Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1323: Apocalyptic City God Battle

Before using the body of God, Ning Tao was like an ant in front of Hemia. After using the body of God, it was still small compared with the body of thousands of meters of Hemia, but it was already small. Compared with the big man, do not lose too many scenes.

The battle between God and God, without using the body of God, is not a real battle, because only the body of God can exert the power of a God to the extreme. If the immortal trapper who runs wild in the fairy realm is only the size of an immortal or a spirit beast, it cannot be a horrible existence that the people of the fairy realm talk about.

At present, the two gods treat each other in a vacuum above the city of Apocalypse, and neither of them has a thread for the whole city to observe.

"What **** is that?"

"The great goddess of wisdom, Shemia, is several times bigger than that god, and she will definitely kill that wild god."

"You can see the great Goddess of Wisdom coming in your lifetime. There is no regret in this life."

"That wild **** is so ugly, it's awkward without a tail."

"The proportion of that wild god's body is a bit out of proportion with his body."

"When the wild **** is killed by the great goddess of wisdom, Hemiah, will he fall, then it will definitely destroy a lot of houses."

Apocalyptic voices are everywhere in the city of Apocalypse. When talking about Hemia, the iron people and the gods did not hesitate to praise the iron people, but when they talked about Ning Tao, they scrambled to degrade and ridicule. For the iron people and **** people of Tianqi City, the **** of giving the child is not the **** of iron people, but a hostile wild god, and of course language attack is inevitable.

These voices Ning Tao couldn't hear, and he didn't care if he heard it. It was just that Chiguoguo stood in the sky and made people feel good. His feeling was not natural. He was also curious how Hemiah was so peaceful and natural, and she was a goddess.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, has only Ning Tao. After a brief surprise and silence, she broke the peace between the two gods: "You actually have a **** body. This is impossible. How did you seal the god?"

God must have God's body before he can seal it, because it is supported by the faith of believers and people. This is the Kingdom of Apocalypse. How can there be a believer of the wild god? This is why Hemia was surprised and curious.

"I am a **** from the sky, I have my temple of the kingdom of God, shouldn't I have a god?" Ning Tao said.

"Your **** is too weak to be my opponent at all. Subject me and be my believer, I will spare you." Said Goddess of Wisdom Hemia.

Ning Tao smiled angrily: "Hello, I dare to tear down your temple. I'm not afraid to fight with you. What else can I say for my life, do I need your life?"

The sound fell, and he lifted one foot to the sky temple, the highest sky temple.

"Dare you!" The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, suddenly stepped up, grabbed Ning Tao's ankle with one hand, and lifted it up, and the entire god's body was pressed against Ning Tao.

Ning Tao's body lost balance and fell backwards. A large group of **** guards behind him fled.

When the gods fight, mortals suffer, and they are the mortals under Ning Tao and Hemia. There are thousands of **** guards in Tianqi City, and tens of thousands of city guards. This is quite a horrible military force, but it is only a few Tiangong martial arts that are qualified to shoot, and the sky guardian sword Dawang Langlang. For the rest, those magic weapon and magic weapon official weapons hit the thousand-meter **** body to send the child god, what is the difference between itching and tickling?

Ning Tao was taken aback when he was shot. He wasn't slow to react, he also dodged when he shot, but the **** body is too big, the bigger the body, the more awkward, it is impossible to be as flexible as the real body, but his thinking is still the original thinking, and The gods do not match. So, there was a perfect dodging in his mind, but his body was too clumsy to complete it, and he was knocked down by Hemia.

Two gods fell from the sky, and a huge woman crushed a child-like man and crashed into an urban area.

A huge building was razed to the ground in an instant, and a huge human-shaped pit was added to the ground.

Ning Tao was completely under her body, and her body was embedded in the ground, unable to move. The only thing that moved was a mouth, and he couldn't care about the decentness of any god, so he bit his mouth.

"Ah-" Hemia let out a weird scream and hurriedly stood up to get a pendant on her chest.

Where is this **** fighting in this picture? It looks like a **** child is eating in the arms of the goddess mother.

"Go and die!" Hemia roared, grabbed Ning Tao with both hands, and fell down to the ground fiercely.


Ning Tao's back was sliding on the ground, and buildings were razed to the ground. Those iron and gods who watched the war were also wiped out.

This is really the suffering of immortals fighting mortals.

Ning Tao stood up, overlooking the iron people and **** people who flee like ants on the ground, and the will to fight was weakened uncontrollably. Of course, he can desperately fight with the goddess of wisdom Hemia, but he does not know how many iron people and **** people will die in the battle between him and Hemia, I don't know how many people will be homeless Attributable.

