Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1329: Come happily

"Tiejiawei, follow me." Ning Tao stepped towards Shibei Mountain, a few hundred meters in one step, the big feet fell on the ground, the small and large **** stones smashed, and a string of meters and ten meters appeared behind him. Huge footprints in depth.

How heavy is the **** body that is thousands of meters high?

Ning Tao has not been weighed on a scale, and there is no scale called a **** in the world, but it is estimated to be a few thousand tons. It may be lighter or heavier, but this is not important. The important thing is that his deity is growing at any time. If the plan for the upgrade of Zoji Er's temple is successfully realized, and the Hall of Insects will be built to attract believers and gods from the immortal world and the heavens, it will not take long for his deity to be able to Catch up with the goddess of wisdom goddess Hemia.

"The goddess of wisdom Hemia owns the entire kingdom of Apocalypse. The iron people plus the gods are millions of yards. Why is her god's body only a few kilometers high? And I only have 10,000 savage iron people but they are thousands of meters high. This has something to do with her not being resurrected? It was only her deity who fought with me? "During the walk, Ning Tao could not help but raise such a question.

Until now, he still had a hope in his heart that Daenerys was still alive, her soul had not disappeared, and the child in her stomach was still good.

Tiejiawei ran desperately. After a distance, he finally caught up with Ning Tao, sprinted for a while, and ran in front of Ning Tao.

If there are any pitfalls in front of it and what is the danger, it has to travel first.

It really is more loyal than a dog.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of Ning Tao's footsteps echoed in the valley, and the ground in the valley trembled every step he took. His eyes were over a thousand meters, but still covered by the thick fog. His god's eyes shot out two thick buckets of golden light to disperse the fog and illuminate his vision. He could see the Iron Guard running in front of him, and the weird valley in front of it. And, in front of him, the Stele Mountain looming in the dense fog, it was getting closer.

But at this time, the iron armor guard running in front stopped suddenly, its limbs plowed out four grooves alive on the ground.

Ning Tao also stopped.

In front is the central area of ​​the valley floor, where the terrain is flat and there is a basin surrounded by mountains, and the 10,000-meter-high Stele Mountain is in the center of the basin. The 10,000-meter-high mountain is actually only a relatively large stone on the Shenshan Mountain, but it is particularly majestic when it is handled in the basin of the Maping River.

But this is not the reason for Ning Tao to stop his footsteps. The reason for him to stop his footsteps is that there are standing idols around Shibei Mountain. No idol is standing, all kneeling in front of Shibei Mountain. Those idols have various forms, and most of human and non-human are in unseen and unheard forms.

The idol has a road leading to Shibei Mountain, but the road is not wide. Normal people can walk, but Ning Tao's **** body cannot pass. Probably no problem if he forcibly passes, but those idols do n’t know how many years have been here. The dead are big and innocent. How can he step on the idols of other people and then break them Stepped over his idol?

He couldn't do such a thing.

He was so impressed that he took the body and stood next to Iron Armor. Just now Iron Armor Guard was like a little beetle in front of him, but Iron Armor Guard was much bigger than him after receiving the body of God.

Tiejiawei stumbled on the ground: "Master, put it on my back, I'll knock you in."

Ning Tao said, "No, you go and see first."

"Yes, master." Iron Armor stepped into the road between the idols with his four legs, and then continued to run towards Shibei Mountain.

There weren't any magic circles activated, and there were no weird signs.

Ning Tao secretly said, "This place is weird and weird enough, but I haven't seen any lost artifacts yet. Is the news that God is better than that fake?"

He came here to find the magical artifact, but immediately went to the foot of the stone monument, and was said to be tens of thousands of kilograms of the magical artifact, not even one of the two or two small artifacts. . Some of the idols are wearing **** armor, some are wearing cloth, and some are holding a magic weapon in their hands, but that is only carved by the gods ...

"Wait!" Thinking of this, Ning Tao's mind suddenly braked, and then turned a big bend, "Who has the ability to carve so many idols, and each one is different. According to Shenzhou, here is after God's death Belonging, the gods on the mountain will rush here to die before they die. Is it impossible to die so many gods at once? Then, if the gods from different periods come here one by one, who is responsible for shaping the idols for them? "

Craftsmen may have it, but who has that qualification?

Can't figure it out.

"Roar!" Iron Armor suddenly roared.

