Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1330: Hammer Axe 2

There is no golden light, no dense fog, the dense kneeling statues are clearly visible, and the road to the stone monument in the middle of the statues is also clearly visible.

Ning Tao saw Iron Armor again.

It stood looking in the middle of the road, looking very confused and confused.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly. He probably brought Iron Armor after listening to the story of Shenzhou. Now it seems that the story is often unreliable. How can anyone with this soul get through this?

The previous level is for the suppression of the physical body. This level is for the temptation of the soul. What will be the next level?

Whatever it is, it's all here, it's impossible to leave empty-handed, right?

Ning Tao stepped into the avenue leading to Shibeishan and called out: "Iron armor, you come back!"

The Iron Armor came back to God. It turned around and ran back: "Master, I ... what happened just now?"

Ning Tao said, "Did you remember anything?"

Tiejiawei thought about it for a long time before he thought: "I really want to enter a new world, there are golden lights everywhere, I can't see anything, I can't feel anything ..."

Ning Tao said: "The idols are a legal array. If it weren't for me, you would be dead."

"Thank you for your help." Tiejiawei will lie down on the ground.

Ning Tao said: "Don't kneel, you run for a while to that stone monument."

"Yes, master." Tiejiawei stepped on his four legs and ran to Shibeishan again.

In fact, it has also exerted its value, that is, the value of cannon fodder. If there is any trap in the legal array, it will be activated ahead of time, and Ning Tao will be alert in advance and be ready in advance.

Ning Tao walked along the road, glanced over a **** stone statue kneeling beside the road. Before walking far, he stopped suddenly, his gaze fell on an idol, and he could not move away.

This idol turned out to be ...

The **** of the sunless king!

The face of the idol is exactly the same as the face of the remnant soul of the Sunless King that Ning Tao had seen in the gods. He knelt among the idols, but was only one of the gods. There was a stick on his knee, which was full of runes, and the font he was most familiar with-the sun stick.

"This is the sun-god stick?" Ning Tao couldn't help curiosity in his heart. He walked out of the road and came to the side of the sun-killed god's statue, staring directly at the stick.

If you erase the runes and lettering on the stick, it is just a stick carved out of stone, which is no different from the Qi Mei stick in countless performances. However, according to Zhe Er, this stick weighs 199,999 pounds. Such a stick, even if it is a 10,000-meter-high **** body, can still be held in hand, and it will not feel small. But now how can it be just an ordinary magic stick?

Will it get bigger?

It is like the golden hoop of Qitian Dasheng, which is usually closed in the ear and pulled out when it is needed. The bigger it becomes, the bigger it becomes?

The description of Zhe Er is not clear, and how to guess may be wrong.

Ning Tao didn't think about it anymore, he reached out and grabbed the stick on the knee of the Idol of the Sun, and yanked it out.


The stick carved by the **** stone broke, and he held one in his hand, and the others broke into several pieces.

It's really just a stick carved out of stone.

Ning Tao's heart was depressed: "Don't you say that there are a lot of magical instruments buried here? There are even magical magical instruments, huge ones, why are they all carved by stone? God, God, God, you Where did you get the news? Give me your idea and go back to work with you! "

"Master!" The voice of Iron Armor suddenly came. "A ghost!"

Ning Tao looked up suddenly.


The mountains were shaking, and the ground was like a sea wave!

An idol collapsed and fell to the ground that suddenly cracked.

Ning Tao's sight suddenly fell on a mountain peak on the left. The moment he looked away, the mountain burst suddenly, and a rocky statue of a few kilometers high came out of the mountain.


There was another loud noise, the ground was wavy, and a mountain peak on the right also burst, and a rock statue of a few kilometers high came out of the mountain.

The two rock gods are like a giant axe. The axe handle is at least kilometers long, and the axe is like a hill! One with two hammers, two hammers are also two hills!

"Iron armor retreat!" Ning Tao shouted.

The Iron Armor rushed towards Ning Tao.

As soon as it was thrown away, the axe holding the axe chopped on the ground.


The ground trembled, and a crack spread over the edge of the axe.

Take the double-hammered idol and rush towards this side, shaking every step!

This is the third level. Compared with this level, the first two levels are simply pediatrics.

Tiejiawei had run past, but Ning Tao did not take a step back. Just when the idol holding the double hammer rushed over here, he activated the seal of God's standard, and Jinzhang Jinguang shot out of his body immediately.

