Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1338: Turtle Rabbit Race

The gold and drawings of the gods needed to upgrade the temple were sent to Zuji, and the **** who was waiting for the rabbit finally waited for the rabbit, and then the turtle and rabbit raced.

The tortoise chased the white foam and failed to catch up with the rabbit, which was a doomed result.

In the early morning of the next day, Lingyu and Lang Xianghun were still in their sweet dreams. Ning Tao left the attic and came to the temple.

The gate of the temple was closed tightly and shrouded in a golden mist.

Zushi Er has begun to upgrade the temple. It needs to digest many artifacts, as well as Shenshan gold, which will take some time.

Ning Tao didn't bother it either. He went directly to the cave he found and took out the crystals for refining.

One grain after another, and after more than a dozen grains of Shenjing were finished refining. After feeling "satisfied", he began to close his eyes and meditate, and realized that the nine dragons and dragon spirits gave him the heavenly amulet.

This Jiulong Kaitianmu is a magical spell that is composed of nine divine magic gifts. It is an extremely complicated spell. It is not possible to study and study.

In meditation, his mind was full of runes that were passed down to the nine dragons and spirits, and each rune had its pronunciation. His consciousness touched them one by one, meditated on their pronunciation, and sensed everything about them.

As the study progressed, he discovered that the nine dragons had not only passed him a Kowloon amulet, but also their respective god-spells!

The Jiulong Kaitian Rune consists of nine runes, and those nine runes consist of many small runes. Those little runes are actually heaven-sent spells of nine dragons and dragon spirits!

The soft-sounding divine spell is an avatar, and the fox's divine spell is a reduction. They are just ordinary demons, and the God-given spells are not powerful, and even a little crooked door is justifiable. But the nine dragon spirits are all dragon dragon spirits. How can their heaven-sent spells be ordinary!

"The soft Tianyin and Xiaoji's God-given spells are so practical. If I learn the nine god-dragon God-given spells, would I not have nine more powerful spells! I have dragon spirit, and I have dragon blood, I should learn their god-given spells. There should be no problem. "Ning Tao thought with such excitement.

Looks like you just got an energy spell, but in fact it is a powerful dragon spell set that can be divided into nine!

It is no exaggeration to use the term "treasure" in the Kowloon Kaifu.

Continue the retreat study.

When your brain is tired, you will end your study, eat the divine refining, and practice the power of creation. After Shenjing was "satisfied", he entered the state of meditation and study spells again and again, tirelessly, and forgotten the existence of time.

He didn't know how long after that, he finally realized the God-given spell composed of the first small rune on the Kowloon Kaitian Rune.

This spell is called the wind spell.

The gale rises and the cloud flies. As the name implies, the wind spell is a spell that controls the wind. Don't underestimate the wind. At the beginning of all things, wind is an important way to sow seeds. There are also strong and weak winds. Extreme winds can stir the atmosphere of a planet and form a horrible storm. The cities you pass by are swept into flats and the sea sets off a tsunami!

In addition to this wind spell, there are lightning spells, electrical spells, light spells, golden spells, wooden spells, water spells, fire spells, and earth spells. If you only take the first word, then It is wind, lightning, lightning, wood, water, fire and soil.

The nine heaven-sent spells of the open heavenly charm in Kowloon contain the four natural forces of wind, lightning, and light, as well as the five five-element forces of gold, wood, water, fire, and soil. To understand from a certain point of view, these nine heavenly-born ancestors spells become the spells that create the world. Isn't life created by the five elements and the power of nature?

Therefore, this spell is called Jiulong Kaitian, and it is not a random call, it has deep meaning!

However, only the wind, lightning, lightning, and the power of the five elements have not reached the level of creating all things, but only meet the basic conditions. One of the most critical factors is the God of Creation, and this God of Creation must have the ability to create life. Divine power. The divine power that created it is the power of creation. The **** of the earth does not possess the sky, so he cannot become the **** of creation even if he has this Kowloon Kaitianmu. The nine Divine Dragons don't have this condition either, they can't even use other Dragon's Divine Spells, they just represent a single spell. But Ning Tao is different. Not only does he have the power of creation, but he also masters the Heavenly Amulet of Jiulong and the Divine Spell of Nine Dragons!

This is really an incredible adventure!

Ning Tao just mastered the first wind spell. The eight spells behind it and the entire Kowloon Kaitian Rune have not been mastered yet. He even gave birth to a world that he wanted to return to, and to Mars or the moon to create a world Impulse.

Mars's atmosphere is thin?

He can solve the problem with a wind spell.

Mars needs water?

He can solve the problem with a water spell.

Martian soil is not suitable for cultivation?

He can solve the problem with a single earth spell.


Perhaps a single spell of energy spelling the open sky spell of Kowloon can solve all problems.

No one on Mars?

Are n’t we giving the child god?

this is not OK.

