Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1339: Sending Temple Temple Spirit Hall

Day after day, ten days passed.

One dragon dragon destiny spell one day. The first nine days of Ning Tao understood the nine **** dragon destiny destiny spells. After the wind spell, he successively mastered the lightning spell, the electricity spell, the light spell, and the gold spell. , Spell of Wood, Spell of Water, Spell of Fire, Spell of Earth. These nine Divine Dragon Gods are all powerful and have their own characteristics.

On the tenth day, he began to enlighten the nine-day magic spell of the nine heaven-given destiny spells.

In the previous nine days, the process of studying the nine heaven-sent natal spells was actually the process of studying the opening of the amulet in Kowloon, laying a little foundation. With the foundation laid in the previous nine days, learning about Kaitianfu in Kowloon is a matter of familiarity.

Study and eat God Crystal.

Eat God Crystal, study.

Ning Tao had a very full life this whole day, and he was completely immersed in the magical world of Kowloon Kaifu.

With his study and mastery, he discovered that this Kowloon Kaitianmu is not only a powerful offensive type of magic spell, but also has the potential to open up new worlds. Of course, this requires some improvements on the basis of his reproduction. After all, the **** of the earth and the sky are never the creation gods who created new worlds, and the nine dragons are even more. He found that the Kowloon Kaitianfu had the magical effect of creating a new world, and that was why he had the power to create and have the conditions to create a new world.

This is a coincidence, a treasure-level coincidence.

Maybe, God has his own will!

However, Ning Tao has no heart to think about this issue now. After the study was over and he had a complete grasp of the Kaitianfu in Kowloon, he could not wait to leave the cave. He wanted to see if the temple had been upgraded, and he wanted to find a suitable place to try the power of the heavenly charm in Kowloon.

Outside the cave, the sky was dark because it was shielded by Shenzhou. Ning Tao overlooked the temple and the tribe settlement. This time he still did not summon Shenyun and jumped off the cliff. The man fell quickly in the air, and he opened his mouth, and a whiff of wind held him down to the temple slowly.

I have mysterious wind, light can blow skirt, heavy can open up the world. With this spell, what **** cloud still rides, it comes with the wind, and it is more pretending to go with the wind.

Stepping over the energy barrier propped up by Shenzhou, the temples and tribal settlements are unobstructed.

The tribal settlement was immersed in the darkness, and there were few lights, and it was not known which girl could not sleep.

The temple was shrouded in a golden mist, and Jin Guangxi was exactly the same as he had seen in the previous nine days.

Ning Tao frowned slightly: "It seems that the temple has not been upgraded, and I don't know how long it will take. If it doesn't work, I won't go to the door of convenience and try the power of Kowloon to open the sky by myself."

Outside means the outside of Shenshan.

The tribal **** kingdom is not a test firing place, nor is the Apocalypse **** kingdom a test firing place. The Shenshan outside is a very ideal place.

But at this time, the golden mist that shrouded the temple was retracted, and the temple's peculiar cymbal sound came out of the temple. It was also at that time that the original dim temple suddenly became clear.

Ning Tao stayed for one.

The temple in front of him is not a public toilet above the mountain, but a golden and magnificent temple. Gold bricks, gold tiles, gold beams, gold pillars, pure local tyrants, authentic gold.

That temple is no longer one, but one, there are several main halls. What's more, the main hall is suspended, going from a sky road, a little sense of sight of a small sky temple.

This is the design of Lang Xianghun, but it's not all. The suspended main hall and Tianlu are not her designs. However, in terms of the aesthetic level of the insect salon, Ning Tao suspected that the design came from Shenbi's mouth.

It can't be said of God's hand, because it has only a mouth and no hand.

However, despite tampering with the design drawings, Ning Tao was quite satisfied with the sight.

When the divine wind blew, Ning Tao directly came to the temple door suspended in mid-air, the temple door opened, and a dazzling golden light was released from the temple, according to the eyes of people.

"Ah! Ning Aiqing, the temple upgrade is complete. You see, are you satisfied or dissatisfied, do you like it?" Zhe Er's voice came out with Jin Guang, not even a second of delay.

Do you just want to praise?

Ning Tao walked in, and his feet were covered with golden stone tiles. Beneath the main wall of the temple, the goddess of the **** of the child is golden, and there are golden clouds around it, which are extremely high.

After the **** bit card, a hundred-meter-high deity statue was processed. That idol was not a **** stone statue, but an energy idol, one hundred meters high. At first glance, Ning Tao thought that the idol was his own projection, and it was so realistic.