Ning Tao looked at the sound, the fog in front of him was obscured, and he couldn't see clearly. When he was about to open his eyes to enhance his vision, the nearest idol suddenly moved. His eyes fixed in a snap and couldn't move.

That idol is a deity of heaven and man, and the tail and body are very obvious features. It trembled endlessly, the **** stone pieces and stone powder kept falling, and a ray of golden light shot out from the crack.

Is this going to live?

Ning Tao's eyes widened, but he couldn't believe what he saw.

However, this is just the beginning. A deity shivered, the stones fell, and the stone powder was flying. The first move, some have stood up, and some are still shaking off the powder. Every idol shone out of the golden light, and countless golden lights gathered together, and the thick fog covering the valley was scattered. This valley is shrouded in golden light, surging in divinity, and mighty, like a scene of the Oath of Oath before the deities!

Suddenly, the first "wake-up" **** and man turned to look at Ning Tao. Two golden rays shot out from its eyes, and the sharp blade was generally stuck on Ning Tao's body.

At this moment, Ning Tao's body was cold and unstable.

One by one, the gods turned around and looked at Ning Tao, all of them were Jin Hui's dim souls, and each one of them had golden light in their eyes, which actually fell on Ning Tao's body.

This is the real eye-catcher.

And the sight of these people is still glittering.

Just ask you to panic?

Ning Tao was stunned, his mind was blank, and he couldn't feel the slightest temperature. The blood around him seemed to be frozen, as if there were hands pulling his soul, and he wanted to take his soul out of his body. Pull out.

Did n’t all the gods who died here go to the Wuing Yingling Temple to drink and sing, why are they all nesting here?

"This is not true, this must be an illusion!" Ning Tao kept reminding himself, but what he saw was still the same image. The soul of the gods looked at him staring at him, all looking like It was the golden blade that stuck to him.

The rune in the Seal of Creation flickered, holding his spirit steady, and not letting that strange power pull his spirit out of his body.

The spirits of those gods did not seem to attack, but he was still in an extremely dangerous situation, because there were too many enemies, and his power of creation did not know how long it would last!

"Come out, let go of that pouch, and be with us to get bliss." The man and **** suddenly spoke and waved at him, "Come, come."

An extremely glamorous and **** goddess slowly walked towards Ning Tao, wrapped in a little scarce of energy scarf. With her pace, some beautiful scenes were looming, she also waved to Ning Tao, her voice soft and sweet: "What are you standing there for? Come on, be happy, come on, be happy."

Before Ning Tao had any reaction, souls of gods came to Ning Tao one by one, all beckoning to him, calling him with a friendly or **** voice.

"Come here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"You come, you come ..."

"Let's be happy together."

"Come and be so happy ..."

Thousands of mouths, tens of thousands of voices, dense and buzzing, mysterious and sacred like the Sanskrit chanting.

Ning Tao's soul became more and more unstable, and in his heart there was an urge to let the spirits come out with those gods.

But at this extremely dangerous moment, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Taotao, have you finished your homework? Don't go out to play until you finish it! It's not funny, it's skinned as soon as the summer vacation." This is her mother's voice.

How come mother's voice?

Ning Tao's consciousness was suddenly sober, the image in front of him had not changed, but he had already made a judgment.

"I was in the womb, and I heard the sound of the road!" He recited aloud the first verse of Your Scripture.

He did not read this verse after he went to the immortal realm, but he did not expect to go to Shenshan. After becoming a god, he still needs to read the scriptures.

He also didn't know that reading such low-level sutras in this case had no effect ~ ~ It was a complete instinct. His means in this regard are actually quite lacking, which is why Shenzhou prepared him before he came. But the preparation he made was just to create the Iron Armor Guard. Now it seems that the Iron Armor Guard is not very useful here, it is purely a soy sauce role.

But it is this instinctive reaction that I don't know if it is useful. The first sentence of "Your Sutra" exited, and a golden bell of energy suddenly appeared above Ning Tao's head.


The bell rang, and the sound of waves crashed in all directions like a tsunami.

The souls of the gods collapsed like cockroaches and annihilated in the bells.

Where the kind of sound passed, where is the soul of any deities, there is only one idol kneeling on the ground, they have never moved, let alone crack the stone skin, falling stone powder.

All this is really an illusion.

But Ning Tao gave out a cold sweat and was shocked. Only he himself knew how dangerous it was just now. If his spirits come out, he will most likely not get back into his body!

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