The god's body appeared, more than a thousand meters high, with muscles all over his body and golden light permeating. His deity is still much shorter than the two rock statues, like a child playing against two adult fighters.

But he was a red child with boundless magic.

After waiting for the rock statue with a double hammer to come over, Ning Tao rushed up. After running for a distance, he stepped on the ground with his feet heavy. The chest of the rock idol holding the double hammer.


In the shocking sound of the earth-shattering, the rock statue holding the double hammer cracked openly, and a golden light shot out in the crack.

However, it was not destroyed.

Although there were several cracks in his chest, he still slammed his hammer on Ning Tao's back.


Ning Tao was smashed into Venus by this hammer, the blood in his chest surged, and his throat almost spit out blood.

The fighting power of this dignified statue is beyond his imagination. Not only is it beyond his imagination, it can even be said to reach the point that surprised him. A statue made of a rock, and the full-scale collision of his deity did not destroy it!

This is not that he is too weak, but that these two divine realities are too strong.

Think about it from another angle, how could something guarding such a place as Meteor Canyon be weak?

The law formation traps here deal with God!

Perhaps these two rock statues have a brain like a fairy trap!

Or, some ancient law formation!

Without waiting for him to think about it, the rock idol with the axe also killed him. He ran for a few steps and jumped up, holding the axe in his hands, and splitting the axe on Ning Tao's head.

Ning Tao ducked sideways.


The ground was shaking, gravel and dust were flying, and a crack ten meters wide appeared under the axe!

If this axe is split on the head, it can be split from top to bottom!


The wind sounded.

A hammer hit Ning Tao's head.

Ning Tao didn't have time to get up and rolled over to avoid it.

The hammer fell through and smashed a large hole in the ground.

This tumbling Ning Tao overwhelmed a large idol.

The weapon that the **** body did not take advantage of was really bad. The battle with Hemia was the same, as was the battle with the two rock statues.

Before he got up, the rock idol holding the double hammer grabbed him, and hit a hammer on Ning Tao's head again.

Let's kill!


The Iron Armor suddenly rushed up, opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, biting into the rock idol's wrist with a hammer.

The rock idol holding the double hammer suddenly swept the hammer in his hand.

Iron Armor's body changed direction in the air, four feet stepped on the hill-like huge hammer, continued to pounce on the rock statue's wrist, and bit it on the rock statue's wrist.

The picture was like a little mouse biting an adult's wrist, and the damage it caused to the rock statue was negligible.

However, it gained time for Ning Tao.

When the rock statue attacked the Iron Armor, Ning Tao had already risen from the ground, grabbed the hammer that swept the Iron Armor, but fell empty, then twisted the anti-joint.


The joints of the rock were not flexible. The twist of Ning Tao broke the wrist of the rock statue alive. He had a huge rock hammer like a hill in his hand, and a rock holding the hammer handle tightly. big hand.

The Iron Armor was also on that big hand, but after Ning Tao won the hammer, it released its mouth and jumped to the ground.

A hand was broken, but the rock idol did not make any noise, nor did it stop its attack. Its other hand smashed it with a hammer. Ning Tao's head was too small, because Ning Tao was too short. It was several kilometers high, and Ning Tao was only a thousand meters high. Ning Tao's head became Best attack target.

This time Ning Tao did not dodge, but smashed it with a hammer.


The two stone hammers hit each other, and the cracks were full of cracks.

Although Ning Tao was small, his divine power was much greater than that of the rock idol. He even swung the hammer of the rock idol with a hammer. At that moment ~ ~ his hammer changed direction, and a hammer hit the rock statue's knee.


One of the rock idols was broken, and the body fell out of balance and fell to the ground, just hitting the body of another axe holding the axe, and the two rock idols fell to the ground together.

Where would Ning Tao miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? He jumped up with a hammer, and hit it with a hammer on the head of the broken leg statue.


The head of the broken leg idol burst open, and large and small pieces rolled down to the ground. What was flowing out of the broken brain was not bionic brain plasma, but a substance resembling a golden soup. I didn't know what it was.

This time is not the time to study this. The front view of the axe holding the idol pushes the same robe pressed down on his body.

"You go to death!" Ning Tao roared, and hit a hammer on the head of the statue of the axe.

Another head burst open, and another ball of golden soup-like material flowed out of the broken head melon seeds.

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