Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1333: 9 Dragon Shield

This is a circular valley surrounded by tens of thousands of meters of mountains. There is no way in or out.

Such a valley is placed on the mountain, which is actually a few large rocks put together, leaving a small open space in the middle.

There is actually a lake in the middle of this valley, but there is no water in the eyes, only the sedimentary rocks that have been impacted by the lake. The layers are like books placed there, which record hundreds of millions of years and are submerged in People from past times and their stories.

Shenzhou stopped at the bottom of the lake without water.

Ning Tao came out of the cabin and came to the bow deck. Shenzhou was already waiting for him.

Shenzhou did not turn back and said to himself: "This lake is called Shennv Lake. The water in this lake is Shenshui. It is said that it can enhance the power of the gods, as well as the effect of beauty and beauty, so the goddesses like to bathe here."

It's easy to imagine the beautiful scenery at that time, like the golden goddess lake, where beautiful goddesses roamed and played in the lake, standing on the cliffs and piercing down, or fighting in the water ...

But I can't see it anymore.

Ning Tao asked: "Why is the water in this lake running dry?"

Shenzhou shook his head: "I was okay before the accident, and I do n’t remember after my accident. By the way, you said you want to find a safe and quiet place to talk about things, this place is very quiet and safe, you have to say what's up?"

"Come with me." Ning Tao jumped out of the bow.

Shenzhou jumped down.

Ning Tao came to a vacant lot in the center of the lake, took off the Japanese sun gourd, and said nothing. He pulled his heart and directly released the artifacts stored in the Japanese sun gourd one by one.

Shenzhou was stunned.

Day by day, the magic stick flew out of the Japanese sun gourd and landed on the ground, shaking a large part of the ground. After all, it looked like it was only blown out, leaving only a third of the remaining sticks, but it weighed more than 300,000 pounds, which is equivalent to more than 300 tons. Such a heavy thing hit the ground It must be loud.

"That's ..." Shenzhou opened his mouth wide and exclaimed: "That's the sun-killer of Sunless King! Xiandi, where did you find it?"

Ning Tao said: "There is a tomb in the Gods Meteor Canyon. I went down to find the tombs. These artifacts are all the artifacts of the gods. I almost died in it. The danger of the tomb is really beyond description."

"Xianxi, what a dangerous situation, let me hear it quickly," Shenzhou urged.

Ning Tao: "..."

He said it was indescribable, but he didn't want him to ask questions, but he just closed his mouth and asked.

He had to give a brief and concise account of what happened in the Divine Canyon, and what happened in the tomb of the god.

Shenzhou's expression was shocked: "Xianxi, you are the bravest **** I have ever seen. If you change to me, I will definitely not dare to jump down. Artifacts are tempting, but life is more important. Have you ever thought What if you can't come out? "

Ning Tao smiled indifferently: "I really didn't think about it, am I not coming out?"

Shenzhou: "..."

He didn't think about what to do if he could not come out, because he was confident to come out, and the Inca's door of chaos was his means. Other gods don't have such a means, even if they go, they will die, of course, no one dares to go. As for Shenzhou, let alone that he did not have such a means, even if he did not dare to go down.

The last weapon flew out, it was that shield.

The shield is a round shield with a rune and a mysterious pattern engraved on it, which looks a bit like the head pattern of the maiden maiden Medusa in the ancient Greek mythology.

When receiving this shield, Ning Tao was in a state of escape, how can I have time to look closely. At this time, the shield flew out of the Japanese gourd, and he saw the mysterious pattern on the shield at a glance.

He suddenly moved in his heart and said in surprise: "Like Medusa, is there such a goddess on the mountain?"

But when he was thinking like that, the shield fell to the ground, and a loud boom trembled, and the whole bottom of the lake trembled.

Ning Tao was suddenly stunned.

This movement is even bigger than the movement of the magic wand falling to the ground every day!

This shows what?

What's the matter? It is heavier than the daily magic stick of more than 300,000 catties!

As far as the sound of such an artifact is released, this time he went down to the tomb of the **** and picked up two artifacts of the **** body, one is the sun-strength magic stick of the sunless king, and one is this shield.

This shield was collected by him for the last time. He never thought that it was a magic weapon, but just wanted to pass by anyway. Think of it as a magic weapon!

Make a big money this time!

Ning Tao couldn't care about the other artifacts anymore. He couldn't wait to walk to the shield, and said, "Brother Shenzhou, do you know the origin of this shield?"

Shenzhou did not respond to him, and the old man's mouth was still open, but speechless.

Ning Tao glanced back at Shenzhou: "Brother Shenzhou?"