These, just thinking about it makes him excited and happy, can not help but laugh: "Ha ha ha!"

A fragrant wind suddenly came in from the cave entrance. In the pleasant aroma, the priestess of the Zizi Temple appeared, her long blue hair fluttered slightly in the breeze, and her long white skirt outlined her bulge. Awesome curves. She has been moisturized these days, and has become more and more beautiful and moving.

Long Xianghun fell down and said, "Oh my god, it's getting dark and Lingyu has made dinner. I'll call you home for dinner."

How pleasant this little day is.

The **** she believes in not only warms the quilt, but also races tortoises and rabbits. She also speaks nice words. She has flesh and blood, and she will lose rice even when eating. Where can such a **** be found in addition to the one in front of me?

Ning Tao was somewhat surprised: "Is it dark?"

Lang Xianghun said with a smile: "My God, it's already dark. What are you doing this day?"

Unconsciously, the days have passed, and it is time to collect soul energy.

Well, it's spring and it's time to plant.

Ning Tao put away his thoughts, anyway, the temple is also upgrading these days, it is not convenient to go in, and to come to see the second spell tomorrow will not delay anything. He stood up, but saw that Lang Xianghun was still kneeling on the ground, and looked at him with a smile. His heart moved, activating the seal of the wind engraved in his mind, and then opened his mouth to blow.


A wind flew out of his mouth and flew to Long Xianghun.

Lang Xianghun said in surprise: "My God, what are you doing?"

As soon as her words fell, her body was held up by the wind. Her legs were still kneeling on the ground. After she left the ground, she instinctively straightened her legs. As a result, she stretched her legs and the skirt was lifted by the wind.

The wind blows grass and cattle and sheep.

Nice scenery outside.

"Yeah!" Lang Xianghun exclaimed, and hurriedly reached out to suppress it.

Divine version of Marilyn Monroe.

The wind seemed to have spirituality, and got into the skirt of Shenshan Monroe.

Lang Xianghun's expression changed suddenly.

The dining car also turned over.

After a while, Ning Tao and Lang Xianghun came to the cave entrance without driving, and Ning Tao whispered casually, and a gap took him and Lang Xianghun to the tribe's settlement.

"My god, what kind of spell is this? It's so magical." Lang Xianghun said curiously, and there was still halo on Qiao's face.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Magical, do you mean just now or now?"

Lang Xianghun covered his face and was ashamed to see people.

"Hahaha, this is the wind spell I just came to understand." Ning Tao also had a bit of aftertaste, this wind spell is also very entertaining.

Lang Xianghun said, "My God, what good is this spell?"

Ning Tao said: "What you see is only the tip of the iceberg. The wind spell of mys is not just to lift your skirt. This place of the tribe's kingdom of God, I can lift it in one breath."

"Ah?" Lang Xianghun was startled.

With the power of the wind spell, in the small basin of the tribal kingdom, Ning Tao can really flatten out with a single blow. However, he obviously cannot test the power of the wind spell in his kingdom, and it is no problem to use it.

Coming by the wind, the wind also opened the door, and brought Ning Tao and Lang Xianghun directly into the dining room.

Lingyu really prepared a good table for a table. She was putting tableware at the table. When Ning Tao and Lang Xianghun came in, she was about to bow down, but she saw Ning Tao breathed a sigh at her. She blew into the ground, suspended in the air, and the wind lifted her skirt.

"Ah!" Lingyu also hurriedly reached out to cover it.

It's another version of Marilyn Monroe.

"Hahaha!" Ning Tao was so happy. He took the wind and said with a smile: "I ate, I will tell you a story after eating."

Long Xianghun looked very interested: "My God, what story?"

Ning Tao smiled lightly: "Tortoise and Rabbit Race."

Lang Xianghun is confused, she obviously has not heard the famous fairy tales from another world.

Lingyu thought of the breath just now, and said curiously, "My god, what magical power was that just now? I asked myself not to be weak, but the wind can restrain me and keep me from getting away."

Ning Tao said, "Let's eat ~ ~ Let's eat and talk."

During the banquet, he talked about two women about the Kaitianfu in Jiulong, and taught the magic of wind to Lingyu on the spot. The spiritual jade demigod could not use that spell. This also verified his previous speculation that he had a dragon spirit so he could use dragon spells.

"My god, today there are more than one hundred iron people in the tribe. I settled them in the tribe." After having dinner, Lingyu told Ning Tao.

Ning Tao said: "Take care of them, but also strictly check their identity and not be mixed in by spies."

Lingyu nodded his head: "I know, I settled them in an isolated place. I don't know what's going on here yet."

Ning Tao held her hand: "Now talk about state affairs, go, I'll tell you a story."

Lingyu and Lang Xianghun couldn't help looking at each other.

It is the story of the turtle and rabbit race.

PS: Continue to explode today! Ahhhh!

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