Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1340: The first batch of gods

Ning Tao stepped directly into the spiritual formation, and the power of creation was pouring down from his body like golden soup, shining brightly on the ground. The runes that make up the spiritual formation are illuminated one by one, and the scene is like a clear sky at night, people look up, and the stars all over the sky.

The Spirit Circle is activated, and its mana seems to penetrate the Three Realms barrier, creating a special channel. This channel is invisible but can be felt. Its mana also affected Ning Tao's consciousness, making him feel as if he had some strange sensations, someone was praying to him, asking for something, but he couldn't hear the voice of those people, nor could they see them.

"Is this ... Is the immortal people in the immortal world praying and asking for me? I am the king of all immortals, and I am a god, and my king has become a god. I have saved so many immortal people, and I am also The immortal world brought peace. There must be some immortal people who believe in me. What can I do to get the believer's soul into this hall of spirituality? "Ning Tao's heart was curious and confused. Zuji only told him the magic array in the hall of spirituality He needed to activate it himself, but he didn't tell him how to pick the believer's soul into this hall of spirituality, and now he didn't know what to do next.

But at this time, the heroic array slowly rotated on the ground, and the golden light was obviously much stronger than before.

Ning Tao hurriedly walked out of the Ying Ling array.

The speed of the heroic circle is getting faster and faster, a golden vortex appears in the center of the circle, the ground cannot be seen, and the runes flow and flash around the vortex.

Suddenly, a bunch of white things flew out from the bottom of the vortex, and came into this spiritual circle, rotating and flashing with those runes.

Ning Tao's gaze fell on one of the white things, and that thing was like a magpie. But it's not a real tadpole, just a tadpole-like energy.

Those energies like puppets are the energy of the soul.

Not everyone's soul is very powerful, such as Lang Xianghun. Not only can she pick up heavy things, she can even cast spells, and she has served and pleased her gods in her best way. The soul of an ordinary person is actually quite weak. Sometimes the wind will be blown away once the wind is strong. Therefore, in the earthly world, the soul is usually kept in a closed space such as a tomb.

Just as Ning Tao was thinking about it, white energy continued to pour out from the array of eyes of the Yingling Formation.

This scene is particularly artistic, and art comes from life.

Suddenly, the heroic magma threw a small urn out of the energy vortex, and at the moment it flew out of the energy vortex, the small urn was wrapped in an energy bubble and suspended in the void of the Spirit Hall.

The energy bubble is only the size of a ping-pong ball and looks like a soap bubble that will burst at any time.

Curious in Ning Tao's heart, he walked over and got to the point where he could only measure the bubbles and look inside.

The little tadpoles in the energy bubble are "opening", with head and body, hands and feet, nose and eyes, mouth and ears, and become a silver-haired old man with a blink of an eye.

Ning Tao feels that he should be the immortal people of the immortal world, not the mortals on the earth.

This is not difficult to guess and judge.

His best reputation on earth is just a hero, but that is limited to the great powers of the East. His worst reputation is the number one terrorist, but it is also limited to the Western world. Therefore, no one in the Eastern Powers or the Western world regards him as a god, and no one believes in him. Here he started the spiritual formation to attract the souls of his followers and people to the spiritual hall, but no soul can come up in the world.

But in the immortal world, he is the dayless immortal king, the liberator of the immortal land. His event of being robbed and turned into a **** has been told in the fairy land, and the immortal people are proud of it. Especially during the robbery, he responded to the disaster over Jizo City, and also protected the Jizo City from being destroyed by the God's Seal with the Seal of Chaos. Those immortal people who witnessed him crossing the mountain and flying to the Mountain of God are his followers. Although he didn't go to the homes of those immortal people, his idols must be worshipped in the homes of those believers, and the incense was worshipped daily.

The believer and God are separated by an energy bubble.

To Ning Tao, this old man is just a weak and tiny existence, but to the old man in the energy bubble, he is a majestic **** like a mountain.

Seeing the **** he believed in, the old man bowed with a bowed leg. It was this worship that a trace of the energy of faith diffused from his soul, part of it was absorbed by Ning Tao's God-level seal, and part of it flew to the Three Tribes above.

Although Ning Tao is not in the Temple of Sending Children, Sanshengding is his artifact. He has a sense. Even if a trace of the energy of the faith enters Sanshengding, he knows it, like seeing him personally.

God controls everything.

Right now, this old man's life has surfaced above the energy bubble. He was a toddler, he married his wife and had children, he was getting old, and he was sick on the bed.

These all flash on the energy bubble, just like a fast forward video.

More miraculous things happened. As the old man worshiped and the energy of the letter was diffused from his soul, his soul body also grew up. The energy bubble is also growing and becoming thinner, and the image of his life is becoming more and more blurred.

The ghost going to **** had to drink a bowl of Meng Po Tang, and after passing Naihe Bridge, he remembered nothing.