Is this the result I want?

I want to save Daenerys, but save her and let countless people die. If I were homeless, wouldn't it be my sin?

I can't be so selfish!

In the heart of Ning Tao, the heavens and the heavens were at war, and they were still still.

But when he was self-examination and cyanosis, Hemia rushed up again, and patted it with one palm. The palm was suppressed like a mountain, and a French seal emerged in the palm, with golden runes flashing and boundless mana!

Behind Ning Tao is a large group of iron people's houses, as well as the iron people who fled in a hurry. If he avoided, the home of the iron people and the iron people would be slapped into a powder by Hemia. For such a moment, he didn't budge or dodge, and patted his head against the palm of his head.

A seal of law, a mark of chaos, flickering runes, and golden light dazzled in his palm.


The palms of the two gods, large and small, were photographed together, and the energy shock wave spread in all directions. But this time blocked by the energy barrier of the Mark of Chaos, the shock wave of mana energy did not destroy the iron people's house, nor did they kill any iron people.

Ning Tao's legs sank into the ground.

Hemiah's divine power is stronger than him, and the divine body is also several times his divine body. Such passive support for him is disadvantageous.

Hemia's hand moved, a tremble in the void, and a huge long-handled sword appeared in her hand out of thin air.

The sword is golden and bright, and it is several times longer than the sword of Tianwang Langlang, several kilometers long!

No wonder the guards have a long-handled saber weapon, but it's because Hemiya uses a long-handled sword.

"Go and die!" Hemia held the knife handle with both hands and slashed to Ning Tao.

The sword was longer than the body of Hemia. Under the sword, Ning Tao was like a small fish under a kitchen knife. Not to mention a full-strength hack, I'm afraid it will be cut in half even if it is supported!


The Seal of Chaos was broken in less than a second.

The sword is straight down, and the next step is Ning Tao's head!

Ning Tao suddenly hit the two long legs of Hemia with a cat waist, and attacked Hemia with one stroke and one finger.

People are scared of being shameless, and once God is shameless, ask you to be afraid?

On the battlefield, how can there be so much attention, what you taboo, what you fear, I will give you everything!

Ning Tao's cat waist raided, and the blade of the long-handled machete was added instantly. If Hemia continues to cut down, her handle can hit Zhong Ning Tao's back, but she will also be a positive finger. .

He could use his fist, but he used his finger.

How shameless!

"Shameless!" Hemia's long-handled machete did not slash, and when she could not close the knife, she lifted one leg and hit her knee with Ning Tao's head.

Ning Tao's godly body avoided her knees and did not continue to attack. She stumbled across Hemia's side and sprinted outside the city.

"Stop him!" Dadao Tianwang Langlang yelled, and while watching the battle, he blocked Ning Tao's way with his sword, and the big knife in his hand split into Ning Tao's waist at that instant.

Ten Tiangong Wushen also joined the encirclement, and threw their own weapons at Ning Tao. Although they could not hurt Ning Tao, they could also affect Ning Tao.

But at the very moment when the juncture came to an extreme, Ning Tao's **** body suddenly disappeared, and a door of convenience opened at that instant, and after a while, even the door with people disappeared.

Hemia, who had just turned around, stepped on where the door of convenience disappeared.


A house and street disappeared, and there was a big footprint on the ground.

The power of the **** body is huge, but it is not flexible at all, so the person who has the best ability to stop Ning Tao is her, but she is too big, and it takes several seconds to turn around, but this time is enough for Ning Tao to do a lot of things Already.

"Ah!" Hemia roared ~ ~ the whole city of Apocalypse shuddered.

"Search all the territories and be sure to find his temple! Destroy his kingdom!" Hemia shouted.

"Yes!" Broadsword King Lang Lang knelt in emptiness.

All the Tiangong Valkyrie, Shenwei and Tiemin knelt down.

Those iron people and **** people who died in the war of God?

No one cares about them, they are even the envy of them, because they die for the God they believe in. This is a supreme honor. This is the power of faith, which is exerted to the fullest in the special and supreme world of Shenshan.

The goddess of wisdom goddess Hemia suddenly dissolves, and breaks down into twelve parts, one by one flying to the twelve heavenly palaces. The Kobe Palace was destroyed, leaving only a cornerstone of the heavenly palace, but the relic corresponding to it still returned to the huge foundation stone. It is believed that soon after, a brand new Kobe Palace will be born, and the holy relic will also be covered with a spiritual soul.

But all this Ning Tao did not see.

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