Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1314: Cannot quit

In the early morning of the next day, Lingyu went to Wenxiang Tower and walked down the corridor to Lang Xianghun's room. She passed by the Xiangfang where Ning Tao was temporarily staying. The door of that Xiangfang was open, and she saw Ning Tao standing inside the Xiangfang at a glance.

Ning Tao nodded at Lingyu.

Lingyu bowed her head to pay tribute, and walked past the door of Xiangfang.

She came to the door of Lang Xianghun's room, reached out and knocked.

"Who's knocking at the door?" Lang Xianghun's voice came from the room with a slight discomfort.

Lingyu was very polite and authentic: "God made me, Lingyu."

"Do you have anything?" Lang Xianghun looked a little impatient.

Lingyu said with patience, "I want to talk to the Lord God, do you not know that God makes the Lord convenient?"

Lang Xianghun said after a moment of silence: "Come in."

Lingyu then opened the door and walked in.

Lang Xianghun lay lazy on the bed. On the bed was a small white porcelain bottle with a wooden stopper. The small white porcelain bottle is the bottle used by Ning Tao to hold the drunk incense soul. He left her a bottle last night, but did not know how much she had enjoyed.

Lingyu stopped in the middle of the room, slightly embarrassed, raised her right hand to cover her chest, and then said, "My Lord promised me to take me to the Sky Temple to worship God, I don't know when ..."

Lang Xianghun interrupted Lingyu's words: "What are you so anxious to do? I promised you that I will honor my promise. Go and call Sha Wujing to me, and I have something to tell him."

Lingyu raised her head and looked at Lang Xianghun. Ning Tao asked her to test Lang Xianghun, but Lang Xianghun didn't even want to tell her more. How did she try this?

"Girl Lingyu, am I not clear?" Lang Xianghun frowned slightly, obviously unhappy.

"Okay, I'll call Sha Wujing over here." Lingyu gave up, turned and left Lang Xianghun's room, and then entered Xiangfang.

The two rooms are actually separated by a wall, but Lang Xianghun likes to play this spectrum.

Although the wall made of **** stone has excellent sound insulation, Lingyu is still very cautious. He didn't kneel Ning Tao and didn't say extra words. He just said, "God has made you please."

Ning Tao said, "Okay, I'll be right there."

He walked to Lingyu's side, got to her ear, and lowered his voice: "What's her reaction?"

Lingyu also lowered her voice: "I don't know, I just talked to her when I went in, and then she asked me to call you there. I have a feeling, she ..."

"Say something straight."

"She seems a little upset, please be careful." Lingyu said.

Ning Tao nodded his head, and then went out. As soon as he went out, he saw that the sashimi had just come out of the stairs and was coming this way. He ignored him, just glanced over his head, and walked towards Lang Xianghun's room.

"Stop it for me!" Sashimi snapped.

Ning Tao did not stop, walked directly to the door of Lang Xianghun's room, and did not knock on the door.

"Miscellaneous account!" Sashimi cursed, and his body caught up.

The fastest speed in the world is the speed of the soul. Ning Tao just entered the door, and the sashimi rushed in from the door, blocking him in front of him.

The sashimi glared at Ning Tao with a hate, and then threw himself on his knees: "Master, the little dereliction of duty, failed to stop this dirty iron man in time, please the master to punish him.

Ning Tao has reunited with God

A, it really looks like a humble iron man.

On the spotless bed, Lang Xianghun glanced at Ning Tao standing behind the sashimi, and his eyes were hesitant and complicated at that moment.

Ning Tao did not avoid her sight. Lingyu was right, she looked a little upset, and she had a lot of dim things.

The sashimi suddenly stood up, put a hand on Ning Tao's chest, and scolded, "Get out!"

Ning Tao felt like she was pushed by a real hand. The strength of this product is really not small, but it is only the mana of the pure soul body, not the strength of the body. And his angelic armor has a strong mana defense ability, so it almost feels like a little bug hit him, it can be ignored.

Seeing Ning Tao's motionless sashimi, he suddenly frowned, and waved a fist to Ning Tao's face.

Ning Tao didn't even move. In his eyes, the sashimi was already a dead soul.

"Stop!" Lang Xianghun snapped.

The sashimi's hand was stiff in the air, unable to withdraw. He could not take Ning Tao in his eyes, but he would fight if he wanted to, but he did not dare to disregard Lang Xianghun's order.

"You go out," said Lang Xianghun.

"No, the master told you to go out!" The sashimi fiercely said.

Lang Xianghun said, "I'm letting you go out."

The sashimi immediately stumbled on the spot, and the surprised look was still hearing him wrong.

Lang Xianghun's voice turned cold: "Did you hear what I said? Get out of me!"

