal power had not subsided, and her mind was unconscious. And once she wakes up, she won't believe him, it's hard to say.

"Looking at it like this, Lang Xianghun is likely to see through your lies, rather than us ..." Lingyu raised her hand and gave Ning Tao a wiping motion.

Ning Tao thought for a while before saying: "I will see her reaction after I go back. You will go to her early in the morning and let her take you to the Temple of Sky. If she sees my lies, she will go to the Temple of Sky to tell you. Then ...


Killed Lang Xianghun?

That kind of thing happened, the combination of spirit and flesh, he suddenly discovered that he couldn't do such a cruel thing.

"My God, you can't bear it, let me do it." Lingyu said.

Ning Tao sighed: "Let's talk about it tomorrow, you remember, try it before you decide to do it."

Lingyu nodded.

Ning Tao spoke to her a few more words, and then opened a door of convenience and returned to the temple.

"Ning Aiqing, you're back." Zhe Er was ready for the first time, and this time he did not wait for Ning Tao to open the door again, and greeted his throat with a voice.

Ning Tao originally wanted to go back to Lang Xianghun's room to take a look. When he heard Zhe Er's voice, he stopped and said, "I'll just pass by. Do you have anything to do?"

Worm II said: "Ning Aiqing, you really should come and see the beloved energy you collected, my god, these beloved energy are the purest and most powerful beloved energy I have ever seen ... Are you sleeping a goddess? "

Ning Tao: "..."

He knew that the most wanted thing to say in this article was only the last seven words, and the whole thing was nonsense.

He came to San Ding Ding, looked around, and soon saw the favorite energy said by Zhe Er. At this moment he was stunned, and his heart was shocked.

Those beloved energies are truly incomparably pure and contain powerful divine energy.

The same is the love energy, the worst collected from Pan Bu, followed by Lingyu, the best quality is collected from Lang Xianghun. From the features he saw at a glance, he could be used to synthesize the crystal with almost no refining.

Suddenly he came over, why Lang Xianghun could take charge of so important places of reincarnation, and why the gods in the kingdom of Apocalypse did n’t have to do anything, but they could enjoy the treatment of nobility. The sky temple wants their soul energy, because the soul energy of the pure soul body is much better than that of the iron people.

However, in the world of Apocalypse, the iron people are also indispensable. Otherwise, who will build the temple, who will be engaged in production, and who will embody the superiority of the people? A very simple truth is that if there were nobles, there would be no nobles.

Moreover, the number of gods and people is scarce, which is probably the reason why the sky temple cannot give up the iron people. If the gods above the mountain have not fallen, each deity has its own **** people, then the number is objective. However, this condition no longer exists. Until now, Ning Tao had only heard of the three patron saints of the Apocalypse, but none had been seen.

Are the three patron saints created ~ ~ or the gods of Tianfeng?

These thoughts flashed through Ning Tao's mind, and his mind was not so worried.

With such beloved energy and props like Drunk Xianghun, even if Lang Xianghun knew he was lying, would she really betray him?

"Ning Aiqing, what are you talking about, what goddess?" Zong looked at Ning Tao with sullen eyes.

Ning Tao then said, "It's not what you think. I'll make a few grains of God first. You close your mouth and don't talk."

"Oh." Zuji answered.

Ning Tao sat down cross-legged and lightened the divine fire to make the **** crystal.

More than a dozen super high-quality **** crystals were quickly released, and Ning Tao left two for Zoji and Shenbi, and then gave Shenzhou a past, and finally opened a door of convenience and returned to Lang Xianghun In the room.

The room is full of energy spots.

The flower of the gods is bursting again.

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