When the gods come to the Hall of Spirits, they will forget everything in the previous life. This can only measure the bubbles. In fact, they are the cocoons of the gods. He can only break the cocoon into a true butterfly if he firmly believes and worships his **** with the most pious heart God people. And in the process, he will forget his previous life.

The practice of the Sky Temple is to give three surnames to the guardian gods, so the gods of the Kingdom of Apocalypse are either surnamed Lang, or Yinsha, or Xun.

Ning Tao did not intend to do so. He knew the old man's surname, and he decided to return the old man's name to the old man. In the future, his followers will also retain the names of previous lives, even if they no longer remember things in the previous life, but they will remember their names.

One after another, the magpies flew out of the vortex of the enchanted magic circle, turning into a bubble that can only measure, suspended in the void of the enlightenment hall. Inside each energy bubble is a believer god, some of them are old people, some are young and middle-aged, some are women and children. The number of children is small and this is normal. Who can expect a playful child to have a devout belief in a certain deity? Only a few special cases can come here.

Ning Tao roughly counted it. This time, the activation of the Enchanted Spirit Matrix actually attracted the souls of more than 300 believers from the fairyland. However, they are still in the energy bubble, and it will take some time to "break the cocoon".

A figure flew in from the gate of the Yingling Hall, and there was an instant scent in the Yingling Hall.

Lang Xianghun came, she did not kneel, but stood beside Ning Tao, staring in surprise with a bubble floating in the void.

This is not that she is not religious enough, and she does not kneel when she sees her, but that she has a very special relationship with her god. The turtle and rabbit race more often, and the turtle and rabbit will become close friends.

"Xiang Soul, did you come here this way?" Ning Tao was curious about how the Sky Temple got the believers and the people.

Lang Xianghun recalled for a moment before saying, "That memory is a bit fuzzy, but the Spirit Hall of the Sky Temple is not the same as here."

"What's different?" Ning Tao asked. The last time he went to the Sky Temple, he only went to the reincarnation house, and there were three temples and the Sky Temple. He didn't go to the Ying Ling Temple, and that place was not under the jurisdiction of Lang Xianghun. Inside.

Lang Xianghun went on to say: "There are not only magic arrays, but also a lot of magical instruments in the Temple of Heroes of the Sky Temple. Weak souls will be screened out, and they will only leave the strongest and most religious."

Ning Tao recalled all the gods he had seen in the city of Apocalypse, as Lang Xianghun said, almost all of them were young and middle-aged, strong without exception, and had a fervent belief in the goddess of wisdom, Hemia. .

"For example, if this old man is in the Ying Ling Temple of the Sky Temple, he has no chance to become a god. He will be screened, poured into the brain, and become a humble iron man." Lang Xianghun said: "Those guys in the Temple of the Sky's Spirit call this kind of thing a defective product."

Ning Tao said: "This is not the Sky Temple, and I will not give up any believer."

Lang Xianghun looked at Ning Tao, his eyes were full of worship and affection: "You are a good and good God, and your people are happy."

Ning Tao smiled: "I'll pay you here. They had a name before they died. Give them back the name."

"Well, I will do well." Lang Xianghun said.

Ning Tao's gaze moved to a bubble that could only be measured, watching each of the worshippers and worshippers who worshiped him, and said, "Go back and place some idols in the Hall of Spirits, this will help strengthen their beliefs, They will soon emerge from the cocoon. "

"Well, I'm going to find Lingyu, and let her find a craftsman to carve a statue." Lang Xianghun said and walked away.

She is the kind of woman who has a clear separation of work and life. She can penetrate into the human body when sticking to people in life, but she is not pretentious at work. There is no doubt that she is a powerful assistant and very competent. Priestess. Otherwise, she cannot be favored by the Temple of the Sky and be the person in charge of the reincarnation institute.

Ning Tao came to the gate of the Yingling Hall ~ ~ He saw that Lingyu was leading the believers to worship God. For such a period of time, the Trinity Ding and his God-level seal did not know how much energy was absorbed . Refining the **** crystal naturally does not need so many **** crystals, but the **** body is needed.

With such "benefit" and enhancement, it won't be long before he can go to the fairy world to single out the fairy, and he can't wait to let that guy taste the taste of his pan.

Lang Xianghun went to Lingyu's side and talked to her.

Ning Tao didn't go out, he retreated to the Hall of Heroes, opened a door of convenience, and then returned to the Temple of Sending Children.

"Ning Aiqing, I also saw the gods, how about letting me brainwash them? I write a scripture for them and teach them how to recite them?" Said Zhe Er.

Ning Tao was a little speechless: "Just be honest. Don't put up any scriptures. I'll go out."

"Ning Aiqing, where are you going?" Zong Er wanted to follow.

Ning Tao did not return to it, came to the lock wall, opened a door of convenience, and walked in.

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