The changes in the Trinity Tribute are also great. The golden light is brilliant, the divinity is obvious, and the divine energy contained is much stronger than before. It can be seen that Zhe Er himself has refined a lot of those more than a hundred artifacts, otherwise it is impossible to improve so much in just ten days.

"Ning Aiqing, are you happy, satisfied or not?" Zhe Er asked again.

Ning Tao felt embarrassed not to praise, he smiled: "This is a good job, this temple finally looks like a temple."

Shenbi interjected: "Ning Aiqing, guess who improved the drawing?"

Ning Tao knew it well, but pretended not to know: "That ... won't it be you?"

"Haha! It's the main palace!" Shenbi looked very happy.

A husband must have a wife, a pair of silly forks.

However, Ning Tao still said something nice: "Your husband and wife have done a good job this time and deserve praise, I will make a little **** crystal back, you can use it yourself."

"Thank you Ning Aiqing." Both of them were very happy.

Ning Tao shifted the topic: "There are several temples in this temple, which one is the Hall of Heroes?"

Worm II said: "The first temple under this road is the Yingling Temple. The souls of believers and people can look up to the Sending Temple. The Yingling Temple is engraved with the spiritual formation. You need to activate it yourself, The souls of believers will come up and be transformed into gods by the magic circle. "

"I'll go and see." Ning Tao couldn't wait to see it. He left the Temple of the Son and walked down the road.

This day's road is also a reduced version, also called 278,300 meters. If you don't deliberately compare it with the Sky Temple, this temple is actually very majestic, but if you compare it with the Sky Temple, then the nose is not the nose and the eyes are not the eyes.

The size of the country can not be counted on how much material the tribal kingdom can provide for the upgrade of the temple. The biggest contribution of more than a hundred artifacts is only the energy and mana of the temple, which does not help the appearance much.

However, Ning Tao never cared about the shape of the temple. He cared about the inner things.

Walking down the ladder, Ning Tao saw the people of the believers gathered from the tribal settlement at a glance. Led by the queen Lingyu of the tribal **** kingdom, and the priestess Lang Xianghun who sent the temple. They obviously knew that the temple upgrade was completed, and they couldn't wait for the worshippers to come to worship.

Ning Tao did not disguise himself as a deity, it was his deity. He suddenly saw so many believers and people gathered here. He subconsciously wanted to gather the gods, but he thought about it. Soon, there will be a godmind coming to the Yingling Temple, and he does not need to conceal his identity at all. What's more, he has become a **** artifact, afraid of his identity? Even if the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, came over, he dared to draw a pan and hit her to kneel and sing to conquer!

In this way, instead of concealing his identity, he released the light of God, a golden ring above his head, stepped on the ladder, and walked step by step to the Hall of Inferiority.

The sky is changing forever.

"Look at that, that's the great God!"

"It's really a **** of giving birth, so brilliant, so sacred!"

"Great God, I will give everything to you!" A fat aunt yelled at Ning Tao, looking very excited.

"Great God, give me a child!" A young woman, despite her followers, fell on her knees, and her forehead stuck on the hard ground the next second. .

This is the power of faith. It's hard to understand and crazy.

Ning Tao never washed their brains, but they washed their heads brightly.

Ning Tao stopped and said loudly, "My people, I bless you, and I love you. You are bound to be healthy and disease-free, and those who have no children are bound to conceive ..."

Regardless of its rhyme, just say a few words.

But this is just a few words ~ ~ Wanmin bows down, the energy of faith is dense. The energies of these beliefs flew to the Temple of the Son, and part of it was absorbed by his divine seal. The Trinity Tribune absorbs the energy of believers and produces the **** crystal. His god-level seal was absorbed, although it would not produce a **** crystal, but it would strengthen his **** body. Therefore, it is good for him whether it is the absorption of his divine standard seal or the absorption of the three living tribes, and the more the better.

After casually blowing a few words, Ning Tao stepped down the ladder and came to the Hall of Heroes.

The Yingling Temple is also built tall and majestic, but it is not as brilliant as the Temple of the Child, and it should be relatively low-key. After all, the materials are limited, and important and good materials are used in the temple of the child. Even if Zushi Er wants to magnify the atmosphere built by the Hall of Spirits, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Ning Tao pushed open the gate of Yingling Hall and walked in.

In the empty hall of the Spirit Hall, there were no gods, no idols, and only a complex and huge circle was carved on the ground paved with **** stones.

This rule is the Spirit Formation, which requires his personal activation.

PS: The third change today, for monthly tickets ...

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