"I ... Yes." Sashimi left angrily, and when he left he did not forget to give Ning Tao a glance. The look seemed to want to kill Ning Tao.

Ning Tao just smiled indifferently. He only needs a finger to kill this fool, but it's not the time yet, let him wonder for a while.

Long Xianghun got up from the bed, waved his hand, and the door behind Ning Tao closed. She got out of bed and walked towards Ning Tao barefoot. During the whole process, her eyes did not leave Ning Tao's body.

She doesn't speak, Ning Tao doesn't speak, you look at me, I look at you.

Ning Tao's heart can't help but guess Lang Xianghun's mind, but the woman's mind is difficult to guess. As far as her reaction now, he really can't see what she thinks in her heart.

Long Xianghun walked around Ning Tao, and finally stopped in front of Ning Tao, and finally spoke: "Wu Jing, you look so ugly, I still like you last night."

Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and God's armor turned into grains of metal and sprinkled on the ground, and his deity's appearance was also revealed. Compared with Long Xianghun, there is only the difference in hair and pupil color.

He smiled at Xiang Xiangxiang with a gentle smile: "Here I have to hide my true face, you like what I am now, and then when we are alone, I will take off the armor and let you see me Real faces. "

Lang Xianghun was silent, and seemed to be pondering what Ning Tao said.

Ning Tao is not in a hurry. Regardless of whether the plan last night was successful or whether Lang Xianghun really fell in love with him, he always has an ace in his hand, which is engraved on Lang Xianghun's birth sword. Soul Imprint, he only needs a trace of fortune to activate that Soul Imprint to kill her without leaving any traces.

"Are you really a bright person?" Lang Xianghun asked again.

At this time Ning Tao was silent.

Why did she ask that?

After a night she was awake, aware of those loopholes?

In fact, it's hard for people to discover so many loopholes and flaws!

If she already knew he was lying to her, what's the point of continuing to lie?

After a brief silence, Ning Tao said, "No, I am a human. I crossed over from heaven to the immortal realm, and then from the immortal realm to the **** of the mountains and mountains. At first glance you and I only have different hair and eye colors , So I'll tell you I'm a light man. "

"Are we lovers in our past lives?"

Ning Tao shook his head: "No."

"Neither did we bathe naked in any quicksand river?"


"My house doesn't have any lofts or princes?"


Lang Xianghun froze for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "Hahaha ..."

Ning Tao just looked at her and smiled.

Lang Xianghun laughed for a while before stopping the laughter, then stared straight at Ning Tao: "You and Lingyu are a group. I have always suspected that she is the leader of a savage. Now it seems to be true Yes, you've seen her, and voted for me, to make drunk incense for me. You lie to me, you and Lingyu have the same purpose, you want to use me to go to the temple, what do you want to go to the temple ? "

Ning Tao said: "I'm going to be a woman named Daenerys, and I have killed the goddess of wisdom, Hemia."

Lang Xianghun was shocked at the scene.

Ning Tao said, "I can kill the past directly, but I don't like to be too violent, so I think it is better to find someone who is familiar with the environment, so we will come to you."

"Did you kill the missing spirit?" Lang Xianghun asked.

Ning Tao nodded his head: "I did it, but I didn't kill him, he is still locked in my temple."

Lang Xianghun suddenly backed out of the window behind him and said, "You tell these, no matter which one is enough to make the gods of the Sky Temple fall out, why did you tell me that you intend to kill me? "

Ning Tao said lightly: "I only want to kill you if I want to kill you, but I don't want to kill you. Follow me. I think you like me too. It ’s better to be with a **** and **** than an invisible god. Right? "

Lang Xianghun stayed again, she obviously did not expect Ning Tao to tell her so directly.

Ning Tao probed his hand, and the small porcelain bottle on the couch flew into his hand. He shook it a little, with a rustling voice, and a little drunk incense left.

Seeing that small porcelain bottle, Lang Xianghun's eyes changed and filled with desire, but she suppressed her desire in just two or three seconds: "I follow you ~ ~ I will die Although you are a god, but I am sure you are just a little god, you have no strength to fight against the sky temple. You want to control me with drunk incense soul, although I like your drunk incense soul, but I know the choice. "

Ning Tao unplugged the cork, and the smell of drunk incense swelled out.

Lang Xianghun suddenly rushed over: "Give me!"

The small porcelain bottle in Ning Tao's hands was snatched by her.

Long Xianghun can't wait to pour the two drunk incense souls in the small porcelain bottle into her mouth.


She burst out again.

Those who detoxify are always scolding themselves and sticking needles on themselves, knowing that they will die, but still can't help it.

The drunk incense soul is the drug of the pure soul body.

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Not so easy.

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