Shenzhou came back to God. His body flickered to the shield one step ahead of Ning Tao, but he still didn't speak. He paced around the shield and touched his hand from time to time.

Ning Tao walked over: "Brother Shenzhou, to see your response, you must know the origin of this shield, tell me what it is? This is what I asked Brother to help, you have a wide range of knowledge and help me recognize the artifact If it ’s important, I ’ll refine it into a stick. If it ’s not important, I ’ll take Zuji to upgrade the temple. It ’s going to build a hall of spirituality, and it needs a lot of divine spirits. . "

Speak out everything you need to say.

Shenzhou stopped moving around. He took a deep breath, and said after the mood calmed down, "Oh my dear, you don't know what treasure you picked, this is the Kowloon shield of the **** of the earth." "

"The **** of the earth dominates the sky? Kowloon shield?" Ning Tao has never heard of it.

Shenzhou went on to say: "The **** of the earth is a fairly ancient deity. It is said that when he was there, you had no human beings on earth, it was a dragon world."

Ning Tao froze for a moment. The earliest dinosaurs appeared in the Triassic. According to the age of the earth, it was 250 million years ago. The gods of that era are really quite old!

"You see, there are nine dragons on this shield. These nine dragons are also his mark. It is said that all his travels are the Jiulong shield. This shield is his magic weapon and a tool for travel. It has a One hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand pounds. He was hit by ordinary gods. He didn't need to release the nine dragon shields. He just smashed them and destroyed them. In his time, he was fierce Far away, far more powerful than the Sunstar. "

"How did he die?" Ning Tao asked, thinking he was a snake-haired banshee Medusa's shield, but did not expect that the pattern that looked like a snake turned out to be nine dragons!

The mythical story of the earth is really just a story, and many of the deities told about it cannot be found on this mountain.

Shenzhou shrugged his shoulders: "How do I know who may have been killed, or who died old, and God will die one day, there is no eternal immortality in this universe. But like you and me The young gods do n’t have to think about these things, just live in the moment. "

A young **** like you?

Ning Tao couldn't help but glance at him, but didn't scan his face, he pondered something in his heart.

This Kowloon Shield weighs 188,888 pounds. Can he make such a heavy shield move?

The **** of the ancient **** earth is more powerful than the unruly star, and his divine weapon is naturally more powerful. He is now facing two choices: whether to melt the shield to make a stick or to melt the unruly star Remnants and shields to make other artifacts?

This is really difficult to choose.

Since Jiulongdong is readily available, you might as well try it first!

Thinking about this, Ning Tao stopped thinking, leaned down, the tentacle grabbed the "π" handle inside the shield, and then lifted it up.

The Kowloon Shield was immobile and impossible to move.

This shield is 188,888 pounds, which is more than 1,800 tons. Even a true **** like him, it is difficult to pick up without using the body.

"Hehehe ..." Shenzhou smiled.

Ning Tao was about to inject the power of good fortune. When she heard Shenzhou laugh, she was curious and said, "Brother Shenzhou, what are you laughing at?"

Shenzhou said with a smile: "Xian brother, I know what you want to do, but the magic weapon is not used by you like this. You did n’t go to Shenshan for the first time. The first time you touched the magic weapon, it is normal to make such jokes.

"Uh, how do you use that? I'll listen to you."

Shenzhou said: "Xian Brother is afraid of thinking about the weight of 188,888 pounds I just said?"

Ning Tao smiled.

Shenzhou grinned and said, "If the Jiulongdong is yours, as soon as you activate it, you need it to start it, and if you want it to fly, it will fly, and it will be 188,888 pounds. What? You think, even if you use your divine power to pick it up ~ ~ If it is not portable, you take it to fight, then the heavy weight, it is not only a magic weapon in hand, but It will be a burden. Also, it is a magic weapon, if you can activate it, it will be enlarged. You do n’t think it ’s the size it is now. Is it equivalent to taking a saucer? "

Ning Tao: "..."

Really don't say, the strongest state of this shield is the state of the divine artifact, if it can't be activated to let it enter the form of the divine artifact, his god's body holding it is really like a hot pot eaten What is the use of a saucer, even if it weighs 188,888 pounds?

"I erased its owner's brand and remade it." Ning Tao made a decision.

Shenzhou said: "Xian Xi must not be in a hurry. This is the magical weapon of the **** of the earth and the sky. Kowloon is a **** of dragons. It is very cruel. If you do not prepare, you have to wipe it out. You may not only fail. And may also be backstabbed by Jiulong Ling. "

Ning Tao said, "Is there any good way for that brother?"

"Brother Rong Yu think ..." Shenzhou frowned, thinking about his beard.

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