Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1334: 9 Dragon Pull Car

"Brother Shenzhou, go back to the boat, I'll do it myself." Ning Tao said.

It is enough to know what this artifact is. With Shenzhou's timidity and cautious character, leaving him here will affect him instead.

"Well ... can Brother Fool take an artifact?" Shenzhou looked a little embarrassed.

No wonder so enthusiastic, so detailed, and concerned about the safety of others, it turned out that I wanted an artifact.

This product really never helps.

Ning Tao was a little speechless, and said casually: "Except for the Kowloon Shield and the Sun Magic Wand, you can just take whatever artifact you want."

Shenzhou immediately walked towards an artifact.

That artifact looked like a wooden crutch, with runes engraved all over it, and a fairy-like pattern on the handle.

Is it really an artifact of Shouxing Weng?

Ning Tao was curious and asked, "Brother Shenzhou, what is the magic weapon?"

"This ..." Shenzhou said restlessly, clutching the crutch tightly with both hands, afraid that Ning Tao would look back again.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Brother Shenzhou, I'm just curious. Can I give you the artifact, or do I want to go back? I have hundreds of artifacts here, and there is no shortage of yours, can you say Just say, do n’t even want to say it. ”

Shenzhou just relaxed a bit, and his face pretended to be a smile: "Okay, my dear, I don't hide that this artifact is the legendary Tiantao crutch. It has the benefit of extending life and promoting woodiness, which is great for me. , It's ordinary for you. "

"Only this benefit?" Ning Tao didn't believe it at all.

Shenzhou coughed dryly: "That ... there is another magical thing, Xian Xian, don't look at it as a dead wood crutch. Just insert it into the soil and pour water on it, and it will grow into a towering tree. It ’s full of heavenly peaches. That day, the peaches are so juicy that if you eat them, you can prolong your life and enhance your spirituality. However, it is also to me that you will fill your belly when you eat the sky.

"Okay, you can take this crutch. If peaches are born in the future, just give me two tastes." Ning Tao said.

Shenzhou said, "What's the matter? If Xian Xian wants to eat, I will eat as much as I want."

Ning Tao: "..."

Shenzhou went back to the boat.

Ning Tao used a large Japanese gourd to collect a large number of artifacts. In the end, there were only two artifacts, the Jiulong shield and the daily sun stick.

Up to now he has not made a decision, whether he wants a good shield or a good stick, his mind is very entangled.

He looked at it quietly for a while, and finally made a decision: "Whether it is Jiulongdun or the Daily God Stick, I must first satisfy the original owner's imprint, and I will first imprint the owner of these two artifacts. Erase it and talk. "

Having made up his mind, he came to the incomplete Sunstroke Stick, stretched out his right hand and grabbed the stick, and a force of good fortune and the consciousness of seeking and imprinting entered the Sunstroke Stick at that time. .


Without waiting for him to find the mark of the device owner left by the Sunburst King, a powerful energy swept up and collided with his power of creation.

This energy is not just a divine energy, but also a monstrous resentment and anger!

Ning Tao ’s consciousness was wrapped in a deeper force of fortune, meeting the resentment and anger sealed in the club, and his spirit seemed to fall into a world full of hatred and anger in an instant. He could not wait to destroy everything. Destroy everything!

These are the resentment and anger of the Sunburst King!

At that time, at the end of the Linggu era, how ill-tempered was the Xingjun. He punished evil and promoted goodness, walked to heaven, and loyal to heaven, but ended up being killed by nothing on behalf of heaven. Ask him how willing, how can he not have resentment, how can he not hate!

The resentment and hatred carrying the energy of God impacted that force of creation, and the consciousness of Ning Tao, like building a wall to stop Ning Tao from advancing.

Ning Tao's power of creation can be continuously injected into the stick body, and his consciousness can be continuously enhanced. The resentment and hatred sealed in the stick body and the energy of the **** are ultimately limited. Tao hard-wearing. But even so, the resentment and hatred sealed in the stick were rushed forward, and some were endlessly fierce.

Ning Tao sighed: "Senior, how are you suffering? You and I are middlemen of good and evil, I have to pass on your inheritance, and I have fulfilled my promise and buried you on the mountain. You can rest in peace Let's go to reincarnation. I know that you are not an ordinary god. You must have made relevant preparations. If you want to be my son, that's fine. "

Bu Xingjun did have been prepared for a long time, and the undead phoenix was the mother he identified in this life. The immortal phoenix is ​​his daughter-in-law, so he said that it would be okay for Sun Xingjun to want to be his son. This is not a problem.

Strange to say, as he said here, the resentment and hatred sealed in the stick seemed to understand him, but it slowly dissipated.

The remaining divine energy can not compete with the power of creation at all, and obediently tame it in the face of the supreme power of power of creation.

