Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1324: Magic body

A tense atmosphere in the temple.

"Our **** will be fine, right?" Lingyu looked at Lang Xianghun, which was the third time she asked Lang Xianghun.

Long Xianghun shook his head for the third time.

Her heart is also full of worries. Her identity has been revealed. She is now a traitor to the Temple of Sky. There is no place for her in the Kingdom of Apocalypse. She will be hunted down by Shenwei and Tiangong Valkyrie. Now Ning Tao has become her patron saint, and she has no other way to go except to follow Ning Tao. Therefore, like Lingyu, she didn't want Ning Tao to have an accident, but it was not only the Sky Temple there, she was worried about her death.

"He will surely die, invade the Sky Temple, the goddess of wisdom will certainly wake up, he will surely die." It is the goddess who manages Lang Weisheng, and he has woke up.


A blue lightning flew out of the Trinity Tribe, and slashed at Long Weisheng.

"Ah!" Longville's provocative voice turned into a scream for a second.

Zer Er cursed: "You rotten iron, if you dare to crook and crazily kill you!"

"Worm Emperor, why don't you help Ning Aiqing. With your help, Ning Aiqing's strength will increase greatly." Shenbi said.

Zhe Er said: "Ning Aiqing lets you stay here, and you have to stay here. You don't worry about Ning Aiqing at all, because Ning Aiqing ..."

Before a word of it was finished, a door of convenience was opened on the lock wall, and a figure from the door of convenience also plunged into the temple from a diving position.

Just said Ning Tao, Ning Tao came back.

Lingyu and Langxiang soul followed and greeted them. You said me and you were full of worries and concerns.

Ning Tao looked a little embarrassed, but a smile appeared on his face: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

"Then you found the woman you were looking for?" Lang Xianghun asked.

Ning Tao shook his head: "I was wrong, I guess she is now in the city of the sky. At that time we should go to the priest Rambo, not the sky temple."

"My God, have you been found?" Lingyu said with concern.

Ning Tao said: "The patron saint of the sky appeared, and the goddess of wisdom goddess Hemia also appeared. I played against them ... I didn't decide the outcome. I didn't want to hurt the innocent, and then I hid."

He can say that escape is so fresh and vulgar, and he has a lot of love. His skin is obviously thicker than before.

Although he only spoke briefly, Ke Langxiang soul and Lingyu were shocked. That's the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, plus a sky guardian, the sword of the sky, King Lang Lang, he can even retreat!

"Impossible! Impossible ... you lied!" Long VIA finally breathed out of the electric shock and said a word.


Another flash of lightning flew out of the Trinity Tribe and split on him.

The evil came out of his mouth, and he never understood the truth. He certainly felt that Ning Tao was bragging, and wanted to pierce the wild god's lie for the goddess of wisdom he believed in, but he forgot one thing, that is that he is now a captive.

This time Zoji Er showed no mercy, a lightning struck Langweisheng and spit into a spit and passed out.

"Ning Aiqing, how to deal with this product?" Zhe Er asked.

Ning Tao looked at the smoking Langwei Sheng, and said gently: "This guy also dared to say mad words in my temple without any awe. Since his belief in Hemia is so firm, please satisfy him. Let him give his life for the God of his faith. "

"I know." Zoji Er walked towards Long VIA, and a group of golden lights poured out and wrapped Long VIA.

When the group of golden lights disappeared, there was no longer Longwell on the ground.

"My god, what shall we do now?" Lang Xianghun said, with confusion and worry in his eyes.

Ning Tao said: "You can't go back anymore, settle here for the time being."

Lang Xianghun nodded, she also knew that she had nowhere to go now.

Ning Tao thought for a while and then said, "You can become a priest of the temple, and preside over the worship of God. I need a lot of energy for faith. The more such events are organized, the stronger I will be."

Lang Xianghun said in surprise: "I ... be your priest?"

Ning Tao smiled lightly: "Why, don't you want to do it?"

Lang Xianghun hurriedly bowed down in front of Ning Tao and said excitedly: "The gods are magnificent, and I will do my best to be a priest in the temple."

The priest, this is equivalent to the office of the priest of the Temple of the Sky, this is a very important and empowered office, she is of course happy and excited.

Ning Tao said to Lingyu: "Lingyu, take down the fragrant soul and settle down. I will remove the imprint of the prosthetic limbs obtained from Qiling Mansion, and then you will call the people who need to replace the prosthetic limbs to the temple , Distributed by worshippers presided over the worship of God. "

"Yes." Lingyu responded, then left the temple with Lang Xianghun.

Ning Tao entered the warehouse, and then released all the prosthetic limbs looted from the Lingling Treasury. Tens of thousands of models of various types almost filled the warehouse.