Ning Tao found the immortal master's imprint, observing the imprints, and getting on the road with ease.

Eraser the brand of the owner, this incomplete and daily **** stick turned into an artifact without the owner. Ning Tao was a little worried again. If he engraved the mark of his own master, this half of the stick would be his artifact. But how much magic and power is this incomplete stick?

"Don't worry, I will erase the brand name of Jiulong Dun's owner again." Ning Tao thought so, and he moved to Jiulong Dun again.

The Jiulong Dun was lying quietly on the ground, looking unremarkable. It was really impossible to imagine that it actually weighed 188,888 pounds. Moreover, the nine dragons were so ugly that he thought it was a snake when he saw it at first sight.

"Di Batian, I took your artifact, and it doesn't make sense to stay in the tomb of God. I use it, so I can give the senior glory." Ning Tao spoke to Jiulong Dun.

Jiulongdun did not respond, and there was no instrumental creature like Zuji running out to beep with him.

Ning Tao reached out to Jiulong Dun, but stopped at a few inches and did not put it up.

The Shenzhou article said that the Kowloon Shield has nine dragons and dragon spirits. When the God of the Earth is free, the Kowloon will be released and the shield will bend.

If there are really nine dragon spirits in this shield, will they make it easy for him to erase? The Lord of the Earth ’s Landlord ’s device is sure to erase it, so there is bound to be a fight, but the dragon spirits of the nine dragons, once he is mad, I am afraid he will have enough to drink .

How to do?

Ning Tao thought about it, and suddenly had an idea in his heart. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and the right hand that stretched out his head shrank back, and patted lightly on the ground.

A seal of chaos fell to the ground, and a golden shield of energy immediately enveloped the entire goddess lake.

Now the entire goddess lake is his absolute realm, he dominates everything here.

After the shield of energy for the Chaos Mark was built, Ning Tao placed his right hand on the Kowloon Shield, and this time he did not hesitate at all.

A force of fortune brought his sense into the Kowloon Shield.


A dragon yin suddenly came out of the Kowloon shield.

Ning Tao's heart was shocked, and it really was a dragon and a spirit!

Groan! Groan! Yin ...

Immediately after the first dragon yin, the sound of dragon yin was heard in Jiulong Dunzhong, from the first to the last nine in total!

The words of Shenzhou are true. There are nine dragon spirits in this Kowloon shield!

This artifact is awesome. One artifact of another artifact is already quite awesome, and this artifact has nine artifacts, and they are all dragons of the dragon!

In today's world, true dragons are quite rare, let alone Shenlong.

However, the **** of the earth is the ancient god, and his age is the age of the dragon. There is no human being, and it is not surprising that there are many gods.

Think of the gods of the earth sitting on a shield car pulled by nine dragons. What awesomeness, what awesomeness!

But did not wait for Ning Tao to look forward to when he was in the Jiulong Dun car to go to the Apocalypse God Kingdom to pretend to be a force, Jiulong Dun had set the battlefield.

Nine dragons and dragon spirits lined up side by side and rushed towards Ning Tao's fortune. The dragon spirits of the nine dragons are tangible, all of them are golden cancan dragons. Ning Tao's power of creation is invisible, just a seemingly chaotic golden energy. The two sides met in Kowloon Shield and started a fight.

Part of Ning Tao's power of creation was consumed in an instant, but the successor was magnificent, and there was the blessing of the Lord of Chaos, so he was not afraid at all. On the contrary, the dragon spirit in Kowloon was fierce at first, but after consuming a part of the slaughter, it became weak and then weakened.

After all, Kowloon is not a real dragon ~ ~ It is just a dragon spirit, no matter how strong and limited, and there is no energy to add energy to the master, how can they have a true **** like Ning Tao. As long as Ning Tao's people are here, his power of creation will flow endlessly into the Jiulong Dun. In addition, here is his absolute realm. He is in control of everything, and he is even more confident.

However, knowing that it will be consumed, the Dragon Spirit in Kowloon still can't stand back, and poses a battlefield to fight to the death.

Ning Tao snorted coldly, and said angrily, "You nine stubborn guys, I kindly brought you out of the tomb of God to let you see the sun again. Not only do you not thank me, you must also fight me! I want to perish, and I will complete you. After I destroy you, I will make this shield into another magic weapon. No one will ever know your former Lord, and no one will know your Kowloon. If you are my instrumental spirit, I assure you that I will give you a great fortune in the end and let you Longyao for nine days! "

It seems that after understanding Ning Tao's words, Kowloon's resistance has slowed down significantly, and it has weakened a lot.

Ning Tao stopped attacking and said again: "This world is no longer yours. Your old master has fallen. I will be your new master. If you are willing, please answer."

Jiulongdong trembled slightly, and a dragon head raised its head.

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