So many prosthetic limbs are enough to replace the prosthetic people of the tribe ’s kingdom, and even the back comes with inventory, but this is not the way to go. Tens of thousands of prosthetic limbs seem to be many, but they are always limited resources. With the tribe There are more and more believers and people in the kingdom of God, and it wo n’t be long before they are consumed. What then?

Ning Tao didn't think about this annoying problem for a while. He sat cross-legged and used the power of nature to erase the imprint on the prosthetic limb. To remove the imprint on tens of thousands of prosthetic limbs seemed like a big project, but it was just an easy task for him. His power of fortune shrouded all the prosthetic limbs in the flood, and then used God's knowledge to search for the seal and found that one erased one, and the speed was like a fan of tens of thousands of candles. The power is the fifth gear wind of the electric fan. One blow is a large piece, and one blow is a large piece.

After erasing the imprint of the Sky Temple, there will be tens of thousands of prosthetic parts in the warehouse that will not be tracked and tracked. There will be no problem at all for large-scale worship activities and celebrations.

"This is still not possible." Ning Tao pondered in his heart. "My tribe, the kingdom of God, has a small population, and has to hide in this valley. I worry about being discovered every day, and then I am dealt with by the army of Apocalypse. There are many people in Hemia ’s kingdom of God. The iron people are only engaged in production. The gods are the main source of faith energy. What do I compare with Hemia? ”

In the previous war, he realized that the snack of the gods was too big. His battle with the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, was equal to a battle between a child and an adult female soldier. How could he not suffer?

"Also, although my real body still has magical instruments such as Sansheng Ding and Thunder King Hammer, but the magical body has no magical weapon available. The real body of Hemia has the town **** monument available, and the godly body has the horrible one. Sword, I do n’t even have a wooden stick in hand, and coupled with the lack of spiritual fire, I still suffer. No, I have to make a magic weapon used by the **** body. ”Ning Tao's heart was like this Thinking.

But what kind of artifact is suitable for refining the body?

He couldn't wait to make a magic weapon for the body of God, but he didn't have any direction to make anything.

He left the warehouse and came to the temple lobby.

Insect II and Shenbi are together again.

Ning Tao was very speechless. This is his temple. Do these two have such love? He went to the warehouse for a little while and was tired of working together again. If at this time believers and people came to worship God and pray for something, the image of the temple would be ruined.

"Well," Ning Tao coughed dryly.

Worm II and God separated from each other more quickly.

"Ning Aiqing, you're here." Zhe Er's worm's face was full of a charming smile.

Ning Tao said: "Pay attention to the image in the future. This is a temple. At any time, believers may come to worship God. Don't make your own image messy."

"Yes, yes, Ning Aiqing is right, I'll pay attention later." Zhe Er agreed.

As for whether it will converge, this is only clear to it.

Shenbi's body glowed a little red, and she was a bit shy.

Ning Tao thought of Tang Zixian again, and the plan to go to the fairyland had to be advanced. At that time, she would give the **** comparison to Tang Zixian, and she would be in charge, and the situation would probably be better.

"By the way, I fought against Hemia. Her **** body took a large knife that was several kilometers long, but my **** body was empty-handed. You two think about it, there is no great **** body to look for. The secret of refining the magic instrument, I also refined a magic instrument suitable for the use of the **** body. "Ning Tao shifted the topic to the business.

"I look for it." Zuji Er closed her eyes and meditated.

Shenbi said: "Ning Aiqing, as far as the palace knows, it is not easy to make the magical artifacts. When the gods in the ancient times were still on the mountain, most of the gods did not have the magical artifacts. The spiritual material is a difficult problem to solve. Just say Ning Aiqing, the big sword of the goddess of wisdom ~ ~ The large sword is a few kilometers long, and it is all authentic **** spiritual materials. How much do you think you got? "

Ning Tao thinks that it is indeed true. The reason why the goddess of wisdom Hemia can make such a terrible sword is that people have the support of the entire Apocalypse God Kingdom, and there are countless iron people who mine and refine divine spirits for her. Although he also has a kingdom of God, his tribal kingdom of God has more than 10,000 iron people, and the kingdom of heaven is just a big town. How can he compare with others?

However, even if he smashed the pot to sell iron and steal it, it would be necessary to build a magical weapon, otherwise he would have to open the door and run away next time. Do n’t ask anything else, just ask your kilometer-long sword. Are you afraid?

At this time, Zhe Er said, "Ning Aiqing, I have found a magic weapon suitable for you."

Ning Tao's heart moved: "What magic weapon?"

Worm II said: "The magical weapon of the Sun-King King is a daily magic stick. The stick is 9,999 meters long and is made of God Mountain gold. Not to mention the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, even if it is That fairy catcher won't be able to beat you. "

"Okay, give me the secret recipe for refining, and I will refining the daily magic stick." Ning Tao said.

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